RIDOX Replica Garage-In Memory of TurnLeft-GT40,300ZX,F430,TVR,AEM S2000,Cizeta,TransAm Doug Nash

  • Thread starter Ridox2JZGTE
Well hello again my friend, guess what? :eek: I’ve just finished doing a review/test of your Honda NSX Type R ’92 tune. It’s taken more time than I would have wanted, but there’s only 24 hours a day and though I only sleep 5 to 6 hours, I have a few projects going on that require my presence, also I’m working on a few new tunes myself that should be ready for the year 2056.

Before starting I would just like to mention a few things,

1) All the lap times are recorded in total seconds, it makes it easier to do time based calculations that way. Speed and distance are in kmh, and meters
2) I am no expert in any way on tuning, replicas, or as a driver, so these are just my personal observations, opinions and lap times. oh and I use A PS3 controller.
3) If you find this to lengthy just sent me a message and I will edit it to your taste.
4) I’ve also included the other tests I’ve done with this car, I’m not including the brake tests because I’ve already posted it in another thread, and your well aware of the results.
5) Finally, I now think replicas are great, as tuning cars to the max of their potential even if it's not like IRL, one way or the other you have to know what your doing and to me the only goal in this game is to have fun. I love the challenges of trying different types of ways to tune a car, the only thing I don't like in the game is the Red Bull X Fan car, and that's because I can't drive that thing, I must be getting to old.

So here we go, the first thing I did was get some lap times on 5 different tracks, I used abs1, and sports hard tires, all aids off. It’s only after having done the Brake tests that I decided that after this car I'll be working with abs0 for tuning purposes. One more little thing, I calculate my average time by using my best 3 laps of a 9 lap session. The best lap gets 30%, 2nd & 3rd get 35% each on the total average.

1) The first pic is the lap times on each course, the second pic gives you the average time, speed and distance of the combined tracks. The gain/loss time and speed will compare the before/after on the following sections. The Best Average time is the selection of the test that gives the best results. The bottom section is the fastest laps done on each track.

01 STA 1.png 01 STA 2.png

2) We had a small discussion about the - standard - inchup 1 - inchup 2 wheels, so I’ve included the tests I’ve done with this. Does one give a real advantage, I doubt very much, will run the tests on other cars before deciding.
02 WHE 1.png 02 WHE 2.png

3) I also tested the different tire compounds and made a scale to see where each type of tire was situated.
03 TIR 1.png 03 TIR 2.png 03 TIR 3.png

4) You also mention on your tuning sheet to use a steering sensitivity of +1 or +2, so I’ve started doing tests with these but so far the results are not conclusive, again I'll be testing these more on other cars.
04 STE 1.png

5) Here are the results of different brake adjustments I tried, though the best results I had were with a BB of 8/6, I went on with a BB 6/5, just see how it would turn out in the end.
05 BRA 1.png 05 BRA 2.png 05 BRA 3.png 05 BRA 4.png

6) To match the real NSX weight distribution you added a ballast, I also wanted to know how different positions would work out on this car. You’ll notice that your gonna have to work extra hard to make this work because by reproducing the IRL balance the car becomes more unstable. ( you should thank PD, thanks to there small errors it's help you become quite agile at balancing suspension setups).
06 BAL 1.png 06 BAL 2.png 06 BAL 3.png

7) Mechanical Limited Slip Differential, now I understand the principle of this function, but I have no idea how you can adjust it to IRL setup, my knowledge on this matter is pretty limited, so I tried one of my own settings also. While replicating the real MLSD you actually made the car a little slower and less stable, so your now going to have to work super extra hard to make this work. ( I already know how this story ends, so don’t worry)
07 MLS 1.png 07 MLS 2.png 07 MLS 3.png

8) With the suspension fully loaded, I made a side test out of curiosity to see how the car would work with an alternate MLSD setting, so thats pic2 ( this is not used on the final average lap time analyzer), also I’ve taken the liberty of showing two different results on pic 4 & 5, the first one (pic4) has all the tracks used for the average time, on pic 5 I’ve taken out the results for daytona, it increases the difference dramatically.
08 SUS 1.png 08 SUS 2.png 08 SUS 3.png 08 SUS 4.png 08 SUS 5.png

9) Ridox VS Turnleft, just kidding, but I wanted to try the car out with abs0 & Comfort soft on Tsukuba, so much easier with abs1, really.
09 TIR 1.png

I was almost forgetting, there are two more tests that I forced that poor little NSX through, the first one is to get the top speed on every track using different cars, hopefully when I’ll have enough data I’ll be able to match a bunch of tracks to one transmission setup. The other is what I initially contacted you for, I want to make a car modeling algorithm, I know you don’t really believe in this but if it eventually works or not is not as important as the experience I’ll get from trying to understand the physics of GT6, which should help me make better tunings. So your car is the first official data entry in this experiment. I’m still at stage of trying to find different way of analyzing the cars data with different setups to then apply them to an other car.
Picture 1.png Picture 2.png Picture 4.png

10) Remember them,:nervous:

yeah time for the review,

Considering that you actually made the car less good by duplicating real life specs for the weight distribution and the MLSD, it’s damn freaking good what you pulled off with the suspension, I think that this is what I like about your replicas, you really have to understand how to tune a car, after you put yourself in a box full of limitations, if you can’t find a way to make it work you’ll be driving your car to the cemetery.

The feel of grip is excellent, not to much that you’ll feel like your is on a rail car, and not too loose that you’re cutting the grass and repainting the walls.

The stock transmission offers decent accelerations and top speeds I have no problems with leaving it that way.

The MLSD works well when the suspension is tuned, which made me ponder on the way each part affects the other, PD may have done some pretty good programming by making different parts dependable of each other, like IRL. Brakes, MLSD, Suspension, Aero, and Weight reduction all have some kind of effect on the other. Tires have an effect on all, and powering up is closely related to MLSD, aero, weight reduction/ballast, & transmission.

Brakes: abs0, this makes it more of a challenge, the BB seems very good (for me that is), as for abs1, this is my personal thought and may not be applicable to real replica cars, but from what I’ve tested you can basically start your BB at 10/10 and then roll off the front or rear value to balance the braking, this will give you the most braking power possible, another thing I've tried once was to use a wet track and brake in a straight line to see if the car would stay balanced,I'll try that again soon to see if it helps. As for using higher abs values I haven’t seen anybody use them, so I’m starting to test these, according to PD it should give more grip when braking in a curve while taking some out from the straight line, at least that’s what I understood, I could be wrong though.

Suspension: Excellent, if I were to be picky (I think I will :lol:), on Deep Forest the front of the car was a bit jumpy, if you look at my lap times after putting on the suspension setup, you’ll notice that my lap times are really not constant, it could be the drivers fault, and/or maybe the car was a bit sensitive to the bumps and gave me some trouble finding the best line, also might have been a bad day at the office. Back to Deep Forest, and this also applies to Autumn Ring, when turning on some curves you get a granular feel, feels like the wheels are jumping on the road, sort of like the feel you get IRL when you hit your brakes hard on a slippery road and the abs comes on. Not sure if this slows you down though. Last thing on Silverstone International, the first curve after the start, with the stock setup I can take that curve by letting go the gas about 1 second and than flooring it until the 130 degree slow curve. (sorry, don’t know the names of those curves). With the car tuned I couldn’t match that, but I don’t know if I was going slower there because my lap times were better, I should have saved my best laps on both setups to see what was happening, could be the MLSD was pushing me off (oversteer) but I could still have been going faster, anyway that’s just to be picky.

So in conclusion, you should retire, no seriously I have trouble finding cars that you have not done replicas off. Great job my friend 👍👍👍, I’ve started testing your Skyline and Civic, but it could be a while before I finish those, I’ve have about 10 cars that I’m tuning and running tests with so until next week when I come and pester you for some info on replicas (citroen 2cv), Take good care of yourself, have a good day.:bowdown:
@TurnLeft I am so jealous of your Excel ability!! I'm assuming you are using Excel. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Do you keep data on all your vehicles or do you only do this for special circumstances? I really want to log vehicle data like you are doing here (although I don't think I'd get quite as detailed as you are), but I possess only the most basic skills with Excel.

I found your in-depth testing and review fascinating. It's hard to dispute hard data. Of course, the data is only good if you are an above average driver who can drive with consistency. Usually, if you're consistent you're probably a pretty good driver too. Thank you for sharing your findings. I'm a bit of a geek when it comes to that kind of stuff, so as long as Ridox doesn't have a problem with it, I say keep it coming!

Finally, do you have a Tuning Garage of your own on GTPlanet? I know you mentioned that you are in the middle of crafting a couple of tunes yourself. I wouldn't mind testing your tunes if you publicly share them. If they're private tunes, I understand.
Chevrolet Corvette Stingray C7 '14 C7R Base Model
Early Build Replica ( NO Flat Floor ver. )

Special Build Replica of Corvette Stingray C7R Race Car
Sports Soft to Racing Hard

CAR : Chevrolet Corvette Stingray C7 '14
Tire : Sports Soft to Racing Hard

Horsepower: 510 HP at 6300 RPM
Torque: 492.6 ft-lb at 4800 RPM
Power Limiter at : 100%
Weight: 1245 kg
Ballast : 15 kg
Ballast Position : -49
Weight Distribution : 51 / 49 as in real life C6R
Performance Points: 557

NO Oil change
Improve Body Rigidity ( INSTALLED in this build ) - MANDATORY-
Aero Kits Type B
Custom Rear Wing :
Wing Mount Standard Type B
Wing Large Type B
Winglets Type A
Height -2 and Width +2
Wheels : Standard Size - BBS LM-R in Black Mica
Car Paint : Indy Yellow Pearl

Tuning Parts Installed :
Racing Exhaust
Isometric Exhaust Manifold
Suspension Fully Customizable Kit
Adjustable LSD
Twin Plate Clutch
Carbon Drive Shaft
Fully Customizable Dog Clutch Transmission
Weight Reduction Stage 3
Carbon Hood ( Body Color )
Window Weight Reduction
Racing Brakes Kit

Suspension -C7R Custom Coilover
Front, Rear

Ride Height: 95 95
Spring Rate: 17.00 18.00
Dampers (Compression): 6 5
Dampers (Extension): 7 7
Anti-Roll Bars: 5 5
Camber Angle: 0.2 0.2 ( 0.00 all around for max grip )
Toe Angle: -0.07 0.07

Install all power parts
Set Default
Set Final to 4.020
Set Auto Max Speed to 280kmh / 174mph
Adjust each gear :
1st 3.170
2nd 2.071
3rd 1.647
4th 1.350
5th 1.143
6th 1.000
7th 0.660 ( IGNORE - for authenticity )
Final Gear : 2.800 ( adjust to track if necessary, recommended final 3.000, 3.300 and 3.700 )

LSD - 1.5 Way High Preload
Initial Torque : 27
Acceleration Sensitivity: 27
Braking Sensitivity: 13

Rear = 20 (MAX)

Brake Balance:
5/5 ( personal BB) or for ABS 0 wheel : 5/5, for ABS 1 5/5 or feel free to use your preferred brake balance.

Recommended setting for DS3 user :
Steering sensitivity at +1 or +2, all aids off, except ABS 1 ( if not comfortable with ABS 0 ) with 5/5 brake balance as starting point.

Notes :

C7R, the latest Corvette race car, based on very limited information from press release and preview, I made this early version replica. Specs of the real car only mention it has the same engine size as C6R with improved fuel economy and improved chassis rigidity as well as aerodynamics.

I used whatever power figure on NO oil change C7 with racing exhaust and exhaust manifold to give slight boost of torque over real C6R figure. 510HP and 492+ torque, with similar weight as C6R at 1245kg and 51/49 weight distribution.

Suspension has been tweaked for optimum balance, the car drives relatively easy with excellent mechanical grip. Spring are stiff at 17kg/18kg for racing tire fitment and will still drive well on sports tire.

LSD is 1.5 way, giving great turn in response and good traction on exit.

The car was tuned and tested at Tsukuba, Silverstone GP, Bathurst and Nordschleife.

Let me know if it needs any improvements.
ENJOY :cheers:
I decided to build your C7R Replica tonight. Boy, what a ride! This thing has mechanical grip for days. I have to admit I was a little skeptical when I was building this thing when I saw how stiff I had to make the springs. I was worried I would be bouncing all over the place, understeering through every corner. It's nice to report that wasn't the case at all. Even when I came into a corner a tad too hot, it was fairly painless to get the car pointed in the right direction with the brake and gas pedals.

You've got to love Corvette's for all the torque they put out. Occasionally, you'll find yourself glancing at the tachometer, wondering where you are in the gear because Vette's don't rev to the moon like your average exotic. Don't be fooled, however, because this Corvette is putting plenty of power down to the ground. In fact, I can't remember the last time I drove a lap around Nordschleife with only half-throttle being applied so often. Fret not, for those of you who insist on driving to the absolute edge. You absolutely can go full throttle in this car without much fear of spinning out thanks to it's near perfect balance and LSD.

I also drove this car around Ascari for several laps and while I wasn't necessarily pushing the car to it's limit on this track either, I feel confident in saying this Corvette C7R will plant itself on your Arcade Mode Time Trial Leaderboard if you do push her hard. The C7R can transfer weight very quickly to get through the twisty sections of Ascari so I'm sure it will also handle well on other technical tracks.

A big highlight of the C7R, in my opinion, is the fantastic braking. It takes a lot to get this car unbalanced in hard braking situations. Dare I say, you would almost have to be driving past the point of control to get this car unhinged during braking. With plenty of low-end torque and gobs of horsepower there really is no reason to ask more of this car than it can deliver. Just drive it smoothly, but deliberately, and you'll find yourself setting quite impressive lap times for it's PP value.

I'll need to spend some more time in this car, but on first impressions I think the C7R is an extremely well-rounded race car. If you find yourself in a situation where Sport Soft tires are mandatory, I think you'll still be satisfied with the performance, but I recommend driving this car with Racing Hard tires. The suspension is setup for Racing tires and unless necessary, I think you'll be best served sticking with what works best.
Well hello again my friend, guess what? :eek: I’ve just finished doing a review/test of your Honda NSX Type R ’92 tune. It’s taken more time than I would have wanted, but there’s only 24 hours a day and though I only sleep 5 to 6 hours, I have a few projects going on that require my presence, also I’m working on a few new tunes myself that should be ready for the year 2056.

Before starting I would just like to mention a few things,

1) All the lap times are recorded in total seconds, it makes it easier to do time based calculations that way. Speed and distance are in kmh, and meters
2) I am no expert in any way on tuning, replicas, or as a driver, so these are just my personal observations, opinions and lap times. oh and I use A PS3 controller.
3) If you find this to lengthy just sent me a message and I will edit it to your taste.
4) I’ve also included the other tests I’ve done with this car, I’m not including the brake tests because I’ve already posted it in another thread, and your well aware of the results.
5) Finally, I now think replicas are great, as tuning cars to the max of their potential even if it's not like IRL, one way or the other you have to know what your doing and to me the only goal in this game is to have fun. I love the challenges of trying different types of ways to tune a car, the only thing I don't like in the game is the Red Bull X Fan car, and that's because I can't drive that thing, I must be getting to old.

So here we go, the first thing I did was get some lap times on 5 different tracks, I used abs1, and sports hard tires, all aids off. It’s only after having done the Brake tests that I decided that after this car I'll be working with abs0 for tuning purposes. One more little thing, I calculate my average time by using my best 3 laps of a 9 lap session. The best lap gets 30%, 2nd & 3rd get 35% each on the total average.

1) The first pic is the lap times on each course, the second pic gives you the average time, speed and distance of the combined tracks. The gain/loss time and speed will compare the before/after on the following sections. The Best Average time is the selection of the test that gives the best results. The bottom section is the fastest laps done on each track.

View attachment 232468 View attachment 232469

2) We had a small discussion about the - standard - inchup 1 - inchup 2 wheels, so I’ve included the tests I’ve done with this. Does one give a real advantage, I doubt very much, will run the tests on other cars before deciding.
View attachment 232471 View attachment 232472

3) I also tested the different tire compounds and made a scale to see where each type of tire was situated.
View attachment 232473 View attachment 232474 View attachment 232475

4) You also mention on your tuning sheet to use a steering sensitivity of +1 or +2, so I’ve started doing tests with these but so far the results are not conclusive, again I'll be testing these more on other cars.
View attachment 232476

5) Here are the results of different brake adjustments I tried, though the best results I had were with a BB of 8/6, I went on with a BB 6/5, just see how it would turn out in the end.
View attachment 232477 View attachment 232478 View attachment 232479 View attachment 232480

6) To match the real NSX weight distribution you added a ballast, I also wanted to know how different positions would work out on this car. You’ll notice that your gonna have to work extra hard to make this work because by reproducing the IRL balance the car becomes more unstable. ( you should thank PD, thanks to there small errors it's help you become quite agile at balancing suspension setups).
View attachment 232483 View attachment 232484 View attachment 232485

7) Mechanical Limited Slip Differential, now I understand the principle of this function, but I have no idea how you can adjust it to IRL setup, my knowledge on this matter is pretty limited, so I tried one of my own settings also. While replicating the real MLSD you actually made the car a little slower and less stable, so your now going to have to work super extra hard to make this work. ( I already know how this story ends, so don’t worry)
View attachment 232488 View attachment 232489 View attachment 232490

8) With the suspension fully loaded, I made a side test out of curiosity to see how the car would work with an alternate MLSD setting, so thats pic2 ( this is not used on the final average lap time analyzer), also I’ve taken the liberty of showing two different results on pic 4 & 5, the first one (pic4) has all the tracks used for the average time, on pic 5 I’ve taken out the results for daytona, it increases the difference dramatically.
View attachment 232491 View attachment 232492 View attachment 232493 View attachment 232494 View attachment 232495

9) Ridox VS Turnleft, just kidding, but I wanted to try the car out with abs0 & Comfort soft on Tsukuba, so much easier with abs1, really.
View attachment 232497

I was almost forgetting, there are two more tests that I forced that poor little NSX through, the first one is to get the top speed on every track using different cars, hopefully when I’ll have enough data I’ll be able to match a bunch of tracks to one transmission setup. The other is what I initially contacted you for, I want to make a car modeling algorithm, I know you don’t really believe in this but if it eventually works or not is not as important as the experience I’ll get from trying to understand the physics of GT6, which should help me make better tunings. So your car is the first official data entry in this experiment. I’m still at stage of trying to find different way of analyzing the cars data with different setups to then apply them to an other car.
View attachment 232498 View attachment 232499 View attachment 232500

10) Remember them,:nervous: View attachment 232501

yeah time for the review,

Considering that you actually made the car less good by duplicating real life specs for the weight distribution and the MLSD, it’s damn freaking good what you pulled off with the suspension, I think that this is what I like about your replicas, you really have to understand how to tune a car, after you put yourself in a box full of limitations, if you can’t find a way to make it work you’ll be driving your car to the cemetery.

The feel of grip is excellent, not to much that you’ll feel like your is on a rail car, and not too loose that you’re cutting the grass and repainting the walls.

The stock transmission offers decent accelerations and top speeds I have no problems with leaving it that way.

The MLSD works well when the suspension is tuned, which made me ponder on the way each part affects the other, PD may have done some pretty good programming by making different parts dependable of each other, like IRL. Brakes, MLSD, Suspension, Aero, and Weight reduction all have some kind of effect on the other. Tires have an effect on all, and powering up is closely related to MLSD, aero, weight reduction/ballast, & transmission.

Brakes: abs0, this makes it more of a challenge, the BB seems very good (for me that is), as for abs1, this is my personal thought and may not be applicable to real replica cars, but from what I’ve tested you can basically start your BB at 10/10 and then roll off the front or rear value to balance the braking, this will give you the most braking power possible, another thing I've tried once was to use a wet track and brake in a straight line to see if the car would stay balanced,I'll try that again soon to see if it helps. As for using higher abs values I haven’t seen anybody use them, so I’m starting to test these, according to PD it should give more grip when braking in a curve while taking some out from the straight line, at least that’s what I understood, I could be wrong though.

Suspension: Excellent, if I were to be picky (I think I will :lol:), on Deep Forest the front of the car was a bit jumpy, if you look at my lap times after putting on the suspension setup, you’ll notice that my lap times are really not constant, it could be the drivers fault, and/or maybe the car was a bit sensitive to the bumps and gave me some trouble finding the best line, also might have been a bad day at the office. Back to Deep Forest, and this also applies to Autumn Ring, when turning on some curves you get a granular feel, feels like the wheels are jumping on the road, sort of like the feel you get IRL when you hit your brakes hard on a slippery road and the abs comes on. Not sure if this slows you down though. Last thing on Silverstone International, the first curve after the start, with the stock setup I can take that curve by letting go the gas about 1 second and than flooring it until the 130 degree slow curve. (sorry, don’t know the names of those curves). With the car tuned I couldn’t match that, but I don’t know if I was going slower there because my lap times were better, I should have saved my best laps on both setups to see what was happening, could be the MLSD was pushing me off (oversteer) but I could still have been going faster, anyway that’s just to be picky.

So in conclusion, you should retire, no seriously I have trouble finding cars that you have not done replicas off. Great job my friend 👍👍👍, I’ve started testing your Skyline and Civic, but it could be a while before I finish those, I’ve have about 10 cars that I’m tuning and running tests with so until next week when I come and pester you for some info on replicas (citroen 2cv), Take good care of yourself, have a good day.:bowdown:

I'm speechless :bowdown: So many chart and numbers, and it took me a long time to digest just a few of them :lol: I am bad in maths :lol: So, the NSX is not fast, but great to drive :P If you are this good in documenting test laps, crunching numbers, you are even better tuner than me :), all you need is more tuning hours, get to know the cars and I'm sure your tunes would be close to perfect. For example, the NSX, by using the charts and datas collected, you could build a different version of tune which takes the best part and minimize the weakness, from weight distribution, BB, LSD and suspension.

I decided to build your C7R Replica tonight. Boy, what a ride! This thing has mechanical grip for days. I have to admit I was a little skeptical when I was building this thing when I saw how stiff I had to make the springs. I was worried I would be bouncing all over the place, understeering through every corner. It's nice to report that wasn't the case at all. Even when I came into a corner a tad too hot, it was fairly painless to get the car pointed in the right direction with the brake and gas pedals.

You've got to love Corvette's for all the torque they put out. Occasionally, you'll find yourself glancing at the tachometer, wondering where you are in the gear because Vette's don't rev to the moon like your average exotic. Don't be fooled, however, because this Corvette is putting plenty of power down to the ground. In fact, I can't remember the last time I drove a lap around Nordschleife with only half-throttle being applied so often. Fret not, for those of you who insist on driving to the absolute edge. You absolutely can go full throttle in this car without much fear of spinning out thanks to it's near perfect balance and LSD.

I also drove this car around Ascari for several laps and while I wasn't necessarily pushing the car to it's limit on this track either, I feel confident in saying this Corvette C7R will plant itself on your Arcade Mode Time Trial Leaderboard if you do push her hard. The C7R can transfer weight very quickly to get through the twisty sections of Ascari so I'm sure it will also handle well on other technical tracks.

A big highlight of the C7R, in my opinion, is the fantastic braking. It takes a lot to get this car unbalanced in hard braking situations. Dare I say, you would almost have to be driving past the point of control to get this car unhinged during braking. With plenty of low-end torque and gobs of horsepower there really is no reason to ask more of this car than it can deliver. Just drive it smoothly, but deliberately, and you'll find yourself setting quite impressive lap times for it's PP value.

I'll need to spend some more time in this car, but on first impressions I think the C7R is an extremely well-rounded race car. If you find yourself in a situation where Sport Soft tires are mandatory, I think you'll still be satisfied with the performance, but I recommend driving this car with Racing Hard tires. The suspension is setup for Racing tires and unless necessary, I think you'll be best served sticking with what works best.

Always good to hear that my replica works well, that means I won't have to fix the car :lol: :D My last play was quite short, I had a chance to drive the Corvette '96 Grand Sport, and used some datas from my research, it was a nice drive, the car is heavy, but very reactive on the limit. Also managed to build a early base setup for it with 2 different sets of spring rate based on real life spec of different springs used on older models which was stiffer as the C4 gradually gets softer on later years.

I also got a few laps on another HKS car, suggested by @CyKosis1973, the Evo build was running smoothly, got 3 version base setup made, one with AYC ( authentic replica ), one with Cusco LSD, and another with RALLIART Gr A sequential gearbox + LSD.

I will post the Focus Fortune Auto and BMW M3 GT4 when I play next time.
I'm speechless :bowdown: So many chart and numbers, and it took me a long time to digest just a few of them :lol: I am bad in maths :lol: So, the NSX is not fast, but great to drive :P If you are this good in documenting test laps, crunching numbers, you are even better tuner than me :), all you need is more tuning hours, get to know the cars and I'm sure your tunes would be close to perfect. For example, the NSX, by using the charts and datas collected, you could build a different version of tune which takes the best part and minimize the weakness, from weight distribution, BB, LSD and suspension.

One thing that I learned from testing your NSX is that every tune is a recipe, you can test every part individually and choose the best setup for each and the results may not be the best, I've tried so many cars in the "Difficult Car Of The Month" and though the setups were sometimes dramatically different, the results were sometimes very close, if you add salt to your potatoes before cooking them versus adding after they are cooked it will not be the same. When I first tested the MLSD and tried an alternate setting, I was getting a little more than .5 second faster, but after the putting on the suspension setup, it dropped to .2 second faster, I think that most parts are interrelated, and that after tuning a new part it may be effective to retest the previous parts that we adjusted, but hell, it might take a year to finish a tuning and PD will have changed the physics 4 times during that time. The thing I like about Replicas is that you start off with some preset settings and you have to find the solutions with the available adjustable parts, and importantly, if you have the lap times of the IRL, you have to reach those but not beat them by too much or else it won't be a replica. I wish days had 72 hours so I could do more of the things I like. It's fun to make cars faster, it's also great fun making pieces of art, and to me most of your replicas are just that, great art, and quite a few times they have been very fast as you know from some "FITT" and "Difficult Car of the month" competitions you've posted.

@ ALB123 : thanks for the kind words, I will send you a personal message regarding your questions.
Well hello again my friend, guess what? :eek: I’ve just finished doing a review/test of your Honda NSX Type R ’92 tune. It’s taken more time than I would have wanted, but there’s only 24 hours a day and though I only sleep 5 to 6 hours, I have a few projects going on that require my presence, also I’m working on a few new tunes myself that should be ready for the year 2056.

Before starting I would just like to mention a few things,

1) All the lap times are recorded in total seconds, it makes it easier to do time based calculations that way. Speed and distance are in kmh, and meters
2) I am no expert in any way on tuning, replicas, or as a driver, so these are just my personal observations, opinions and lap times. oh and I use A PS3 controller.
3) If you find this to lengthy just sent me a message and I will edit it to your taste.
4) I’ve also included the other tests I’ve done with this car, I’m not including the brake tests because I’ve already posted it in another thread, and your well aware of the results.
5) Finally, I now think replicas are great, as tuning cars to the max of their potential even if it's not like IRL, one way or the other you have to know what your doing and to me the only goal in this game is to have fun. I love the challenges of trying different types of ways to tune a car, the only thing I don't like in the game is the Red Bull X Fan car, and that's because I can't drive that thing, I must be getting to old.

So here we go, the first thing I did was get some lap times on 5 different tracks, I used abs1, and sports hard tires, all aids off. It’s only after having done the Brake tests that I decided that after this car I'll be working with abs0 for tuning purposes. One more little thing, I calculate my average time by using my best 3 laps of a 9 lap session. The best lap gets 30%, 2nd & 3rd get 35% each on the total average.

1) The first pic is the lap times on each course, the second pic gives you the average time, speed and distance of the combined tracks. The gain/loss time and speed will compare the before/after on the following sections. The Best Average time is the selection of the test that gives the best results. The bottom section is the fastest laps done on each track.

View attachment 232468 View attachment 232469

2) We had a small discussion about the - standard - inchup 1 - inchup 2 wheels, so I’ve included the tests I’ve done with this. Does one give a real advantage, I doubt very much, will run the tests on other cars before deciding.
View attachment 232471 View attachment 232472

3) I also tested the different tire compounds and made a scale to see where each type of tire was situated.
View attachment 232473 View attachment 232474 View attachment 232475

4) You also mention on your tuning sheet to use a steering sensitivity of +1 or +2, so I’ve started doing tests with these but so far the results are not conclusive, again I'll be testing these more on other cars.
View attachment 232476

5) Here are the results of different brake adjustments I tried, though the best results I had were with a BB of 8/6, I went on with a BB 6/5, just see how it would turn out in the end.
View attachment 232477 View attachment 232478 View attachment 232479 View attachment 232480

6) To match the real NSX weight distribution you added a ballast, I also wanted to know how different positions would work out on this car. You’ll notice that your gonna have to work extra hard to make this work because by reproducing the IRL balance the car becomes more unstable. ( you should thank PD, thanks to there small errors it's help you become quite agile at balancing suspension setups).
View attachment 232483 View attachment 232484 View attachment 232485

7) Mechanical Limited Slip Differential, now I understand the principle of this function, but I have no idea how you can adjust it to IRL setup, my knowledge on this matter is pretty limited, so I tried one of my own settings also. While replicating the real MLSD you actually made the car a little slower and less stable, so your now going to have to work super extra hard to make this work. ( I already know how this story ends, so don’t worry)
View attachment 232488 View attachment 232489 View attachment 232490

8) With the suspension fully loaded, I made a side test out of curiosity to see how the car would work with an alternate MLSD setting, so thats pic2 ( this is not used on the final average lap time analyzer), also I’ve taken the liberty of showing two different results on pic 4 & 5, the first one (pic4) has all the tracks used for the average time, on pic 5 I’ve taken out the results for daytona, it increases the difference dramatically.
View attachment 232491 View attachment 232492 View attachment 232493 View attachment 232494 View attachment 232495

9) Ridox VS Turnleft, just kidding, but I wanted to try the car out with abs0 & Comfort soft on Tsukuba, so much easier with abs1, really.
View attachment 232497

I was almost forgetting, there are two more tests that I forced that poor little NSX through, the first one is to get the top speed on every track using different cars, hopefully when I’ll have enough data I’ll be able to match a bunch of tracks to one transmission setup. The other is what I initially contacted you for, I want to make a car modeling algorithm, I know you don’t really believe in this but if it eventually works or not is not as important as the experience I’ll get from trying to understand the physics of GT6, which should help me make better tunings. So your car is the first official data entry in this experiment. I’m still at stage of trying to find different way of analyzing the cars data with different setups to then apply them to an other car.
View attachment 232498 View attachment 232499 View attachment 232500

10) Remember them,:nervous: View attachment 232501

yeah time for the review,

Considering that you actually made the car less good by duplicating real life specs for the weight distribution and the MLSD, it’s damn freaking good what you pulled off with the suspension, I think that this is what I like about your replicas, you really have to understand how to tune a car, after you put yourself in a box full of limitations, if you can’t find a way to make it work you’ll be driving your car to the cemetery.

The feel of grip is excellent, not to much that you’ll feel like your is on a rail car, and not too loose that you’re cutting the grass and repainting the walls.

The stock transmission offers decent accelerations and top speeds I have no problems with leaving it that way.

The MLSD works well when the suspension is tuned, which made me ponder on the way each part affects the other, PD may have done some pretty good programming by making different parts dependable of each other, like IRL. Brakes, MLSD, Suspension, Aero, and Weight reduction all have some kind of effect on the other. Tires have an effect on all, and powering up is closely related to MLSD, aero, weight reduction/ballast, & transmission.

Brakes: abs0, this makes it more of a challenge, the BB seems very good (for me that is), as for abs1, this is my personal thought and may not be applicable to real replica cars, but from what I’ve tested you can basically start your BB at 10/10 and then roll off the front or rear value to balance the braking, this will give you the most braking power possible, another thing I've tried once was to use a wet track and brake in a straight line to see if the car would stay balanced,I'll try that again soon to see if it helps. As for using higher abs values I haven’t seen anybody use them, so I’m starting to test these, according to PD it should give more grip when braking in a curve while taking some out from the straight line, at least that’s what I understood, I could be wrong though.

Suspension: Excellent, if I were to be picky (I think I will :lol:), on Deep Forest the front of the car was a bit jumpy, if you look at my lap times after putting on the suspension setup, you’ll notice that my lap times are really not constant, it could be the drivers fault, and/or maybe the car was a bit sensitive to the bumps and gave me some trouble finding the best line, also might have been a bad day at the office. Back to Deep Forest, and this also applies to Autumn Ring, when turning on some curves you get a granular feel, feels like the wheels are jumping on the road, sort of like the feel you get IRL when you hit your brakes hard on a slippery road and the abs comes on. Not sure if this slows you down though. Last thing on Silverstone International, the first curve after the start, with the stock setup I can take that curve by letting go the gas about 1 second and than flooring it until the 130 degree slow curve. (sorry, don’t know the names of those curves). With the car tuned I couldn’t match that, but I don’t know if I was going slower there because my lap times were better, I should have saved my best laps on both setups to see what was happening, could be the MLSD was pushing me off (oversteer) but I could still have been going faster, anyway that’s just to be picky.

So in conclusion, you should retire, no seriously I have trouble finding cars that you have not done replicas off. Great job my friend 👍👍👍, I’ve started testing your Skyline and Civic, but it could be a while before I finish those, I’ve have about 10 cars that I’m tuning and running tests with so until next week when I come and pester you for some info on replicas (citroen 2cv), Take good care of yourself, have a good day.:bowdown:
OMG! :crazy: :scared: :lol: 👍
One thing that I learned from testing your NSX is that every tune is a recipe, you can test every part individually and choose the best setup for each and the results may not be the best, I've tried so many cars in the "Difficult Car Of The Month" and though the setups were sometimes dramatically different, the results were sometimes very close, if you add salt to your potatoes before cooking them versus adding after they are cooked it will not be the same. When I first tested the MLSD and tried an alternate setting, I was getting a little more than .5 second faster, but after the putting on the suspension setup, it dropped to .2 second faster, I think that most parts are interrelated, and that after tuning a new part it may be effective to retest the previous parts that we adjusted, but hell, it might take a year to finish a tuning and PD will have changed the physics 4 times during that time. The thing I like about Replicas is that you start off with some preset settings and you have to find the solutions with the available adjustable parts, and importantly, if you have the lap times of the IRL, you have to reach those but not beat them by too much or else it won't be a replica. I wish days had 72 hours so I could do more of the things I like. It's fun to make cars faster, it's also great fun making pieces of art, and to me most of your replicas are just that, great art, and quite a few times they have been very fast as you know from some "FITT" and "Difficult Car of the month" competitions you've posted.

@ ALB123 : thanks for the kind words, I will send you a personal message regarding your questions.

Being confined to real world limitation when tuning definitely a challenge :) Every car that I built, I usually spent at least 100km to 300km of tuning and test drive. Most of the time, researching about the car worth 50% of the time spent :D I still feel most of the cars I have built needs more work :P, never felt really happy with all of them, at times I want them to be perfect, no drama, easy to drive even by novice, but that is impossible when I want realistic driving experience ;) I will revisit the Ferrari F40 replica, just got my hand on US spec official documentation ( manual ) :D Will include the new data ( gearing. weight and alignment ) as alternative setup or might post a new version.

You should definitely get that car built, I can only imagine it will prove popular 👍


The car is a real life spec replica, it will have the same nose heavy distribution, the handling will be tuned for as close as possible to be neutral :P Early test run at Tsukuba, it managed 1:06s on CM tire with over 1450+kg, stock gearing and 350PS. AYC rules :D
One thing that I learned from testing your NSX is that every tune is a recipe, you can test every part individually and choose the best setup for each and the results may not be the best, I've tried so many cars in the "Difficult Car Of The Month" and though the setups were sometimes dramatically different, the results were sometimes very close, if you add salt to your potatoes before cooking them versus adding after they are cooked it will not be the same. When I first tested the MLSD and tried an alternate setting, I was getting a little more than .5 second faster, but after the putting on the suspension setup, it dropped to .2 second faster, I think that most parts are interrelated, and that after tuning a new part it may be effective to retest the previous parts that we adjusted, but hell, it might take a year to finish a tuning and PD will have changed the physics 4 times during that time. The thing I like about Replicas is that you start off with some preset settings and you have to find the solutions with the available adjustable parts, and importantly, if you have the lap times of the IRL, you have to reach those but not beat them by too much or else it won't be a replica. I wish days had 72 hours so I could do more of the things I like. It's fun to make cars faster, it's also great fun making pieces of art, and to me most of your replicas are just that, great art, and quite a few times they have been very fast as you know from some "FITT" and "Difficult Car of the month" competitions you've posted.

@ ALB123 : thanks for the kind words, I will send you a personal message regarding your questions.

One can see now why you may need 72 hrs in a day to gather all that data and charting as thoroughly as you have :crazy: :D, kudos to you with that effort. I think that Ridox could take this data and over time and refine his tunes even more so and it may provide the answer to that/those minor missing link/s that he may have been searching for in perfecting his replicas.
FORD Focus ST 2013 450PP
Fortune Auto Focus "Green Meanie Fiktion"

Special Build of Focus ST '13 450PP
Comfort Soft to Sports Medium

Willow Springs International Raceway - Big Willow_97.jpg

CAR : Ford Focus ST '13
Tire : Comfort Soft to Sports Medium

Horsepower: 272 HP at 5500 RPM
Torque : 267.8 ft-lb at 2500 RPM
Power Limiter at : 99.8%
Weight: 1280 kg
Ballast : 82 kg
Ballast Position : 50
Weight Distribution : 51 / 49 - fictional spec
Performance Points: 450

No Oil change
Improve Body Rigidity ( NOT INSTALLED ) - Optional
Wheels : Standard Size - RAYS TE37V in GT6 Polarized 034
Car Paint : GT6 Polarized 034 ( Mean Green ) or Taiga Metallic from BMW 2002 Turbo

Willow Springs International Raceway - Big Willow_99.jpg

Tuning Parts Installed :
Intake Tuning
Fully Customizable Suspension
Adjustable LSD
Twin Plate Clutch
Fully Customizable Dog Clutch Transmission
Weight Reduction Stage 3
Carbon Hood ( Body Color )
Window Weight Reduction

Suspension - Fortune Auto Dreadnought Pro Gen 5 Series 3 Way Racing Coilover Kit - Custom AutoX/Gymkhana/Sprint Spring Rate
Front 1" Drop and Rear 1.4" Drop
Optimum Alignment Setup

Front, Rear

Ride Height: 94 84
Spring Rate: 6.00 12.00
Dampers (Compression): 4 3
Dampers (Extension): 3 6
Anti-Roll Bars: 4 3 ( Optional Rear ARB at 4 for better response/tighter on quick direction changes/high speed curve )
Camber Angle: 1.6 2.0 ( Front camber : -1.30 +- 0.30, Rear Camber : -2.00+-0.00 )
Toe Angle: 0.10 0.20 ( Front Toe In : 0.10 +- 0.15, Rear Toe In : 0.16 +- 0.56 )

Alternative Toe for more ROTATION :
Toe Angle: 0.10 -0.40 ( Front Toe In : 0.10 +- 0.15, Rear Toe In : 0.16 +- 0.56 )
Increase rear toe out to suit your style / more rotation, stop increasing when the car is too twitchy/unstable on straight and entry. Too high rear toe out also might impact mid to exit rotation.

DOG CLUTCH TRANSMISSION - Corrected Stock GETRAG MMT6 Dual Output Shaft Ratio with Custom Final
Install all power parts
Set Default
Set Auto Max Speed at 280kmh / 174mph
Adjust each gear :
1st 3.231
2nd 1.952
3rd 1.321
4th 1.029
5th 0.821 - Actual Ratio : 1.129 with 2nd final drive 2.955
6th 0.685 - Actual Ratio : 0.943 with 2nd final drive 2.955
Set Final : 4.600 ( for low/medium speed track, use stock 4.063 for higher speed track or your own preferred ratio, adjust accordingly )

LSD - Traction Control Based Front Brake and Torque Vectoring Electronic LSD

Initial Torque : 5
Acceleration Sensitivity: 15
Braking Sensitivity: 5

OPTIONAL 2013 Model Year Replica LSD :
Initial Torque : 15
Acceleration Sensitivity: 23
Braking Sensitivity: 5

Willow Springs International Raceway - Big Willow_91.jpg

Brake Balance:
7/10 ( personal BB) or for ABS 0 wheel : 5/8, for ABS 1 - feel free to use your preferred brake balance.

Recommended setting for DS3 user :

Steering sensitivity at +1 or +2, all aids off, except ABS 1 ( if not comfortable with ABS 0 ) with 7/10 brake balance as starting point.

Notes :

The "Green Meanie Fiktion" is a special build at 450PP. The Focus ST received some fictional tuning, with better weight distribution at closer to 50/50, lighter weight at less than 1300kg, with power slightly bumped at 272HP to stay in the 450PP limit.

Suspension is based on Fortune Auto Dreadnought Pro Gen 5 Series Racing 3 Way Coilover Kit. The Coilover is strictly custom built according to the individual car/needs.

The rear suspension has less motion ratio than the front, so stock spring rate that came from factory in real life has slightly higher spring rate at the rear. The stock springs are mild setup for the street, while for this 450PP build, out of this world is the perfect word :lol:.

For this build a spring rate with AutoX/Sprint/Gymkhana in mind has been used. The front and rear springs are set by taking into account the rear motion ratio, rear spring rate has been increased to get more rear suspension frequency, thus increasing rotation. The recommended drop for street/track is about 1 inch at the front and 1.4 inch at the rear ( default drop for Fortune Auto 500 Series Kit for Focus ST )

Gearing still uses the corrected version from the replica, but the final has been tweaked to get better acceleration and less top speed, best suited for medium or low speed tracks. LSD also uses setup from 2014 Focus ST replica, with low lock, the traction might not be optimal on lower speed, but this gives less push under full throttle. For those who have better throttle control, use the 2013 Replica LSD listed above as optional, this will give much better response and traction at the expense of requiring better throttle modulation on corner exits.

The 450PP Green Meanie Fiktion has been tuned and tested at Nordschleife, Big Willow, Tsukuba, Ascari and Autumn Ring. At Autumn Ring, it can easily lap in 1:31s range on CS tire and stock 4.063 final.

Willow Springs International Raceway - Big Willow_89.jpg
Willow Springs International Raceway - Big Willow_93.jpg

Willow Springs International Raceway - Big Willow_95.jpg
Willow Springs International Raceway - Big Willow_98.jpg

UPDATE : Added alternative rear toe out for more rotation.
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|450PP|SH|Aids & ABS Off|
View attachment 233722
Autumn Ring​

How does the car handle ? :)

I just noticed on my short play when I post the Focus 450PP, that most of my replica toe value are incorrectly calculated :scared: Some of them are already in degree when I adapt them into GT6, but there are who uses minutes value, like the F40 and F430 :( So, I have to check all of them one by one, convert the toe from minutes to degree correctly. The value changed usually leads to higher toe in, some around 0.50 to 0.70 degrees, which is like in real life ( converted from mm to degree/minutes then to degree ) These are only for real world setup/alignment replicas.

I've also made a quick build of 288 GTO and 365GTB4 Daytone replica, they are also expert cars :P Lots of fun to drive at Big Willow.
How does the car handle ? :)

I've also made a quick build of 288 GTO and 365GTB4 Daytone replica, they are also expert cars :P Lots of fun to drive at Big Willow.
I've been itching for your 512BB Replica Tune and now you tell me that you also have GTO and 365GTB Replica Tune's in your vault?! Are you trying to give me a heart attack? :sly: So, when do you think you'll release those Ferrari Replica's? :D:D:D
I've been itching for your 512BB Replica Tune and now you tell me that you also have GTO and 365GTB Replica Tune's in your vault?! Are you trying to give me a heart attack? :sly: So, when do you think you'll release those Ferrari Replica's? :D:D:D

This weekend I going to be free to play :D The 512BB + 512BBi will have weight based on official Manual, might include no fuel weight as reported by owners as well :P The 365GTB sadly is too light when stock, the real car weigh a lot more at over 1500kg :eek:, so I will have to use max ballast. Even the 365 Competizione weighs more than 1400kg dry :D
How does the car handle ? :)

I just noticed on my short play when I post the Focus 450PP, that most of my replica toe value are incorrectly calculated :scared: Some of them are already in degree when I adapt them into GT6, but there are who uses minutes value, like the F40 and F430 :( So, I have to check all of them one by one, convert the toe from minutes to degree correctly. The value changed usually leads to higher toe in, some around 0.50 to 0.70 degrees, which is like in real life ( converted from mm to degree/minutes then to degree ) These are only for real world setup/alignment replicas.

I've also made a quick build of 288 GTO and 365GTB4 Daytone replica, they are also expert cars :P Lots of fun to drive at Big Willow.
It drives very well. I was close to win the Spa Seasonal too, with the same configuration but couldn't in the end. 👍

Just be sure with the calculations this time . :P ;) :cheers:
It drives very well. I was close to win the Spa Seasonal too, with the same configuration but couldn't in the end. 👍

Just be sure with the calculations this time . :P ;) :cheers:

Looking at the toe in degree converted from minutes, now I see that stock value at 0.60 is not really far off from typical street car factory alignment, particularly cars with toe in at above 3 or 4mm and have 15" to 18" wheel, NSX and F430 Scuderia for example.
I don't own the GT6 Polarized 034. :(

:( It's a special paint from 15th Anniversary Limited Edition. The closest one is metallic paint from BMW 2002 Turbo, Taiga Metallic, it's similar in hue, but no polarizing color effect.

I'm having dilemma, after a lot of researching, I trying to pick which weight to use, with full tank or no fuel ? I got accurate distribution numbers from scale output on full tank on some cars ( ferraris ). Does GT6 add fuel weight when a car is on track ? if yes, does it always 100 liters ( like when you pit for fuel when running empty in GT5 ) or GT6 simply reduce fuel weight as it used by the car when on track ( fuel consumption on ) ? I feel that the performance, mainly acceleration and top speed, as well as handling is much closer to real life with full tank weight used, even though most are still way too quick on quarter mile run :lol:
:( It's a special paint from 15th Anniversary Limited Edition. The closest one is metallic paint from BMW 2002 Turbo, Taiga Metallic, it's similar in hue, but no polarizing color effect.

I'm having dilemma, after a lot of researching, I trying to pick which weight to use, with full tank or no fuel ? I got accurate distribution numbers from scale output on full tank on some cars ( ferraris ). Does GT6 add fuel weight when a car is on track ? if yes, does it always 100 liters ( like when you pit for fuel when running empty in GT5 ) or GT6 simply reduce fuel weight as it used by the car when on track ( fuel consumption on ) ? I feel that the performance, mainly acceleration and top speed, as well as handling is much closer to real life with full tank weight used, even though most are still way too quick on quarter mile run :lol:
Thanks for the paint options. 👍

About the weight, I'd say to use the "no fuel" versions. It's like when you buy a brand new car, you won't get a car with full tank but just a few liters in it. :cheers:

PS: How can you keep the records about from who a paint you got from? :eek:

PS2: Can anybody tell me what happend with the forum's spell checker? It was very, very useful. :nervous: :mischievous:
Thanks for the paint options. 👍

About the weight, I'd say to use the "no fuel" versions. It's like when you buy a brand new car, you won't get a car with full tank but just a few liters in it. :cheers:

PS: How can you keep the records about from who a paint you got from? :eek:

PS2: Can anybody tell me what happend with the forum's spell checker? It was very, very useful. :nervous: :mischievous:

:P I think I'll use the no fuel as a base line, then add the full tank weight setup as alternative :D Best of both worlds. To get more realistic performance and weight distribution, full tank is always the best IMHO. I have driven the Ferrari GTO with full tank weight + distribution based on scale measurement by reputed US Ferrari Dealer, and it drives remarkably well ( the distribution is unlike any document on the web or written material :lol: Ferrari always mislead their real numbers )

Sorry about the spelling, needs some coffee to boost my brain function :lol:

As for the paint, I just happen to remember the color that I tried before using the polarized paint :P
:P I think I'll use the no fuel as a base line, then add the full tank weight setup as alternative :D Best of both worlds. To get more realistic performance and weight distribution, full tank is always the best IMHO. I have driven the Ferrari GTO with full tank weight + distribution based on scale measurement by reputed US Ferrari Dealer, and it drives remarkably well ( the distribution is unlike any document on the web or written material :lol: Ferrari always mislead their real numbers )

Sorry about the spelling, needs some coffee to boost my brain function :lol:

As for the paint, I just happen to remember the color that I tried before using the polarized paint :P
No, no, I'm sorry, it wasn't an irony about your spelling. I really miss the automatic spell checker (which isn't available any more :odd: ) when I write a message. :cheers:

For the Latest Ford: Wheels : Standard Size - RAYS TE37V
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I made it, on SS tyres! :) 👍
|450PP|SS|No Aids & ABS|Winner|
View attachment 234232
Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps​

Nice :) Did you have to block on the straight ? :lol:

Can anyone guess what tires in GT6 that is equivalent to the Toyo R888 275/305 used on the stock Z06 '03 ?

Stock 2003 Z06
275/305 Toyo R888
1:31.4 lap time
June 28 - 90*F ambient

I have made a replica of the Z06 C5 ( stock with real world setup ) long ago :D
Nice :) Did you have to block on the straight ? :lol:

Can anyone guess what tires in GT6 that is equivalent to the Toyo R888 275/305 used on the stock Z06 '03 ?

Stock 2003 Z06
275/305 Toyo R888
1:31.4 lap time
June 28 - 90*F ambient

I have made a replica of the Z06 C5 ( stock with real world setup ) long ago :D

Yes, I did block. :)
I'll watch the Youtube video tomorrow on PC. 👍

Edit: Snow tyres? :lol: :scared:
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Some of these are done / posted, the rest are completed just waiting to be posted :

BMW M3 GT4 ( ChromeLine version )
Ford Mustang FR500C Boy Racer GT4
Lancia Stratos Gr4 Rally Car
Ferrari 512 BB - real world alignment
H&R Audi R8 GT
TOM's Castrol Supra JGTC Suzuka Lap Record Holder
Calsonic Skyline JGTC
Mercedes 190E EVO Rally Tarmac
Peugeot 106 Rally
Mini Cooper 1275S MK I
and a host of GT4 cars - KTM, Miata, Z4, Porsche :)

Now I just need more time to play :lol:

then some tarmac/dirt rally car from the 80's and 90's,another GT3 car ( Italian ), Stratos Gr4 Rally, Supra Turbo Gr A,:P

@Ridox2JZGTE When you'll post this replica and ( if possible ) can I help you in works ?
@Ridox2JZGTE When you'll post this replica and ( if possible ) can I help you in works ?

I will post them all, slowly :( I only have short play time nowadays, but I will post at least 2 to 4 cars a week. They are all done, and thanks for the offer of helping me :P What I need most is feedback on the cars that I have posted, improving them. Right now, I'm focused on posting completed works, there are a few cars that I recently build too ( the Vette GS and HKS Evo ) They will be posted after I have done posting the M3 GT4, Porsche 996 GT4, H&R R8 GT and Gallardo SL LP570-4.
BMW Motorsport E92 M3 GT4 Replica
Tuned to replicate BMW E92 M3 GT4
Based on M3 Coupe Chrome Line
Sports Soft


CAR : BMW M3 Coupe Chrome Line
Tire : Sports Soft

Horsepower: 420 HP at 8500 RPM
Torque : 304.3 ft-lb at 5200 RPM
Power Limiter at : 90.8%
Weight: 1380 kg
Ballast : 4 kg
Ballast Position : -50
Weight Distribution : 50 / 50 - as in real life spec
Performance Points: 506

Specs - BOP SRO 2009 EURO + DUTCH GT 7% Minimum Power Reduction
Horsepower: 390 HP at 7100 RPM
Torque : 304.3 ft-lb at 5200 RPM
Power Limiter at : 84.4%
Weight: 1380 kg
Ballast : 4 kg
Ballast Position : -50
Weight Distribution : 50 / 50 - as in real life spec
Performance Points: 497

NO Oil change
Improve Body Rigidity ( INSTALLED IN THIS BUILD ) - MANDATORY as the real M3 GT4 are seam welded and has weld in cage.
Aero Kits Type A
Custom Rear Wing :
Wing Mount Standard Type D
Wing Large Type A
Winglets Large Type F
Height -2 and Width -17
Wheels : Standard Size BBS RE-MG in Silver
Car Paint : Mineral White ( from BMW M4 Coupe ) or any solid white.


Tuning Parts Installed :
Racing Exhaust
Triple Plate Clutch
Fully Customizable Dog Clutch Transmission
Adjustable LSD
Fully Customizable Suspension
Racing Brakes Kit
Weigh Reduction Stage 3
Carbon Hood ( Body Color )

Suspension - BMW MotorSport Coilover ( Eibach/Bilstein )
Front, Rear

Ride Height: 65 80
Spring Rate: 12.06 15.18
Dampers (Compression): 7 4
Dampers (Extension): 8 8
Anti-Roll Bars: 4 4
Camber Angle: 3.2 1.6
Toe Angle: -0.16 0.08


LSD - 2 Way BMW MotorSport Lamella LSD
Initial Torque : 24
Acceleration Sensitivity: 30
Braking Sensitivity: 30

OPTIONAL 1.5 Way Setup ( better turn in )
Initial Torque : 24
Acceleration Sensitivity: 30
Braking Sensitivity: 13

DOG CLUTCH TRANSMISSION - E92 M3 H Pattern 6 Speed with 4.44 Final
Install all power parts
Set Default
Set Final to 3.846
Set Auto Max Speed at 349kmh / 217mph
Adjust each gear :
1st 4.055
2nd 2.369
3rd 1.582
4th 1.192
5th 1.000
6th 0.872
Set Final 4.440

Rear : 20 ( Max )

Brake Balance:
4/5 ( personal BB) or for ABS 0 wheel : 3/4, for ABS 1 - feel free to use your preferred brake balance. I recommend to run 1 click higher at the rear.

Recommended setting for DS3 user :

Steering sensitivity at +1 or +2, all aids off, except ABS 1 ( if not comfortable with ABS 0 ) with 4/5 brake balance as starting point. Go higher if preferred, 5/6 for example.

Notes :

The BMW M3 GT4 is one of the competitor in European GT4 Cup. The car is very competitive for it's price range and has full support from BMW Motorsport division.

The replica is set at 420HP / 1380kg base setup. The 2009 BOP figure has also been included at 390HP. After 2010, the BOP power has been set at 420HP.

Suspension has been setup to replicate real life ride height, with springs aimed to counter the effect of lower front. This offers good balance in handling, very stable, but might need some trail braking to get the most of the car.

LSD is 2 way, with medium preload, and optional 1.5 way also included. The 1.5 way offers better turn in response. Gearing is based on stock 6 speed, still uses H pattern and the final has been changed to 4.44 for better performance.

The BMW M3 GT4 was tuned and tested at Tsukuba, Willow Springs, Silverstone GP and Red Bull Ring. At Silverstone GP, it can lap in 2:13s range on 1st lap :D

ENJOY :cheers:

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BMW Motorsport E92 M3 GT4 Replica
Tuned to replicate BMW E92 M3 GT4
Based on M3 Coupe '07
Sports Soft

CAR : BMW M3 Coupe '07
Tire : Sports Soft

Horsepower: 420 HP at 7800 RPM
Torque : 307.0 ft-lb at 4300 RPM
Power Limiter at : 94.1%
Weight: 1380 kg
Ballast : 55 kg
Ballast Position : -14
Weight Distribution : 50 / 50 - as in real life spec
Performance Points: 506

Specs - BOP SRO 2009 EURO + DUTCH GT 7% Minimum Power Reduction
Horsepower: 390 HP at 7100 RPM
Torque : 307.0 ft-lb at 4300 RPM
Power Limiter at : 87.5%
Weight: 1380 kg
Ballast : 55 kg
Ballast Position : -15
Weight Distribution : 50 / 50 - as in real life spec
Performance Points: 497

NO Oil change
Improve Body Rigidity ( INSTALLED IN THIS BUILD ) - MANDATORY as the real M3 GT4 are seam welded and has weld in cage.
Aero Kits Type A
Custom Rear Wing :
Wing Mount Standard Type D
Wing Large Type A
Winglets Large Type F
Height -2 and Width -17
Wheels : Standard Size BBS RE-MG in Silver
Car Paint : Mineral White ( from BMW M4 Coupe ) or any solid white.

Tuning Parts Installed :
Racing Exhaust
Triple Plate Clutch
Carbon Drive Shaft
Fully Customizable Dog Clutch Transmission
Adjustable LSD
Fully Customizable Suspension
Racing Brakes Kit
Weigh Reduction Stage 3
Carbon Hood ( Body Color )
Window Weight Reduction

Suspension - BMW MotorSport Coilover ( Eibach/Bilstein )
Front, Rear

Ride Height: 65 80
Spring Rate: 12.06 15.18
Dampers (Compression): 7 4
Dampers (Extension): 8 8
Anti-Roll Bars: 4 4
Camber Angle: 3.2 1.6
Toe Angle: -0.16 0.08

LSD - 2 Way BMW MotorSport Lamella LSD
Initial Torque : 24
Acceleration Sensitivity: 30
Braking Sensitivity: 30

OPTIONAL 1.5 Way Setup ( better turn in )
Initial Torque : 24
Acceleration Sensitivity: 30
Braking Sensitivity: 13

DOG CLUTCH TRANSMISSION - E92 M3 H Pattern 6 Speed with 4.44 Final
Install all power parts
Set Default
Set Final to 3.846
Set Auto Max Speed at 349kmh / 217mph
Adjust each gear :
1st 4.055
2nd 2.369
3rd 1.582
4th 1.192
5th 1.000
6th 0.872
Set Final 4.440

Rear : 20 ( Max )

Brake Balance:
4/5 ( personal BB) or for ABS 0 wheel : 3/4, for ABS 1 - feel free to use your preferred brake balance. I recommend to run 1 click higher at the rear.

Recommended setting for DS3 user :

Steering sensitivity at +1 or +2, all aids off, except ABS 1 ( if not comfortable with ABS 0 ) with 4/5 brake balance as starting point. Go higher if preferred, 5/6 for example.

Notes :

The BMW M3 GT4 is one of the competitor in European GT4 Cup. The car is very competitive for it's price range and has full support from BMW Motorsport division.

The replica is set at 420HP / 1380kg base setup. The 2009 BOP figure has also been included at 390HP. After 2010, the BOP power has been set at 420HP.

Suspension has been setup to replicate real life ride height, with springs aimed to counter the effect of lower front. This offers good balance in handling, very stable, but might need some trail braking to get the most of the car.

LSD is 2 way, with medium preload, and optional 1.5 way also included. The 1.5 way offers better turn in response. Gearing is based on stock 6 speed, still uses H pattern and the final has been changed to 4.44 for better performance.

The BMW M3 GT4 was tuned and tested at Tsukuba, Willow Springs, Silverstone GP and Red Bull Ring. At Silverstone GP, it can lap in 2:13s range on 1st lap :D

ENJOY :cheers:

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