Rotaries on the History Channel's "Modern Marvels"

  • Thread starter LoudMusic
United States
I got this from Mazda in an email.

We know it's hard waiting for the all-new Mazda RX-8 to launch. Really hard. And that cover story in this month's Road & Track probably isn't helping. Now to make matters worse, here we are suggesting you whet your appetite even further by tuning into The History Channel's Modern Marvels. But we know you would kick yourself if you missed it, since they're doing a short segment on the origin of the legendary rotary engine. So watch, enjoy, and try to remember that good things come to those who wait. Or in this case, one particularly great thing.

The History Channel's Modern Marvels
Air Date: March 19 at 10pm est/pst (9pm cst/8pm mst).

I'm going to be watching.

I got the same E-mail, and will be watching ofcourse.

What do you mean you missed it? it's on tomarrow night...
that's what I thought Magic. You better watch it or I'll.....

I don't know... :)
It was awsome! They showed it just a second ago, and while it was only like 5 min, it was very informatory, and they showed the RX-8, and other stuff. Great job History channel!

And Loud, I haven't heard from you on my avatar, are you still working on it? I'm trying to be patient, just I really want to see what you've come up with, or atleast a word on it...
Man, I haven't even thought about it since you first mentioned it. My life has not been fun lately. As an example, I missed this show tonight but I think a friend has it recorded on his TiVo so maybe I'll be able to catch it later.


Originally posted by LoudMusic
Man, I haven't even thought about it since you first mentioned it. My life has not been fun lately. As an example, I missed this show tonight but I think a friend has it recorded on his TiVo so maybe I'll be able to catch it later.



Any news on the car, dude?
that's ok loud, I've been having problems here too.
I was talking to this girl I like online, only to find out that it was someone else playing a joke on me, and they had me call the real girl, and I'm sure I sounded like a retard. I tryed to figure out how this girl got my SN, but what she says is all wrong. She said that she was friends of the real girl, but I had one of the real girl's friends talk to her and she said that she didn't have a friend by that name at all.Then I had tons of people IMing me with hatred and crap, which I blocked 8 of them. Then I had I fight(online) with one of my fiends because I think he was part of the joke and he's scared to death now cause I said that if I found out that it was him his(his parents) new Altima would get hurt. Then he was saying that it wasn't him and he had his older brother IM me saying that I'm not going to hurt the Altima.

And now a ton of people at school know about this thing with the real girl, and were asking me questions and stuff....not to spite I lost any and all chances of having a girl friend.

Well if you get a chance Loud, when your life get's back to normal...same with mine. :)
Originally posted by vat_man

Any news on the car, dude?

I got a quote for "all new parts" that came to almost $3,000 including labor. It's a 9 year old car so if I choose to get it fixed up I'll probably go with used parts. I need to look up the value of the car and see how much money I should put back into it. There's no doubt that it's worth more to me than anyone else, simply because I already have it and it'll last another six years if I let it. But no one is going to pay more than $4,000 for a 9 year old car that's been bashed and repaired.

So now I have to decide if I want to put money back into this one and try to sell it later, or just save the money and put it toward a new car. I was planning on driving this car "`till it didn't drive no more" and get a new car. Basically moving to a new car without any money from the old car - it just happened a lot sooner than I expected.

Oh well ...
