Scary British Rally Championship stuff


Staff Emeritus
United Kingdom
Edinburgh, UK
I know this is slightly out of scope of this forum, but there you go.

I was watching some footage of the Trackrod Rally last night. One of the drivers, in a Super 1600 Corsa, I think, turned left at a square right. Of course, there were spectators present, and the driver had the presence of mind to slam on the anchors and stop. We were on-board at the time, and all you see is this family, with two kids in pushchairs, right in front of the car. And you can hear the co-driver saying "What the **** are you doing??" to the driver.

It was quite scary. I mean these parents were standing in what should have been a safe place, were the driver actually listening to his pace notes...
It was on the British Rally Championship Show! You may find footage of it on Motorsport Mundiale though, which is (I believe) produced by the same TV company.
I'll keep an eye out for it on SPEED then.
To go straight on a junction is understandable, but to make an opposite turn to the one in the pace notes... :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Motorer1
lol, i know, I guess that happens every once in a while when a driver is really into it, he reacts on instinct.

When that instinct is to NOT pay attention to the pace notes, then it's a bad thing.

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