School board shooting

  • Thread starter wfooshee


Rather ride my FJR
United States
Panama City, FL
If you've seen this story in the news or the webz, it happened in my own little ville, where I keep my personal abode. Two of the people on the dais are personal aquaintances, one a personal friend and sometimes business associate, and the other is a partner in a law firm that is one of my employer's biggest customers.

So a guy with issues, portraying himself as a "freedom fighter" gets up in the school board meeting, tells the board members that they're all [that deep dark place at the end of the digestive tract], spray paints the red circled "V for Vendetta" symbol on the wall, and produces a handgun. He allows all but the male board members to leave. Apparently he's taking on the man because his wife was fired from her job somewhere in the school system.

He eventually fires at several of the school board members, all misses, and is shot by the county security officer, who was not in the meeting and had to be fetched by somebody who'd been allowed to leave.

So all around the world school boards and city commissions are thinking about their entrance security, thanks to a looney-tune from Panama City.

No one was hit except the bad guy, even though it looks like his first shot was a hit, and it turns out the bad guy was wounded, and ended up dead from a self-inflicted shot to the head.
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I saw this one the news last night, I was told his wife didn't even work at this particular school. I can't believe the woman that tried to attack him either.
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Total nuts. When I saw it on the news page, it was right below activists in "V" masks protesting the arrest of that Wikileaks guy.


What a looney tune...
The woman's intentions were good, but she was extremely foolish to try anything. She could have easily provoked the gunman to instantly shoot everyone right then and there long before the security guard showed up. Even if she managed to knock the gun from his hand, there is a good chance he would have recovered it first.

It's very fortunate that nobody besides the gunman was hurt. It's a good thing he was a terrible aim.
Maybe if she hit him with something heavy in the head. Even if she didn't knock him out, it could have caught him off guard long enough for some of the board members to rush him. But again, it would be to risky to try anything.
I saw this on the news the other night and it reminded me why I cherish my 2nd Amendment rights and my right to legally carry concealed. Everytime I see something like this I think great another nut that keeps making it more difficult for law abiding Citizens (like myself) to own and carry guns. On the other hand it should make lawmakers take a second look at why we have concealed carry laws and loosen them on where licensed individuals could carry. Florida is a concealed carry state and since laws vary from state to state I am most certain that the building the school board meeting is held in is off limits for concealed carry. Although this video has a shock factor to it and runs 6 minutes you can see the fear in peoples faces, body motions, and voices when the gun is produced after the V is spray painted on the wall. Kudos to the lady for trying to hit the gun from the man but really put herself in jeopardy by doing this. I thought the one board member was pretty zealous when he took responsibility for signing the forms and recommended the gunman let his fellow members go. I hope to God I never ever have to pull my weapon from my waistband and use it but if I were in that room that day the video would have never recorded 6min of video. There were numerous occasions throughout the video when the gunman was lollygagging around or just not on alert that provided an open opportunity and was clear from everyone. The news cast I saw said that the security guard was the one who shot the man with the gun. They also mentioned that the gunman served 4 years in prison which makes him a convicted Felon and should have never had a pistol in the first place. I am Pro-Gun and believe it is everyone's right to own a gun but if you are a convicted Felon then you have given up that right!
The security officer is a detective retired from the local police department, and he's never fired his weapon on duty until now. He's a well-known man locally, having started a local charity called Salvage Santa, and he restores beat-up bicycles to give as gifts to underprivileged children.

The one saying to let the others go is the school board chairman.

And yeah, the guy shouldn't have been able to get his hands on a gun, and the building is a "no firearms" building, but there's no security at the entrances, just signs.
Yes, thank God for the second amendment!


Lol, that old lady tried to take out that big buffoon? They need some more men at these meetings. Thank god that guy was a terrible shot.

I hate people that try to commit suicide by having the police kill them.