
  • Thread starter zar831
I retire a driver when their performance isn't to great regardless of their arrow direction or the experience they have. I had a driver awhile back who simply could not get any better then 10th place. I tried about 17 different races and around 20 cars and the same results. He was around level 25, his win ratio was quite poor.
I retire a driver when their performance isn't to great regardless of their arrow direction or the experience they have. I had a driver awhile back who simply could not get any better then 10th place. I tried about 17 different races and around 20 cars and the same results. He was around level 25, his win ratio was quite poor.

Ok thanx
When the little arrow next to his name faces downwards.

That's waay too soon. Before too long, their "arrow" will point back up again. Its like they get worn out and need a break I guess. I've had the same drivers for a while and it seems the go through cycles.
Never. I have 6 drivers on my main account, all level 40, and when you put them online it freezes their arrow in their current position. So all of my guys are blue arrow. And I run the crap out of them in remote b-spec.

What I've experienced is this. If you hire a cold driver (slider towards blue) he does best if you get him in the front and leave him alone. If you hire a hot driver (slider towards red) he does best under pressure. For remote b-spec, you want hot drivers because the cars are very equal and the pressure is always there. My cold guy, who was awesome for b-spec in the game because I put him in "kill" cars, is the worst remote driver I have. My hot-head who sucked at in-game b-spec because I had to babysit him all the time, has the highest win ratio of all my drivers, was the last guy I hired, and has more wins than my cold guy who I've had since day one. But I'll never retire any driver on my main account.
Only retire a driver if his performance is consistently not what you want it to be no point in retuiring a driver that has a full career bar as his experience is very high and has a better chance of winning races against others. I intend on getting all 6 of my drivers upto full career. If you have a look at the bottom of there profile thing and see which drivers have won more races or percentage of races they can vary dramatically get rid of any that are slacking . if all of your drivers are for example level 34 and 4 have won 100 out of 1000 b-spec races online and 2 have only won 60 then i would get rid of them.
I have just retired a driver and started a fresh one i will be completeing his carreer before setting him online.