I'm in for Sunday also. I had a very good time yesterday night practicing with you guys (Jeff, Arvore, Manny, Drivatar) and I was very pleased with my overall performance - but you know my standards are low so anything but last is good to me.
Loved the race in Silverstone where I managed to hold on with the front pack - that incident will cost you a few G's Jeff! Just wati for the repair shop invoice that I will address you
At homestead I managed also to drop my personal best lap to 1:27:337 but, above all, I felt much more consistent than usual, which ultimately allowed me to managed to stay (fairly) in touch with the rest of the pack.
I'm feeling much more comfortable now on the G25 and, although I'm still not as fast as I am in the pad, I feel more consistent and making less mistakes.
With the exception of VIR... but youknow, that is not a track... it's...a "thing"...