Seasonal Events TT Club

Seasonal Events
*Time Attack Club*

Hi fellow GTP members, my real name is Ben and I have been an avid racing fan both in real life and on most simulators available on consoles since back in the late 90's. I like to set goals and work hard to achieve them and when it comes to racing on GT5 it's no different. I have spent thousands of dollars to improve my gaming experiences and get plenty of enjoyment in return.

Recently I have been spending lots of time learning the ins and outs of tuning in GT5 which has me running the time trials in seasonal events to see where I am in regards to some of the fastest people in the world. I know GTPlanet has very talented people in all aspects of GT and i'm hoping to start a club dedicated to tuning and running the TT's each week/fortnight/month of the seasonal events(or whenever they are updated). I have impressed myself achieving such a good result and would like to pass on my success to others here in the GTP community.

I have many ideas for this club and will be determined to make it a fun and exciting experience for new and old racers with shared knowledge of building, tuning and racing techniques along with driver tuition from helpful racers to help you get the most from your car.

The future looks promising for GT5 and hopefully we can get organised and show the world that really is the place to be for fast fun racing.

There are a few things that I am looking for including:

Drivers with racing experience/knowledge willing to help tutor.
Photographers(can never have enough of these but someone able to get those super smooth pics would be nice).
Layout assistant to help make things look nice in here would be a great help too.

Anyone willing to help can and will be rewarded for their time and effort no matter how small. 👍👍

And of course...You!

Anyone is welcome to be a part of this club if interested, I expect members and/or guests to treat each other with respect and get to enjoy the thrill of pushing themselves to their limits while meeting new people to race, tune and have hours of fun with. Add GTP_Kazama leave a reply here if you would like to get involved and help build something beneficial to the future of GTPlanet and Gran Turismo online racing. Thanks for reading!
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