Seasonal Races Still Not Up To Snuff

United States
I'm sure someone has vented about this before, so my apologies for the duplication. I'm only writing this in case PD wants some feedback on their product.

We all waited so many months for GT6 Seasonal Races which we finally got in June, but they aren't nearly as good as the Seasonal Races from GT5. With GT5, every other week we had a new event with 5 expert level races. Granted, not all of the events races were truly expert level as some were pretty easy, but some were bordering on impossible. Now we get 3 races every two weeks; a beginner, intermediate, and expert. Every time I've finished the beginner & intermediate on the first attempt, and usually do the same on the expert level (and I'm not even in the top 50% of most racers here). Why have anything other than expert level Seasonal Races? There are no other expert level non-seasonal races but there are plenty of beginner and intermediate level races in GT6.

Then to top it off, when new Seasonal Races are released, those from two weeks before are deleted. With GT5, the Seasonal Races accumulated and remained available for up to a year, so you could at least go back and replay the tougher races for some variety. OR, you could replay those races with a lower PP limit to earn more credits.

When I bought GT5 and my wheel in the Fall of 2013, I played almost every day for at least 3-4 hours and was thoroughly entertained. This has not been even close to my experience with GT6. I now play every other Thursday for roughly an hour, and maybe half of that is actual driving time. The rest is spent choosing and tuning the 3 cars I end up using for the 3 new races. I know I should join a league but when most people race I'm already in bed.

In any event, I really don't understand how PD thinks that they've improved our favorite game with the changes they've made. I can only guess that they are putting their focus on creating a new GT7 game for the PS4 owners. One thing I know for sure is they aren't doing anything to improve GT6.

Thanks for letting me vent and hope everyone had a great summer!

Maybe they want to give beginners a chance to win events fairly easily? And maybe for more experienced guys to win events with smaller cars? I dunno... :boggled:
If you havent already try making it through the whole game without tuning any cars, and run with no aids and abs also off. The challenge will be a bit stiff then.