Ride height online!!

  • Thread starter Taz69
United States
OK so I know this is suppose to have been covered before but I checked it out and this is what I found. I took a 98 Lotus. It wants to spin out bad. I put race suspension on it and nothing else.. I keept the front at 0 and raised the rear to +25 and I could barely get it to spinout. It pushed bad and wouldnt turn very good but it wasnt spinning out.. When I raised the front to +15 and left the rear at 0 it spun out so bad I couldnt make a lap.. So there is NO doubt that haveing the rear taller than the front at any seting is going to help tighten a car up. And the front taller than the rear is going to help loosen a car up..I know life isnt like that but this game is. Now where I am haveing a slight problem is over all ride height.. I have an RX8 that does better with race suspension at 0/0 ride height than it does with anything lowered -20/-20.. The car just dosent want to be lowered anymore than what the race suspension comes stock.. Other cars love to be at the lowest ride height that the race suspension will allow.. It seems that every car likes a different final ride height with race suspension on.. Has anyone had a car that went faster raised a little above the stock setting with race suspension or are most cars at 0/0 or lower??? I run tuned street cars I know that some NASCAR tunes have the cars up in the air but has anyone had a tuned STREET CAR that went faster on raised racing suspension then it did at the stock racing suspension 0/0 setting??? Thanks for the input.
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No. But I have noticed that even on a 0/0 setting, the ride height will still be lower than stock. 0/0 is just the 'medium' of the race suspension, not the original height.
And aerodynamically, I haven't had any real life experience.... haven't really tested it because it's not easy to get up to speed on roads to test ride height. But in corners there's an obvious difference.
Yea I know race suspension 0/0 is lower than stock suspension 0/0.. Grand Valley, Trial Mountain, Deep Forest most tracks I race at some cars love to be all the way slamed while others want 0/0.. I am talking about all the cars with RACE suspension on.. And yea im talking about cornering the RX8 with race suspension spins out at -20/-20 but runs real good at 0/0 (this is with race suspension) Now it does better with springs being raised some and dampeners but if I lower the car it dosent like it no matter what spring you are running. Other cars just go faster all the way slammed ride height no matter what springs so it seems different every car..
At -20 ur bottoming out, meaning ur scraping the ground, of course you will spin, I never drop a car to the lowest setting.