setting transsmiton

  • Thread starter cls500

iam need setting transsmiton the gear topspeed

viper srt 09, zo6,zr1,enzo and ford gt


thanks but need consider for gear
Well, I see English isn't your first language. It's the same for me.
But honestly, if you keep writing like this, you would get trouble with the mods. Don't understand me wrong, it just would be the best for you.

I'm not sure what you want.........a transmission setting for max. top speed?
Well, I see English isn't your first language.

I'm not aware of any language that so void of punctuation. As far as I know, all Romance, Germanic, and Nordic languages that use Latin script have adopted mixed case.

Turn the dial to the right that has Top Speed next to it.

I recommend this. Though, an easy trick is to do this to find the top speed for the track. Just a click or two beyond red-line. Pay attention to the ratio for the highest gear. Then bump the top speed down a bit and move the highest gear back to the ratio noted before. This closes up the gears and gives a taller final gear.

Simple. Not the best, but easy enough.
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