That's the thing ! More consistent drivers ! I mean it is hard to host a season or have this kind of ranking if each time we're only 2 or 3 drivers...
Seeing people posting shows everybody that things happening with GTPSP, there will be a bigger interest in TAC because potential competitors can identify themselves to one of us : I'm as fast as he is... hey I 'm faster than him ! I'll give it a shot !
Then the community is growing, everyone feel at ease cause you can find someone who is as fast as you and you have your own competition inside the big one
! I remember previous TAC season : Glubags and PiTch_ (Lion-Face level) had their battle, I had mine with Detroitbb (and still have -even if he doesn't have much time to play, he can do amazing things in a short notice), overheating and barny0111 had theirs !
This is how it becomes a fun community ! Now, if people don't post their times, whatever their reasons are, other members / potential members will think : well only 2-3 guys... what's the point ?
So, by not posting, we're missing great opportunities to grow ! And the less competitors we are, the less motivating it is !
When Fuchur said he felt too slow and didn't post, when you SkiggitySk@, for week 01, didn't post, well you might have just missed opportunities for yourself to find someone that would be as fast as you are and might even want to to challenge you ! I know, with some cars it is hard to run a fast lap (that's why we're running Race Cars most of the time : basically great cars), also because you don't really like the car : like me, the Enzo Ferrari gave me a hard time, but I made peace with her and now thanks to her I developped a new technic that helping me with other cars !!! And if I didn't like the week 04 at the very beginning -to tell the truth- I liked it at the end and I'll even run the Enzo again because if I can master her in a specicifc track, any other powerful cars will seem to have so much more grip that it will be easier for me to run fast times with ! And the more you compete, the less time you need to run fast laps !
To sum up : all clean laps are respectable laps, the more you compete, the faster you get, the more you post, the more chance we have to see our community growing and have more fun with our own little battle in the big battle, and we might be able to run again TAC seasons !
If you've got time, please have a look to the WRS results in the
GTPlanet TAC Leaderboards Attack : WRS Leaderboards Attack ! thread :
Week 7 : 1st 2:47.551 - last 2:58.697 (- 0:11.146 !!!)
Week 9 ; 1st 2:15.836 - last 2:24.058 (- 0:08.222 !!!)
That's why I said " you think you're too slow, how do you know that ?" because to me, you're not that slow !!! And you will improve very fast !!!
For week 01, SkiggitySk@ you had a 1'41.253 two days before deadline and we had streetcleaner had a 1'41.2xx too !!! Both of you didn't post, what a shame, they are great times !!! And who knows what would have happened if one of you posted his time ? Maybe the other would have posted too and now you would be running against each other ! But both of you didn't post, I guess it is because of the times Detroitbb, Lion-Face and I posted... Detroitbb's laptimes didn't stop streetcleaner to say he has a 1'41.2xx, but seeing Lion-Face and my times then, no other times... might be the reason he didn't post !
For week 04 we had PJ-FFL with a very fast 1'15.751, lukeconnelly with a respectable 1'20.895, but then disappeared ! Fuchur told us he had a 1.15.6xx !
Best laptimes were 1:14.864 (Lion-Face) and 1'15.162 (me) ! So 1'15.751, 1'15.6xx and 1'15.162 that's very close ! It is just a matter of one or two corners here !
Again : the more we post, the more chance we have to attract people, find people that have our level and we'll have much more motivation and fun ! I mean I don't try to be THE fastest guy -if it was so I should quit right now
-, I'm trying to improve my skills each event we have and try to be faster than Detroitbb, and catch up with Lion-Face ! The only way I have to do so is by running and running !
I hope you understand now why it is important for everyone to post your time when you have one clean lap, even if it's slower than what you can see ! By posting yours, you might encourage other to post theirs seeing that they're almost as fast as you ! And if you are the slowest at the very begininng, who cares ? It is your time, it's clean, it is respectable and it might be faster than a lot of other drivers !!! Believe in yourself and as SkiggitySk@ said I'll "open those challenges back up, give us all a chance to be men about this whole thing."
See you in the challenges
PS : while waiting for week 05, you could try out
GTPlanet TAC Leaderboards Attack : WRS Leaderboards Attack !...