Route X 1/4 Mile Inconsistent Times?

  • Thread starter MrSpark
United States
General Lee
I would be tuning my GT-R Black edition in the speed test, and it has an Auto-tune. When I would test the 1/4 time, one would say 8.917, then I'd run again and it will say 8.923. This happends to many times and I am not doing anything to boost, or slow down the car. If I go 5 runs, there are 3 different times, this gets Very irritating at times:ouch:, Does anybody else have this problem?
Manual? If so, you're shift points are off. But if it's auto like you said, when you rev the engine has a lot to do with it.
Im doing the EXACT same thing on every run

Unless u shift exactly the same. Start rev from stop to go at the same rpm. Unless u do it all perfectly every time. U will have minor differences in runs. If you're holding gas wide open then the revs bounce making inconsistent launches
It's all to do with when you press the accel button. Press it as soon as you have started the test while the screen is still black before the track loads and keep it held down, this should give you consistant times.

But also doing this usualy gives you slower times than what your car/tune is capable of but it should be consistant. It is for me anyway as this is how I tune, get as fast as possible on a full throttle launch holding the accel button before track loads then start dialing in when to press the accel button to get them last few hundredths or thousandths for the quick time.
Try waiting untill the 1 starts to fade and mash the gas. My time went from a 8.29 to a 8.18/19 doing this.
Edit: 8.929 and 8.918/19. It has been a long day..
I've noticed there are 3 different types of launches in ssrx -

quick launch. sometimes, maybe 10-20% of the time you will get a quick launch or perfect launch. and be atleast .02 faster for absolutely no reason. i attribute this to the bouncing off the redline theory.

slow launch. same % of the time as the quick launch, you will get a slow launch, making your car .02 slower. i also contribute this to the redline bounce

normal launch. this is what you should get most of the time. atleast 70%. if your shifting is as consistent as you say it is, you should be able to run the same time every single time
I've noticed there are 3 different types of launches in ssrx -

quick launch. sometimes, maybe 10-20% of the time you will get a quick launch or perfect launch. and be atleast .02 faster for absolutely no reason. i attribute this to the bouncing off the redline theory.

slow launch. same % of the time as the quick launch, you will get a slow launch, making your car .02 slower. i also contribute this to the redline bounce

normal launch. this is what you should get most of the time. atleast 70%. if your shifting is as consistent as you say it is, you should be able to run the same time every single time

I found 4 types. (maybe a 5th one)

I found 4 types. (maybe a 5th one)

Yeah. It's all dependent on what rpm the engine is at when the countdown hits 0, And the rpm variation when it's bouncing off the limiter, on some cars rpm's vary a lot and others hardly at all.
Yea it is inconsistant. I got 2nd place in the drag tournament with the Golf under 11.1 sec. Now my best I can get is a 11.12, It is just a game though so I just have fun knowing that I am as fast as I can be.
not every start you have is going to be Perfect. going back to a basic math theory that when you have a sample set, not everything is going to be 1 sided. same theory appilies to launching a car from a standing start, Esspecially if you are manuelly shifting, the times collected will not be the same. This however is only true 99% of the time. There could be a time that you have two or three times that could be the same time.