Ruf CTR '87 (Yellowbird)

Found - Ruf CTR '87 (Yellowbird)

All I want for trade is a car from the premium shop. If money isn't an object, message me. Just know this car wasn't cheap to buy in the first place. All I can say it's roughly 200 grand. Just message me if you want the car, tell me how much you're willing to go on a car from the new car shop (premiums) and I'll tell you what I want. Might go to your limit, might not. Point is, I picked the car up cause many are looking for it, no other reason. Making my money back is a absolute must. Thank you,
Found - Ruf CTR '87 (Yellowbird)

All I want for trade is a car from the premium shop. If money isn't an object, message me. Just know this car wasn't cheap to buy in the first place. All I can say it's roughly 200 grand. Just message me if you want the car, tell me how much you're willing to go on a car from the new car shop (premiums) and I'll tell you what I want. Might go to your limit, might not. Point is, I picked the car up cause many are looking for it, no other reason. Making my money back is a absolute must. Thank you,

Interested. 250,000.
I would have a miura with 20ish miles on it to offer in a trade.
Send me a PM if you are interested.

dude as mutch as i would luv that car im pretty sure u cant trade a car worth more than 1,000,000 👎 but if anyone is looking for sum cars check out my forum (link in signature) and tell ur friends. 👍