Rush Hour 3 - 555's review

  • Thread starter 555


As some of you may know im a huge Jackie Chan fan. So i was quite looking forward to this. And i am also very unhappy that Chris Tucker gets top billing. Not only that, he gets $25mil! He must have the best agent in the world. As much as i like Chris Tucker, why didn't they just tell him to get stuffed & go and get (Jackie's mate) Wesley Snipes? He's funnier, a better actor & a much better fighter. Plus i would think he'd be cheaper now.

Anyhow, the film. Well critically this hasn't been doing well (1/5 on Ch4 teletext & in the Sun). But thats because this film isn't really politically correct. Quite a few racist jokes towards the French & apparently a bad representation of the Triads...... How else can you represent the friggin Triads. They're the Chinese Mafia FFS. It got banned in China for this reason. But think about it, if we banned every film that came out in this country that (racially?) stereotyped the "limey" as the posh or evil twit, we wouldnt have half the films we do have.

So there are quite a few things i'm pissed off about, about this film. But thats more just things about the making/marketing of it. The film itself is great fun. It is probably the worst of the 3 films, but it absolutely flew past. It may only last 95mins. But it barely seemed like an hour long, it is so well paced.

First off Jackie Chan/the fights. Well There is only really 2 proper Jackie style fight, which is good, but not on a par with say Shanghai Knights or most of his rescent Hong Kong efforts (New Police Story or The Myth, which isn't out over here yet). The finale on the Eiffel Tower is good, very good. But the 1st part of it, is a sword fight, which just isn't as fun as a fist fight IMO. I would also like to say to those people that say Jackie can't act, A, tell him that & B, go and watch New Police Story & you tell me he cant act. He had me in tears, his "acting scenes were so good.

Second Chris Tucker/comedy. I actually think this is better as a comedy than as a action film. So in that respect possibly better than no. 2. Chris clearly loves himself & thinks he is hilarious, which for the most part he is. Excpet for the odd bit of "miss", like the "ive never slept with an American man before" line, this is very very funny.

Thirdly the plot. The plot is mostly just bollocks. The stuff about Jackie & the main bad guy is just not done well at all and i really didn't care, i wanted to go "just kill him". Jackie's character was maybe a bit to honerable. Every line of dialogue is either a joke, a set up for a joke, or a line just telling them were to go next in the film.

Fourth, directing. Brett Ratner is a very good director for 2 reasons. 1, he loves his franchise and lets Jackie & Chris get on with there chemistry. 2, he dosen't seem to beleive in Slow-mo. Like when you see a guy fall from a building, no slow motion "nooooo" crap, its just AWWWWWWWWW splat! It looks great. OK he's no John Woo or Michael Mann, but he always seems to make fun films and thats what you get from Rush Hour (1, 2 or 3).

This is a really good fun film & a great way to spend 95 mins (well 2 hours with all the extra cinema crap at the beginning). It is very forgetabble, which is a bit bad & the first time ever, i think, for a Jackie Chan film. But still its great (as long as you dont mind some racial jokes towards the French, which im sure knowone reading this does)

Oh yes, and dont forget to stay for the outtakes. Unlike some idiots who'd clearly never seen a Jackie film before and left just as the film was about to end. ALSO (sorry im rambling) there are a few bits that people who havent seen the first film won't get. It dosen't matter at all if you have seen Rush Hour 2 or not though.


Feel free to add your own comments/criticsms. Sorry if there is any text speak or anything as i copied this from my myspace.
Same here, I saw it last might and there was plenty of laughs in it. The plot wasn't exactly masterpiece material but some of the the lines were great.
Could barely watch the trailer. Don't think this is gonna be one I'm gonna check out.
I loved it! I had laughed harder in this one than the previous 2. I think I might even go see it again. 2007 will go down as a unique year if I do. I rarely see a movie in theaters twice. This year was the first in many I did, starting with Die Hard 4 (3 times!), and Transformers twice. Seeing Rush Hour 3 again, will be a record.

But in simple terms again, funny and awesome movie. I loved the dialogue. And the Cab Driver almost stole most of his scenes. :lol:
Am I the only person who thinks this is one of the worst movies of all time? It really wasn't that funny, and the parts that made me laugh were basically all in the trailer. I'd give it a 3/10, at best.
I've got 1 & 2 on DVD and want to go see 3, but am a little weirded out by Chris Tucker's appearance in the trailer: He looks like he weighs twice as much than a few years back, is this really noticeable in the film? .. Or is it just me maybe?
Your not alone mouser, this has got bad reviews in alot of places.

Oh and ye Tucker looked like a tubby!

you shouldn't base your choice to watch a movie on moviecritics
like let's say on Rottentomatoes.
The public opinion on IMDB eg. is way better.
The first two Rush Hour films were very good, I usually watch them when nothing else is on. The third film doesn't have the best storyline but I was really expecting it to be either. It's good for a few laughs and will definitely be hitting my DVD collection when it is released, as long as it's under £10.
bisk, i always listen to critics, because there general opinion is the complete opposite of what i tihink.
Basically if they like it, i wont. & Visa versa.