- 956
- doriPop
DISCLAIMER: Proofreading this, it seems like a cry for help, or a potential suicide in the making. Please don't misinterperet it as this. I just have many questions I need answered. I'm not asking that every one of them find resolution in a simple thread on the net, but I am looking to see if I am the only one who feels like this.
To me, I am the center of my existence. The most important thing in my world is myself. Now, I don't mean this in a self-centered, narcissistic way. What I mean is that what happens to me has the most direct effect on my life. If I break an arm, I am limited to what I can do. If I get arrested, I'm stuck in jail and cannot continue my life until I am released.
If I die...
You get the idea.
The same goes for anybody. But when you try to look objectively - through the eyes of another - it's only then that it hits you. "To this person, I am NOT the most important thing in their existance. If I died, they'd live on...but what would happen to me?"
At least that's what happens to me. Think about where you stand in life. Are you happy? Are you sad? Are you content? Now ask yourself if it really matters. You're alive, aren't you? Just why aren't you happy? Isn't there something you could do to relieve that sadness? Why haven't you done it? Is your arm broken? Are you in jail? You surely aren't dead...
Or is it that sometimes you want to be?
On the subject of death, when another passes - not just any other, a significant other - do you feel horrible? Like you can't imagine life without them? This counteracts my first statement, because as you live, you attach yourself to things, to people. They become a part of you. When they die, you can feel that part die. You want to join them. You don't want them to go, at least not without you.
You cry. You hurt yourself. You scream. You cuss. You break something. You never truly heal.
You can't heal what's dead.
Memories are all you have left - and in all these memories, you were with this person. You remember the times that made you happy. The times you were sad, and they made you happy. The times you were just together. No matter how you look at it, no matter how many times you try to remember vividly - they aren't coming back. There will be no new memories. All you can do is preserve the ones you have.
You keep them with you. You put them at the back of your mind. They resurface when you truly need them.
Falling down into yourself, you lose track of reality. Sadness overwhelms you. Coffee loses it's flavor. The drive to work is silent. You can't validate your own being. Life will never be fun again - they're gone. What's the point? You block that question out. You fear what you might do if you read too deep.
Every person has the ability to end life - it's the will to continue that you'll have to find at these times.
So you pray. Or you don't. Maybe you find a hobby. Maybe you drive your car off a cliff. No matter what you do, you make a decision that will have a direct affect on your being. Where will your life go now?
The connection between people is a funny thing. Two people may be connected so closely, that if one passes on, the other will follow out of grief and sorrow - whearas another two total strangers could die on opposite sides of the street to eachother's guns, and anyone else could just skim their eyes over the obituary column and catch a name, not thinking a thing but, "People die every day..."
What I can't understand is why that connection is so...disconnected.
I don't care about purpose to my being. I don't want to know how the universe came to be. I just want to understand what it is that makes myself, me...
I've spent a lot of time searching for answers, one such quest leading here. Don't ask me why this matters so much to me, or why I think so deeply on questions that may not really matter. Duke and Pako can vouch for me - I worry a little too much about who I am. Not who I protray myself as to the world, but who I am to myself. Who I am to the one who really matters - me.
Please tell me I'm not some crazy nutjob who needs to seek help - I know I can't be the only one who thinks about this sort of thing. I'll accept science, philosophy, religion, anything as information that may help me find the answers I'm looking for. Your opinions, your feedback, your remarks about how crazy I am - please, let me hear them.
To me, I am the center of my existence. The most important thing in my world is myself. Now, I don't mean this in a self-centered, narcissistic way. What I mean is that what happens to me has the most direct effect on my life. If I break an arm, I am limited to what I can do. If I get arrested, I'm stuck in jail and cannot continue my life until I am released.
If I die...
You get the idea.
The same goes for anybody. But when you try to look objectively - through the eyes of another - it's only then that it hits you. "To this person, I am NOT the most important thing in their existance. If I died, they'd live on...but what would happen to me?"
At least that's what happens to me. Think about where you stand in life. Are you happy? Are you sad? Are you content? Now ask yourself if it really matters. You're alive, aren't you? Just why aren't you happy? Isn't there something you could do to relieve that sadness? Why haven't you done it? Is your arm broken? Are you in jail? You surely aren't dead...
Or is it that sometimes you want to be?
On the subject of death, when another passes - not just any other, a significant other - do you feel horrible? Like you can't imagine life without them? This counteracts my first statement, because as you live, you attach yourself to things, to people. They become a part of you. When they die, you can feel that part die. You want to join them. You don't want them to go, at least not without you.
You cry. You hurt yourself. You scream. You cuss. You break something. You never truly heal.
You can't heal what's dead.
Memories are all you have left - and in all these memories, you were with this person. You remember the times that made you happy. The times you were sad, and they made you happy. The times you were just together. No matter how you look at it, no matter how many times you try to remember vividly - they aren't coming back. There will be no new memories. All you can do is preserve the ones you have.
You keep them with you. You put them at the back of your mind. They resurface when you truly need them.
Falling down into yourself, you lose track of reality. Sadness overwhelms you. Coffee loses it's flavor. The drive to work is silent. You can't validate your own being. Life will never be fun again - they're gone. What's the point? You block that question out. You fear what you might do if you read too deep.
Every person has the ability to end life - it's the will to continue that you'll have to find at these times.
So you pray. Or you don't. Maybe you find a hobby. Maybe you drive your car off a cliff. No matter what you do, you make a decision that will have a direct affect on your being. Where will your life go now?
The connection between people is a funny thing. Two people may be connected so closely, that if one passes on, the other will follow out of grief and sorrow - whearas another two total strangers could die on opposite sides of the street to eachother's guns, and anyone else could just skim their eyes over the obituary column and catch a name, not thinking a thing but, "People die every day..."
What I can't understand is why that connection is so...disconnected.
I don't care about purpose to my being. I don't want to know how the universe came to be. I just want to understand what it is that makes myself, me...
I've spent a lot of time searching for answers, one such quest leading here. Don't ask me why this matters so much to me, or why I think so deeply on questions that may not really matter. Duke and Pako can vouch for me - I worry a little too much about who I am. Not who I protray myself as to the world, but who I am to myself. Who I am to the one who really matters - me.
Please tell me I'm not some crazy nutjob who needs to seek help - I know I can't be the only one who thinks about this sort of thing. I'll accept science, philosophy, religion, anything as information that may help me find the answers I'm looking for. Your opinions, your feedback, your remarks about how crazy I am - please, let me hear them.