RUF 3400S - Schwartzwald Liga B - Fuji Speedway 90's

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George0393 + GTP_GM
14th September 2005

Dear George,

116 Flower House,

Go There,

From, your loving Dad.

I found this in my Dads house on his table, he died in a car accident 2 weeks ago, I was upset and exited at the same time.
I driven there in my Red Renault Clio, not knowing what I was going to see.

When I arrived, the first place I looked was the Garage, his old RUF 3400S was in there, with a note on the bonnet.

Dear George,

Take the car.

Go to Japan and race the Schwartzwald Liga B Series, I know you can win, do it for me Son.

From Dad.

It was unlocked, with keys in the ignition hole, I was exited now.

16th September 2005 - Race Day

I was scared, I had to win this, for me, but even more, for my Dad.
The cars where lined up on the grid.

Audi S4
Mercesdes SL 600 (R320)
Mercesdes SL65 AMG (R320)
Mercesdes SL600 (R129)
RUF 3400S (Me)

Prizes - 12,000 Credits - 198 A Spec Points.

Lap 1

And off we went, I overtaken the SL600 (R129) with ease, and outbraken the other SL600 and Audi S4 at the first turn.
I was driving smoothly in 3rd place, at the Chicane, I dispatched the SL65 and went into 2nd, not for long, I was back into 3rd by the start of the Straight.

Lap 2

I was back in 2nd by outbraking the SL65 on the first corner, and I was very close to the BMW M3 CSL.
On the long right hander, I was winning, I'd outbraken the M3 on the enrance.
I stayed first until the straight, I was overtaken again, but by the M3 this time.

Lap 3

The other cars brake very early I thought to myself as I passed the M3 on Turn 1. I kept this lead, and got nearly a second ahead, until I went wide on the chichane, only slightly, but it could cost me.

I was nearly there now, the B3 was approaching quickly, I'd won.
I could'nt believe it for a moment, my mind was blank, then I realised propely, I would of done my Dad proud if he was still here, unfortunatly he's not, but it won't stop me from racing for him :(


RUF 3400S - 5'16
BMW M3 CSL - 5'17
Mercesdes SL 65 AMG - 5'18
Audi S4 -----
Mercesdes SL600 (R230) -----
Mercesdes SL600 (R129) -----

Lap 2

Lap 3

Close Finish

I hope you enjoyed reading, please comment :)
There's a couple of points that impair my enjoyment of your report:
I don't believe that this race takes place in Japan.
You mentioned before that your Dad had an accident, but he was OK. This story strikes me as morbid, you shouldn't tempt fate.
Mercesdes is actually spelt "Mercedes".
I'm happy your Dad is OK, mine had a nasty accident too. It was a close call. His Classic car was a write off but it was a robust old car & it saved his life.
Best Regards
I like the story, but I can't work out what parts of it are true or not. Obviously the actual race took part on GT4, but I don't know about the pre-story. Either way, I hope your dad is OK.

I personally thought Schwarzwald was in Germany as it translates (in German) as Black Forest.
George Morley
Lap 1

And off we went, I overtaken the SL600 (R129) with ease, and outbraken the other SL600 and Audi S4 at the first turn.
I was driving smoothly in 3rd place, at the Chicane, I dispatched the SL65 and went into 2nd, not for long, I was back into 3rd by the start of the Straight.

Lap 2

I was back in 2nd by outbraking the SL65 on the first corner, and I was very close to the BMW M3 CSL.
On the long right hander, I was winning, I'd outbraken the M3 on the enrance.
I stayed first until the straight, I was overtaken again, but by the M3 this time.

Lap 3

The other cars brake very early I thought to myself as I passed the M3 on Turn 1. I kept this lead, and got nearly a second ahead, until I went wide on the chichane, only slightly, but it could cost me.

I was nearly there now, the B3 was approaching quickly, I'd won.
I could'nt believe it for a moment, my mind was blank, then I realised propely, I would of done my Dad proud if he was still here, unfortunatly he's not, but it won't stop me from racing for him :(

George, I'm confused. Is English your first language? If not then you're doing well for someone so young. If it is then when did you ever say "outbraken?" You may think this is fussy, but it overpowers the rest of the sentence and sits there staring at you saying "this is wrong". So you look at the sentence and try to figure out how the person who wrote it talks. I reckon you've got a German accent: when I read it with a German acccent it starts to make sense... Oh, and in English we don't use quite so many capital letters as you Germans. Good effort. 👍 although I too found the intro a bit odd. Even with a German accent.
Nice write up. Sorry to hear about our dad (assuming that is not just for the story)

I'm assuming that the car was stock and had fresh oil? Could you tell me what you did prior to running this as I have never seen this line up for the 3400S after checking 84 races after a reset. This line up would be worth an easy 200 points with a used 3400S on the high speed ring and the 'ring.
There's a couple of points that impair my enjoyment of your report:
I don't believe that this race takes place in Japan........

Although George doesn't mention in the report which track this is, the pictures, especially the first one, which looks like the hairpin curve at Fuji, that is most definitely in Japan. Why is racing in Japan a problem? The Schwarzwald (Black-Forest) races are for German cars only, but not confined to German circuits, since only the Nurburgring Nordschleife is based in Germany, and it'd be pretty pointless to have a 5 race event where all the races are on the same track! :dunce:
Actually, I'm being :dopey: too, look at the thread title! Fuji Speedway 90's! So what're you proposing bluedot? That for the purposes of Schwarzwald Liga B they moved the entire Fuji Speedway to an unidentified location in Germany? :lol:

Anyway, George Morley another nice, if somewhat short report 👍 Though as others have said, a little morose to begin with. It almost implies that your fictional Dad knew he was about to die, otherwise why would he have left the message saying "do it for me Son"? This seems unlikely if he died in a car accident. ;)
I agree with all these comments, out of my 4 Race Reports, I think this is my worst one yet.

FastEddie12 - German is'nt my first language, English is, I'm acctully crap at German . . . .
No, your Race Report was fine, I forgot they ran the German cars at Japanese tracks, sorry SH. I think George should have a badge saying "Most Improved Member" because I enjoy his Race Reports.
You just caught me at a bad moment.
George, please keep up the good work.
Best Regards as always.