Seat options

  • Thread starter J-PaP
Hi all,

Well it has been a month and I am growing dissatisfied with my order for a hyperstimulator as I keep getting told next week only to find out that the seller had something else to do so couldn't process my order. I have since undertaken some research and found 2 alternatives. Just wondering what most would choose/recommend.

1 - EDS1 seat.

Locally made. I don't like the seat but I can purchase this as a frame and use my own seat on it.

Factoring that in and adding the adjustable pedal option the total cost to me would be $460 AUD

2 - Playseat evolution

Only just came across this by accident and I believe I've heard of good things about them. My only concern is if having the steering mount will interrupt heel toeing. Seller is interstate so total cost with G25 shifter option to me would be $741 AUD

So I guess factoring in each seat design and price which would be the better choice?

I have the PlaySeats Evo chair.. I pay 250 when it was on sale, USD. And shifter extantion was about 30 or 35 bucks.

741 Australian dollars = 622.8846 U.S. dollars
Are you over paying? Or that's how the prices are in Australia?
In the US, it should be 250 USD to 300 USD

But anyways. The Evo chair is considered one of the cheapest cockpits you can buy for console gaming, as well PC .. It's pretty good and solid design. For HEAL and TOE, the bar does not bother me, You can set it up in almost every way imaginable. I used it for G25, all I had to buy is the Shifter Extention, now I use it with Clubsport and RS wheel + shifters..
Seat is pretty comfy, but sometimes after few hours my butt may hurt.. but you can always change your own seat or cushion it a bit..

The first setup looks good, (EDS1) .. Looks like seat is more configurable, but looks like its too low to the ground.. it will be a problem.. seems pedals are FLAT.. as well the steering wheel column can't go up or tilt? But looks solid other then that.

Based on Price here in the USA, the PlaySeats is cheapest one of all, and best buy. For me after few hours seat may get uncomfy, but small cushion or folded blanket will help.

Well watch this review from SRT.

Also the pic shows you what ways you can adjust, as well the little steering plate tilts as well
My comments from another thread:

I'm sure many GTPers own a Playseat Evo.

I've only had mine for a couple of months. I was a bit sceptical about getting it - I owned a G25 for 2 years & used a very sturdy table set-up which seemed quite adequate to me. However, I really like the Playseat rig, now that I have it. It is easy to assemble, sturdy, comfortable (I do use an extra, small bolster for the small of my back), integrates perfectly with the G25 (with optional gear-shift holder) & looks very compact & sporty (to my eye some of the other commercial cockpits look a bit clunky in comparison). It definitely makes the driving more immersive.

I really have no complaints at all: I had thought the center support might be awkward, but you are able to offset the G25 pedals a little which gives an perfect driving position. There is a little bit of movement in the main support under strong FFB, but it is not disturbing & I think it actually gives a sense of the car "vibrating".

I recommend it.
Bunch of writing

Unfortunately that is how much the Playseat is here. Only one place imports it and I presume that much of the cost is getting it to Australia from its country of origin. $90 AUD of the cost is me getting it from interstate to my home.

Don't forget the PS3 is a good $100-150 AUD more expensive here as well than the US. Downfalls of living on an island from the other side of the world I guess.

The pedals don't actually mount flat in the EDS1. I accounted for the adjustable pedal mount option which allows me to mount the pedals at an angle. The wheel however is not adjustable. The seat (even when using a different seat as I am (I would be using a fixed back bucket seat instead. The seat offered with the kit is ok but I would rather a fabric seat over vinyl)) is adjustable forward and back. The bucket seat I would use is also height adjustable which may help with not having any adjust-ability for the wheel.

Biggles - I believe I have read you play FC? Is there much wobble when playing FC? Also does the Playseat creak at all? My old cockpit used to creak making it a pain to use while other people are sleeping.