Saddam planning hunger strike (AFP)

I havn't read the whole thing...I hope he likes not eating for a while...(Now honestly, would anyone really care if he stopped eating after all he's done?)
His trial is a circus. Apparently Iraq doesn't know how court works, either. The defendants are not supposed to run the show. If this were an American trial, the jury, sick of earning $10/day, would just convict him so they could go home.
No more cookies from his 'cookie' factory in the clouds then? Damn that was a funny South Park.

I don't think anyone will be too impressed or moved by this.
Saddam threatening to go on a hunger strike is almost like Rob Schneider threatening to stop making more movies (read: no one cares).
He's a ******. He get beat up so bad in one of our high-test prisons.

[edited by moderator] Do NOT try to go around the swear filter