Rifle Range.

Gran Turismo7058

Im stuck on this.......I can pass the first and second round and successfully getting 10 Points+ on each but the thrid round is becoming a Ass!I need Help!Baddly
Crap, only 10 points on each one?

I made 30 each on the first two and about 16 on the third.

All i can say is take your time on the first one, thats the best place to get points. (anyways if you want the fast reload ability, you have to score 45 or above on the first area ALONE)
I did really well in that mission managing about 10 more points than actually needed :thumbsup:....can you go back to do the same course even if you've completed the mission?
I got 30 on my first try for the first section, then got something like 70 for the total. It's possible to do the first part over again by going into the same ammunation, then go to the doorway opposite the entrance. Once there, walk through, keep exploring, and you'll find the pink marker to shoot the moving block targets.

The thing I never realized until I finished the extra missions later on was that you only get points for shooting the whole dummy, not each individual block, but hey, 40 and 82% isn't too shabby for about 3-4 tries.
I got 69 total but the first one is definitly the place to pick up points, the 3rd one i just shot at 1 guy the entire time.
my first go at this mission i scored 59pts i was gutted only one point away

you can score three points for the furthest away targets on the first level
Originally posted by pedrodaman
you can score three points for the furthest away targets on the first level

Yup, I shot the body out and left the head on the closest target to keep it outta the way while I worked the 2- and 3-point targets.
Originally posted by CrackHoor

Yup, I shot the body out and left the head on the closest target to keep it outta the way while I worked the 2- and 3-point targets.

That was pretty much my strategy on my second attempt scored 86pts on that run
you wanna know whats funny..........Right After i posted this thread i beat it...........I did Weopon Cheat #1 onece and passed the whole thing......I got 86 points in all
Originally posted by Josh7058
you wanna know whats funny..........Right After i posted this thread i beat it...........I did Weopon Cheat #1 onece and passed the whole thing......I got 86 points in all

Originally posted by SublimeDood10
What do you have to score for fast reload?

A 45 or higher. just shoot the first target out so you can see the other 2 targets and shoot them out. the first one is a waste of ammo.
I think i got 76 or something like that, and in the fast reload i got 46, i knocked out # 1 and #2s bottom and upper body, and just shot through to get to number 3 :)