A good source reading for damper tuning phase diagnosis :
PHASE 1: Increasing braking + increasing steering
This phase is the first part of a fast decreasing radius turn. This
phase will not occur at all if maximum braking is achieved before
turning in. Since weight is being transferred both forward and outboard,
the outside front damper moves in the bump direction. Also, the inside
rear damper moves in rebound. The other two dampers do not move as much
or as rapidly, so their effects are minimal. For our purposes, we will
consider the inside front and outside rear dampers to have a fixed
position during phase 1.
PHASE 2: Decreasing braking + increasing steering
This is the turn in phase of a slow corner. This phase may or may not
occur depending on the type of turn and driving technique. Weight is
being transferred outboard and aft, so the outboard rear damper moves
in bump and the inside front damper moves in rebound. The other two
dampers are considered to be stationary.
PHASE 3A: Increasing steering at constant throttle
This phase can be a course correction, a slalom turn in, or a turn
entry taken at full throttle. Weight is being transferred outboard, so
both outside dampers travel in bump and both inside dampers travel in rebound.
PHASE 3B: Decreasing steering at constant throttle
This is the opposite of phase 3A. During a slalom, this phase occurs
while the steering is changing away from the current cornering
direction. As soon as the lateral acceleration passes through zero, the
car reverts to phase 3A. This is part of why so many spins occur in slaloms.
PHASE 4: Decreasing steering + increasing throttle (or decreasing braking)
This is the apex-to-exit phase. Weight is being transferred inboard and
aft, so the outside front moves in rebound and the inside rear moves in
bump. The other two dampers are considered stationary.
The following table presents the damper adjustments available to modify
the cornering balance in each phase.
Each entry lists the phase, the damper travel directions, the desired change, and the damper
adjustments available to produce that change.
"+" indicates stiffer damping
"-" indicates softer damping.
IF is inside front, OF is outside front.
IR is inside rear, OR is outside rear.
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