Round #6 @ Rome II

  • Thread starter boombexus


Staff Emeritus
The line up: Der Alta & MIH

Race deadline: January 29th.

Car: Ruf 3400s (Arcade Car)
Track: Rome II
Modification: ASM & TCS
Mode: Arcade Mode / Hard / 5 laps
ok, I've run a few familiarization laps to get adjusted. I'll start lopping time off now.

I've run 6 laps in free run mode to get to know the car a little.

Fastest laptime: 1.33.622

Will start with the Arcade race tomorrow.
I've run some Arcade races today. I found out that it is harder to get 5 fast and clean laps done. Luckily the A.I. is out of the picture after the second corner.

Lap 1: 1.40.407
Lap 2: 1.33.355
Lap 3: 1.33.505
Lap 4: 1.33.615
Lap 5: 1.33.722

Fastest lap in an incomplete run: 1.32.998
Originally posted by lotus350
Nice time for your first days work MIH!

I've been watching this race for the last 2 hours :banghead:

So you know who is faster at the moment?
If so, please don't tell me. Let me dream for a couple of days:D

When is it your turn to race then?
New time:

Lap 1: 1.40.565
Lap 2: 1.33.297
Lap 3: 1.32.897
Lap 4: 1.33.253
Lap 5: 1.33.265

I had one attempt where i started with a first lap of 1.39.966 and a second lap of 1.32.900, but i got so excited that i crashed in lap 3:(
I raced another half an hour, but found out that i couldn't really concentrate on staying clean. But the strange thing was that i was racing against 5 totally different cars then before.
Because of this, i could pass the rest even faster, resulting in a best first lap of 1.39.700
Unfortunatly, i couldn't complete a single race clean after that.

But i'm sure that i will improve myself when i race later today.
Have you left it on with the good line up? :D

Nice time you got aready, and with good line up.... who know's what you can acheive
I am so far behind in getting practice in on this one

Have to figure out how to convince the wife that I need more time to play.... I'll have some clean times loaded up for Monday.

Originally posted by Der Alta
I am so far behind in getting practice in on this one

Have to figure out how to convince the wife that I need more time to play.... I'll have some clean times loaded up for Monday.


No, you TELL the wife that you have to get in some practice. There is no convincing.

Hey, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do! :D
And that's exactly what I did tell her. So tonight and this weekend are set aside for This and the Cote Race.

I think that I do need a few pointers, as last night's runs were not quite on par with MIH's . I'm running a fast lap of 1'35.HIGH. Shifting points are key on this car I think. Mr. Holland, is there a range on the tach that you're keeping it in? While I'm certain I haven't got the practice in yet, the 3 second time difference makes me scared. Over 5 laps, that's 15 seconds.

If you've got a few pointers, I'd be very appreciative. Also, if one of the NTSC guys could turn a fast lap for me to use in the replays, I'd be one step closer.


Actually, MIH, you'd know the exact shifting points I'm looking for. Can you give me arough estimation (RPM) when the RUF shifts from 2nd to 3rd and 3rd to 4th?


The deadline is a week from today. What time am I supposed to upload this (figuring I'm in the Boston USA time zone), and where do I upload it too? I've been clearing time out for this and # 8 race to have ample time to upload. Also what time do I have to upload the #8 race? I will not miss a deadline. this is why I'd like to nail down this deadline.


Till later,

Originally posted by Der Alta
Actually, MIH, you'd know the exact shifting points I'm looking for. Can you give me arough estimation (RPM) when the RUF shifts from 2nd to 3rd and 3rd to 4th?



I will look it up for you.

The deadline is a week from today. What time am I supposed to upload this (figuring I'm in the Boston USA time zone), and where do I upload it too? I've been clearing time out for this and # 8 race to have ample time to upload. Also what time do I have to upload the #8 race? I will not miss a deadline. this is why I'd like to nail down this deadline.

I know that the replays must be submitted before 18.00 GMT. You have to post it here, aswell as send it to the GTN Admins in a PM here.
Just make sure your time is submitted before 1pm to the GTNAdmins. Then as soon as the deadline has passed post up your replay a.s.a.p that should do it;)

You are a member there yeah?
Yep, and I've got Boom on AIM passing on the same info

Wow, you captains are good!

New time:

Lap 1: 1.39.606
Lap 2: 1.32.672
Lap 3: 1.33.240:(
Lap 4: 1.32.663
Lap 5: 1.32.913

@ Der Alta: the cars shifts at 7000 RPM. As soon as the needle hits the red line.
Kelly: If i attach my replay tomorrow, would it be possible that you can double-check it for being 100%?
I think it is, but i'm not totally sure.

Is that possible without Ron watching it?
Originally posted by made in holland
Kelly: If i attach my replay tomorrow, would it be possible that you can double-check it for being 100%?
I think it is, but i'm not totally sure.

Is that possible without Ron watching it?

Maybe best if you send it to Drew ;)

Ron says in the name of fair play, he'll see your race and times only once it's over .
Originally posted by lotus350
Maybe best if you send it to Drew ;)

Ron says in the name of fair play, he'll see your race and times only once it's over .

No problem.

I got one question for Ron though. We are allowed to use the yellow strips at Rome, right?

Just to make sure;)
On a practice note, I've been giving this a gao, and I'm doing better than I hoped. Last night was continuing practice on Free run, and I'm happy to say I'm closer to your times (MIH) than I usually am.

The corner approaching the colloseum aafter the tight hairpin, is where I think I'm losing time. I really have to feather the throttle through that section, in third gear. Are there a few pointers I could get from you guys? As for shifting points, I changed my usual approach, and have been running AT. After watching me, the wife even gave a few tries. That makes me very happy, I even managed to get her to do a little two player rally race.

On that similar note, do you (Lotus) have a second TV and PS2 to practice against the Mr?

I can see a new TV in our future, and might propose this idea to the missus.


That corner can be a handfull indeed. I've found my perfect brake point, so that when i steer into the corner, i am about 118km/h. As soon as i'm steering in, i push the throttle down. Exit speed is about 130-135 km/h.