Ride Height

  • Thread starter TetsuoSTI
Well i was looking at my car ( Subaru STI 02" ) and i have this car fully modded,! i mean fully modded with alll the stages. it run 8'244's on the 0-400m , and ive been trying to shave those 2 mila seconds off so i can run 7's . i lowered my ride hieght down to the lowest, which i think is 74 on that car. and i ran 8'249' :indiff: . now i see that lowering the car and raising it up makes a difference, now my question is , is it better to have the car higher or lower? for a 0-400m try out?
Didn't you just answer your own question? Experiment and see.
chassis downforce is what its called, for ur sabaru, try about 30mm higher in the back =)


i do rember than in another long thread chassis downforce was debunked and doesn't exist in gt4
The best way to tune for 1/4mile in a 4wd...look here..now make the suspension and DF the same as this 3000gt..which I can run in 7.900 @ 199mph.

Basically its Max front ride height and minimum rear ride height..Also the front springs are at max stiffness while the rears are at a minimum...Rear DF=30 while front is 0. ah...I spend much more time over there (gtvault) than I do here.But my favorite thing to do is setup the cars. :)