Saddam used 'Russian Intelligence' during invasion.

you know what, i have nothing against russia and think that theyre starting to come around. but if saddam needed intelligence, he could get it anywhere and anyhow. he was a powerful man and if he wanted something im sure he'd do anything to get it. so a "claim" doesnt surprise me. but im not sure whether i believe it or not
I trust Russia more than I do China....... wait, that's not saying much. I like the Russian government as much as I like the French government..............

I don't think I like the Russian government too much.
I trust Russia more than I do China....... wait, that's not saying much. I like the Russian government as much as I like the French government..............

I don't think I like the Russian government too much.
the french...wait i should hold my comments for the opinion section :)

china, they can be trusted like the russian govt...but i see where you get stuck

i seem to recall that a whiles into the invasion, when the marines & special forces were on the outskirts of Baghdad, THAT was when the Russian consulate was abandoned and the delegation left by the NE backdoor into Iran.

Sharing intelligence is nothing new. It's done all the time. The US is the leader in intelligence, and helps many nations.

We helped Israel back in the '50s and '70s when they were at war. We used U2s and SR-71s to help them out.
Russians...not too trustworthy. As well as the Chinese. Or any government in the world

I hardly believe this bit of news will change any international posture, or should imply US/RUSSIA distrust. Its just not that simple.

lets look at the facts:

The russian ambassador to iraq is named the critical link in the information exchange.

The intel he provided was false and mostly inacurate providing no significant tactical advantages, sadam would have been better off without it.

a official pentagon report (mid march 05) announces the discovery of this exchange between the russion ambassador and iraq.

Why is he being fingered 3 years later? did they just FIND out, or just FIGURE it out. who knows, maybe his (the ambassador) opposition wants him out as part of an internal party struggle/slime campaign. Maybe its a way to divert the worlds attention from the REAL dilema at hand.

Sharing intelligence is nothing new. It's done all the time. The US is the leader in intelligence, and helps many nations.
couldnt have said it better. Russia is no exception to intel sharing, the military relationship between the two is close at it has ever been. The bogus intel offered by the Rus. Amb. to iraq may have even helped the coalition in its advance. :D
couldnt have said it better. Russia is no exception to intel sharing, the military relationship between the two is close at it has ever been. The bogus intel offered by the Rus. Amb. to iraq may have even helped the coalition in its advance. :D
I wouldn't say they are close. I don't think they even see eye-to-eye.