Reverse Gear - Car Reviews and Comparisons: GT by Citroen Road Car

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Reverse Gear
Car Reviews and Comparisons
By: Gooners​

Welcome to Reverse Gear. Here I put cars through their paces, find out which ones are amazing to drive, and which ones you should stay away from.

All cars tested are fully stock, unless they come with adjustable parts by default. The tires used are completely stock too.

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GT by Citroen Road Car

It took me a long time to figure out which car to review first. With over a thousand, there was a lot of hair pulling and table flipping trying to zero in on one special car. Then one night the answer suddenly clicked 💡, why not start with something designed by the very people that brought us this game we love (and in my case, a big part of my childhood)?


Designed in collaboration with Citroen, this is a fantasy come true. And the first thing you notice when you first lay your eyes on this car is the looks. Its head turning, jaw dropping, stop-whatever-you’re-doing-and-look-at-me looks :drool:. This car is simply a magnificent looking beast, though I wouldn’t use the word beautiful for it, at least not the classical sense of that word. Don’t know what I’m on about? Well let me put it this way; you would never expect this car to show up in the next Bond movie. It’s just not classy enough. But I wouldn’t be surprised if I saw this in Batman or Knight Rider :lol:. The armour-like monocoque design just sort of “flows” from the front to the back, with the wide front profile and slit-like headlights giving it a very menacing look. It is the same story at the back too, with the rear tapering off handsomely to complement the overall design of the car. The thing that impresses me the most about the design is the fact that even though the car’s been designed for maximum downforce and aerodynamic efficiency; with the knife sharp door mirrors, a very flat windshield, and a carbon fibre front splitter, there has been no trade-off in the aesthetics department 👍. Even the rear diffusers are very well hidden.


It’s a very similar story inside the cockpit, i.e. everything looks outlandish and ahead of its time. The dashboard looks like it’s been made from space age materials, blending in together so seamlessly I can’t figure out where one section ends and another begins. You get a Formula 1 style steering wheel, about a gazillion switches in the center console, and a very cool speedometer, not unlike the target locking thingies you would find on a fighter jet. I honestly think it’s there to lock on to slower cars in front of you, and with a flick of a button blowing them up into smithereens, screaming “GET OUT OF MY WAY YOU MORTALS” :mischievous:. I called up Citroen, but they would neither confirm nor deny the possibility of adding such a feature in the future :sly:. What disappoints me inside the car is the cockpit view, or the lack thereof. The small surface area of the windscreen means you really struggle to see the racetrack and corner apex at higher speeds. There’s also no back window, so for the people who drive only in the cockpit view for super immersion, this can be sort of a buzzkill.

Ok, enough about the looks, let’s get down to how this thing drives. Built up the revs to 8000 RPM, let go of the brakes, and let the fury envelope me. I hit 100 kph (62 mph) in 4 seconds flat, destroyed the quarter mile in 11.7 seconds, and hit the 1 km mark in 20.6 seconds! That’s 458 Italia territory! In a car that has *just* 510 HP? But wait! It’s still accelerating :scared:??? Luckily I had a 10 km stretch of flat road all to myself :dopey:. This thing tops out at 338 kph (211 mph). That’s very, very impressive. It’s certainly not because it’s on a diet, it sits at 1450 kg. The secret to such ferocity is a naturally aspirated V8 engine that delivers huge dollops of power, and the aforementioned super-aerodynamic body. But strangely, even with all this overdose of speed, you don’t really feel it. The sound feels like is being actively deadened, and the result is a strangely flat sound that leaves you somehow wanting more. In addition to the auditory depravation, the engine just doesn’t feel urgent enough. I constantly had to check the speedometer to make sure I’m still accelerating :odd:. This quiet and super smooth engine would be more at home in a Rolls Royce, not a mid-engine performance supercar.


Its cornering characteristics are also very unique. Took it down to the Nurburgring GP/F track equipped with the stock Sports Hard tires, did a few laps, and can honestly say that I haven’t driven anything that drives like this. It is very, very easy to drive. This car comes with adjustable downforce up to 40 clicks on the front and 65 clicks on the rear as default, which means it can take mid and high speed corners with speeds you wouldn’t have thought were possible in a road car. I took the Schumacher S with a minimum speed of 160 kph (100 mph):scared:! The brakes too pack quite a punch, providing plenty of gut-wrenching stopping force, but then you really need it in this car. Come in even a little too hot into a corner, and bad understeer’s going make you its b****. And it’s terminal :ouch:. Which is why I got quickly tired of driving this car. Yes it is very fast, and in terms of outright lap time can obliterate most of its competition, but it is just a bore. Even when trying to get the back end out for some powersliding fun, it just felt I was forcing the car out of its comfort zone. It just felt plain awkward. This car forces you to drive the way it was designed to, and it definitely doesn’t like it when you mess around with it. Aaand to top it off, it costs 2,000,000 Cr :crazy:. What’s up with that? I get the fact that this was supposed to be a rare car in real life, with just 6 planned for production. But still 2,000,000? Crazy people.

This isn’t a concept; this is was a real car. But Citroen pulled the plug on the project before they all could be built and sold, choosing to divert their resources elsewhere. And this makes me go all :(. Yeah I don’t really like the way this thing drives, but I don’t think there are many cars that can keep up with this "instrument of speed" (yeah I watch a lot of Top Gear :lol:). Oh yeah and its killer looks too.

The Good
  • Definitely one of the best looking cars in the game.
  • Fast, crazy fast.
  • Easy to drive.
  • Unlike any other vehicle.

The Bad
  • The in car view is very restricted.
  • The sound leaves a lot to be desired.
  • Gets boring really quickly.

The Ugly
2 million credits for a road car? In the words of Kanye: "That **** cray"

Gooners’ Recommendation:
If you are a beginner and want a really fast and easy car to drive, go ahead and get this car to drive. Otherwise if you are a car collector or have some credits you want to get rid of, this will definitely be a great addition to your garage. But just keep it in there.

Very nice first review, have to say. Also have to say, I like the GIF style pictures. Nice touch. 👍 It's ok you watch a lot of Top Gear, a lot of the GT5 car reviewers here watch it too! (Me especially)

Not much to be said…you mentioned pretty much everything that could be said about that thing…now go bust your bank and try the EV version. 1800 torques from 0rpm. :dopey: :scared: :D

Oh, and welcome to the world of car reviewing, we hope you enjoy your stay. :dopey:
Very nice first review, have to say. Also have to say, I like the GIF style pictures. Nice touch. 👍 It's ok you watch a lot of Top Gear, a lot of the GT5 car reviewers here watch it too! (Me especially)

Not much to be said…you mentioned pretty much everything that could be said about that thing…now go bust your bank and try the EV version. 1800 torques from 0rpm. :dopey: :scared: :D

Oh, and welcome to the world of car reviewing, we hope you enjoy your stay. :dopey:

Thanks 👍. I just checked your work out too, and it's pretty well done. And maybe someday, I got some cool new ideas down the pipeline.

Misleading title. I literally thought you were going to review cars while driving backwards, haha.

:lol: I did do some reverse testing on this thing, but as you can see the review just got way to long :sly:.
:lol: I did do some reverse testing on this thing, but as you can see the review just got way to long :sly:.

In future tests of a high powered EV, run a drag race between the EV in question and a similarly powerful petrol car, only difference is that the EV is in reverse. Should make for some laughs. :lol: