Selection of LiveriesPS4 

  • Thread starter PletdeKoe
is it possible to select which livery you get? It seems random and I would like to choose the available liveries. In single player mind you.

Anyone knows? I'm playing on Ps4
is it possible to select which livery you get? It seems random and I would like to choose the available liveries. In single player mind you.

Anyone knows? I'm playing on Ps4

In quick race when you get to the car selection page you can quick choose choose the make/model of your car, if you want to choose a specific livery for it you should press the key for garage (green triangle I think).

(Or you can choose your car before going into race by going in the garage first (R1).)

Once in the garage you can select a specific car livery setup. There is a nice video here:

Hope this helps.