I came home last night to a new Bentley Speed 8. I drove it at the Circuit Tours in Extreme hall and absolutely love it. Here's the only changes I had to make.
Height: 80/83
Bound: 7/8
Rebound: 7/8
Camber 2.4/ 1.3
Toe: -1/0
ASM 0/0/1 I use a controller.
LSD: 18/40/17
Brakes: 5/5 ease on brakes
I liked the gears so didn't mess with them.
The biggest reason you see the AI lagging behind is that the Bentley gets extraordinary tire life, and the AI typically cruise until the tires heat up. All the races at the Circuit Tours, most of the AI would pit and I wouldn't have to, even the AI Bentley.
With the Minolta at LeSarthe, are you running stock susp setup or modified, and what tire setup are you using? On the Minolta I use a mixture of Mediums on the front and Hards on the rear. Bob is able to keep good lap times with the Mediums on the front and gets good life out of the Hards on the rear, even with the addition of a Turbo.