Sand in my camera

  • Thread starter JosX
The other day, I put my camera in my pocket while I climbed over a wall, i got it out when i got to the other side, I tried to switch it on, the lens came out for about a second then wend back in. I looked down the side of the lens & saw a tiny bit of sand, is there any way for me to get this out without going to a camera shop, which is a 2 hours drive away?
Probably needs to be looked at professionally.

A can of that spray duster stuff might be appropriate, but OTOH might make it worse by forcing sand further into the works.

Also, might simply be low battery. Mine acts like that when it's nearly dead.
Well I've got it working again :D I used a paint brush & blew down the lens, worked perfectly after getting a few grains out :)
Well naturally as soon as you fix something, it gets 10 times worse 5 minutes later. The lens won't even come out now :(