Ruf CTR Yellowbird, CTR2, or BTR

  • Thread starter sayub88
United States
Wanted Ruf CTR Yellowbird, CTR2, or a BTR. Desirability in that order. Willing to trade a great deal and have an extensive garage. Furthermore I have a lot of funds available so I can purchase a car you may want or not want to grind for. PM if you are super-serious. thanks!
Do you have any tunes for the RUFs I've got a few RUFs and have been working on tunes for them not so much for pure racing but more easy to drive tunes sport tyres and easy wins in A spec events
No sorry not any GT5 tunes I did back in the day on the old GT's but if you are willing to trade them I am your man ;)
No problem mate they are probably not very good but I try to keep all my cars as close to stock as I can an the RUFs can be a bit of a handful but I have managed to calm them down without any major changes