RM Red VS Blue Lotus Cup

  • Thread starter swiftsmith
RM Red vs Blue Lotus

Date: 20/11/13

This race is ending one series while just starting another. The RM Red & Blue Series will be ending while the brand new Lotus World Series will be starting. The race is on a 4.04 mile road course. The race will be 30 laps which is an hour. Yes there will be cautions.

Entry Requirements:
1. Must complete one race in the RM Red & Blue Series.

Elise 111R '04 RM
Full tuning
305 HP 750 KG

Driving Aids: Only ABS allowed.
Tire/Fuel Consumption: Normal/Fast
Damage: Off
Slipstream: Strong
Penalties: Off
Boost: Off
Tires: Racing Soft/Intermediate/Rain
Car setup/tuning: Allowed
Aero parts: Allowed

Race Rules:
Don't bump anyone off track
Two tires within track limits (white line) at all times

Caution Rules:
There are a few ways to get a caution to come out. The replay will be checked after the race. So don't try to pull a fast one to get a caution.

1. Wreck of 2 or more cars. (Must type caution into chat box)(Minimum of 2 drivers)
2. 1 car spin in front of lead pack of cars. (Use of E-Brake to get caution will result in DQ from race.)

1st: Fully Tuned Gold Chrome Espirit
2nd: Silver Chrome Evora
3rd: Bronze/Brown Chrome Series 1 Elise
(Top 5 Must Put Cars On Share For Tech.)

GTPlanet name/PSN name/Color/Number
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I just realized I don't even have that license, lol! Don't kick me out, Smith!

Oh and eDirtyTati/eDirtyTati/some weird greenish/pinkish metallic thing/11.

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