Sci-Fi & Fantasy Books

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Beanbag Brain
United Kingdom
Horbury, West Yorkshire
So you guys like reading?

Well I didn't know where to start this thread, so I guess this place is better than any. As you will all know the adaptation of Phillip Pullmans great book Northern Lights (Golden Compass) is out at the cinema, and we all know of the success the Harry Potter books have enjoyed along with The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy, I have decided to start a thread about the books rather than the films.

Now Im a big fan of the His Dark Materials Trilogy and have read all three cover to cover, I have also gone through the Harry Potter books via the Audiobooks and I have just embarked upon the journey into the world of Susan Cooper with her The Dark Is Rising Sequence, this was recommended by a friend and decided to read them before reading the LOTR I have also had the Dragon lands recommended to me as apparently they have great battle sequences in them.

I have also listened to most of The Chronicles Of Narnia on audiobook too in the chronological order, but missed off the last two books as I started to loose interest in them, I may go back to them one day.

His Dark Materials Trilogy

These books were some of the best I've ever read, the held my attention very well, and I read them within two weeks the first one been read in just two days and the others over the rest of the time due to work. The way Phillip Pullman tells the stories is fantastic he really makes you feel like you are with the characters and makes you feel as tho you really care about them and want them to make it to the end of the books.

The first book Northern Lights pulls you into Lyra's world and makes everything set for the other two books, it also makes you really want to read the other books too, I found the book easy to read and get along with. Now I know that this book and the rest in the series have been thrown into the spotlight and not just for good reasons either, the anti Christian message in the books isn't so much a message calling for all people to denounce God or to hate all religious people at all in-fact I found them to be intelligent and raised allot of questions about religion, but enough of my own opinion on religion more about the books.

The second book The Subtle Knife brings in new characters to join Lyra and to help her on her quest into alternate dimensions, now for me this is really where this trilogy took off, the whole dark matter part to the story hits a part of my love for science and got me more hooked on them and the whole dimension hopping bit isn't as confusing as I thought it may have been. Aslo one thing that struck me was the flow from the first book to the other was so seamless that if you had all three in one massive volume all strung together with no breaks it would seem like one giant book and compared to other books that try similar things these are done with a finesse that is beyond anything I've read to-date.

The third book The Amber Spyglass sees the culmination of the first two books come to a very sad ending, all the controversial hoohar with the first book is eclipsed in this book, the gay angels and the death of god at the hands of a child been only part of the anti religious theme. but again this never detracts from what is a great book full of wonder and ups and downs. Now as far as endings go I was (without spoiling it) disappointed. If you are looking for well written battle scenes or fantastical set pieces you may be a little upset because even tho it has its moments, like the first two books it never strays from is purpose and thats to get you to the end and ease you to it without actually drawing much blood from its characters or reader.

Don't be reluctant to read these if you are religious because you could be denying yourself a good read, I would say that go into the books with an open mind and you will be rewarded a good time. Good children's books but also great adult books too.

I give His Dark Materials Trilogy

I will right a review of the Susan Cooper books as soon as I've finished them.

Now over to you guys have any of you read anything good in recent times and also would like to share the details with us, I would like to know.

Good Reading.
Well, a while back, I read The Dark is Rising by Susan Cooper. It tells the story of 11-year old Will Stanton (he turns such) and how he is told that he is the last of the Old Ones, a group dedicated to defending the world against the Dark, the evil force that conspires to overthrow and conquer the Earth. For this, he is immersed into a quest to find six magic signs to assist the Old Ones the final war between the Dark and the Light, the group of Old Ones.

My memory is fogged, so that is all I remember.

My brother read Over Sea, Under Stone, though.