RF Modulator help


I cant believe it is happening to me. First was the sound, I fixed it, now the image. I have a rf modulator hooked up. The box says it enhances image quality (I dont believe it). I just need it to hook up, anyways, the image can get so doggy that it jumps or lines appear, some kind of interference. What is going on, should I change its placement? Everything is connected to the power cord. Should I connect the rfu modulator on a single spot?
Er, first off, what are you modulating? The box might be tripping copy protection on DVDs (if that's what you're trying to do). What brand is the box?
A RF modulator will NOT improve image quality. In fact, using a RF modulator is the worst quality image you can get, especially from a game system or DVD player.

What are you connecting with the RF modulator? Like Risingson77 said, it might be Macrovision kicking in the copyright protection, if it is a DVD player. If it is a game console, the connections between the cables might be bad or the modulator might be malfunctioning.
Well... this tv is ancient as hell as I said.

So ancient that it supports electronic interference as the ps2 supports dolby surround sound.

Old stuff always have a trick to make them work, so in this case, I have to turn everything in the same order.

So, this is the order that I have to turn everything on.

2-PS2 (the second I turn on this, the RF modulator turns on)

If I screw up the order, I might was well consider playing with a lot of interference.

I am pretty sure that I am gonna dump this tv, because I tried hooking up in the other rf tv and it worked pretty good.

But first, I need to get a job to do that.