Rx7 lm race car and camaro lm race all colours (wanted)

  • Thread starter rafs4r
i find this cars

Rx7 lm race car(i have green)

S2000 lm race (i have blu/black)

Camaro lm race (i have blue/white, black/white, white/white)

Wanted other colours

I have for trade all colours X1, r8 lms race car 09 (red, silver, dark grey), ticket 1000, p24, p17 ,race cars etc,

My id psn rafs4r ,please contact me for trade
I have red and green Camaro LM racecars. Both have 0.0 miles.

If open for trades, I would like the black and blue camaro lm racecars
I didn't know there was a white/white camaro LM??
rayzack now you know lol

cd6_sir ok but I can trade camaro Saturday 19, if for you it's ok I sign the news and send me request friendship on rafs4r thanks