Searched and found nothing about my freezing problem

  • Thread starter sicbeing
My game worked fine, until one day gt3 stopped loading period along with many of my other games (gt3 was one of the only ones that worked without disc read errors)

When it stopped working, i performed laser eye surgery on the ps2, i opened it up, air-cleaned most of the hardware, and then took a lightly alchohol dabbed swab at the lens, adjusted the turn crank alighnment, and tried it again.

So far every game now works fine, except GT3... gt3 wont get passed the "sony entertainment" screen, it just blacks out...

anyone have this problem or have a remedy?
My PS2 was like that with other games other than GT3. The PS2 was hoovered out and the lazer eye was cleaned but there was no difference.

Instead I bought a new PS2, but I think you can get the lazer replaced somewhere. It's cheaper than buying a new PS2. :D
well i talked to SCEA and they said that theyll fix it for 80-some odd dollars, but since i opened it and tore the waranty off, they -may- not fix it and just charge me for a diagnosics. (sp?)... so i might just end up buying a new one -.-, cuz im not gona risk them just sending it back with big red letters on it "S.O.L."

Damn Sony! (and their great fun awsome games! *thumbs up*)
You're very right on the diag and ship fees...$40 + 20 ship? Buy a new slim PS2 and Ebay your old one...or do what you want with did say that only GT3 doesn't work right? Did you try another copy of GT3? Seems like a lame resolution but worth a try before forking over some moolah... :boggled: Hope that helps...
Right, so my origional copy of gt3 doesnt work, my friends gt3 doesnt work, and now ALL my games dont work!!!! not even a disk read error, just right after the broswer closes and it looks like its loading, itll just black screen, wtf?
sometimes one unlucky american resident gets the terrible, horrid, defective play station 2 and now nothing on it works. Im sorry to say but thats just how electronics work these days, everyone else gets the nice things while you get the average and what does it do? it breaks! I say ebay the old one and buy the slim(which i did after my psone quit) or just give up and keep trying to fix it. try emailing or calling places that fix electronics if they do the lazer surgery and i hope this gets all cleared up. one can never go for very long without his trusted GT3 copy running!

~best of luck *cheers*