- 3,495
- Bristol, UK
- oink83
Seasonal Event Video Database
I have decided to create one super-thread that includes a video for every seasonal event that is running since I started making them (started since the last Pickup Truck race, August 2012). Not only that, but I have archived the discussion threads that was created at the time of each event, and linked it alongside its corresponding video, so should you want further info and see what other people are saying about the event, or somewhere to go to get more help, it's easy for you to find the correct place. Consider this a database to refer to, should you ever want tips for tracks, suggested cars, tunes that I make occasionally or anything else Seasonal event based!
Each fortnight that there is a new event set, I will add it to the thread. I'm also going to include the current Seasonal Time trial, which I also make videos for. These will be updated each fortnight (when a new TT comes out, the old video will be replaced by the new one). I'll post to the thread for updates, so either subscribe to the thread, or to my channel on Youtube to stay up to date should that take your fancy
If anyone has feedback on how I could make this thread better, do say. Hope it's ok making a few posts.
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