Sebastien Loeb on Gran Turismo 5 (French Interview)

  • Thread starter Masi_23
United States
Thousand Oaks

Sorry if its been posted before, but can anyone translate it to English?
Thanks in advance.
So he talks good about the physics in gt?

Saw a video of him doing some laps on le mans (GT4) and you can clearly see it helps with RL racing experience. He beat KY in a time attack. Wonder if he have ever bin online in cool wouldnt it be to beat loeb :lol: I doubt he is online though.
he says that its realist, the feeling is close to the real deal, GT5P's graphics has made a great evolution from GT4. He first played GT5 in a plane before the le mans race. He drived the pescarolo on le mans circuit (Lasarthe I think).
he says that its realist, the feeling is close to the real deal, GT5P's graphics has made a great evolution from GT4. He first played GT5 in a plane before the le mans race. He drived the pescarolo on le mans circuit (Lasarthe I think).

Don't you mean GT4 in that last sentence?
It wasnt GT4 either, more a special work in progress version of GT5 (similar to what weve seen @Le Mans) as far as i know.
exactly (if nothing is lost in translation...i'm french)

He says
"it's a realistic game"
"feeling is near reality"
"you can have hand on a car you know very fast" i mean way to drive the car (i'm not sure of translation)
"graphic are very nice"

and then he talks about gt4 when he had to learn fast circuit of le mans in france before qualifying (in the plane after a wrc rally).
"it's usefull to learn corners but i had to adjust speed from play to reality"

Inteview of Nicolas Minassian (peugeot 908 driver) about forza 3 is more convincing!!

video is in french i don't know if it was translated somewhere.