Screen blanks in middle of race

  • Thread starter redrick
United States
From time to time lately in the middle of a race my screen will go blank and the sound will go off. This started about a week ago & the blackout only lasted a second or so, but last night it lasted more than 10 seconds and the race had apparently continued while I had no view of what was happening. I checked my HDMI connection and it seems alright.

I only happens during races, never during my home or other screens (which are on more than actual racing, actually, as I leave it on when working on my computer, as it is right now. So it would seem to be a GT5 problem rather than a Playstation problem?

This happened to anybody else? Any ideas?


Just bough a brand new slim PS3 after my 6 year old Fat boy YLOD'd and the same day I installed the new box I had the same thing happen to me right in the middle of a race. It has since happened again but not 10 seconds, maybe 3-4 secs and I have no idea what's the cause :(

Haven't noticed it on any other games so it may be a GT5 issue.
Just bough a brand new slim PS3 after my 6 year old Fat boy YLOD'd and the same day I installed the new box I had the same thing happen to me right in the middle of a race. It has since happened again but not 10 seconds, maybe 3-4 secs and I have no idea what's the cause :(

Haven't noticed it on any other games so it may be a GT5 issue.

I've had a thought myself that I'm trying. I noticed that you can set the thing for automatic updates and the default time to check is 12am-2am. I can't remember if that's when the problem occurred but I do race during that period so I changed it to 6am=8am (never up then). I had to turn auto-updates off then back on to be offered a choice of times, so you might check that under settings it's not set to update during a time you're using the machine. It's 2:09 am where I am right now & I've not had the problem tonight, but too early to tell if that was really it.

I've had a thought myself that I'm trying. I noticed that you can set the thing for automatic updates and the default time to check is 12am-2am. I can't remember if that's when the problem occurred but I do race during that period so I changed it to 6am=8am (never up then). I had to turn auto-updates off then back on to be offered a choice of times, so you might check that under settings it's not set to update during a time you're using the machine. It's 2:09 am where I am right now & I've not had the problem tonight, but too early to tell if that was really it.


Might be worth a shot but I know for sure that it was nothing to do with updates on my PS3 as I don't have a plus account so they don't apply.
From time to time lately in the middle of a race my screen will go blank and the sound will go off. This started about a week ago & the blackout only lasted a second or so, but last night it lasted more than 10 seconds and the race had apparently continued while I had no view of what was happening. I checked my HDMI connection and it seems alright.

I only happens during races, never during my home or other screens (which are on more than actual racing, actually, as I leave it on when working on my computer, as it is right now. So it would seem to be a GT5 problem rather than a Playstation problem?

This happened to anybody else? Any ideas?


I am facing the exact same problem with my PS3 with Samsung 55" LED when playing GT5. Hoping for solution too.
me too. always at the worst possible time. Drives me crazy. If it is happening across the board, then I would say its a disk problem.