settings for any car you want to go fast!

You go settings for the Lancia Stratos? I'd really like to see how you set it up...
just in general, I'm not going to use them, I'd just like to see how you set it up...
man, I'm sorry, I had to do it, you can only get the Stratos with a Sharkport or Gameshark...sorry if you get pissed...
wow, that's cool...although the HP is atleast 100 above the hp after you add all of the parts...
What I'm saying is that whoever made that setup added at least 100HP to the amount on the car....
welllllllllll most of them are road setup one drift setup and one setup for complex string the complex string is useful for the 150,000 cr challenge reply back!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd be interested in seeing your settings for the SLK 230 at Test course, Trial Mtn. II, and Rome Circuit II. I have it set with Full racing suspension, Sport Brakes, Racing Muffler, port polish, Chip, Full racing Tranny, Medium Slicks, Lightweight 1&2.

You said post a link to them. Does that mean that they aren't yours?

Please don't PM them too me, post them here.

So you're passing these settings off as your own? Even though you know full and well, that someone else did all the research and testing.

Please don't let me think you are Plagiarizing. There have been other such incidents on this board that didn't turn out so well.

Plagiarism at its best

Posting your work is great. Posting someone else's work and claiming it as your own is a quick way to get yourself run out of town.

GTS-R_MAN, you're smarter than this. If you're not, consider this a quick lesson. Learn from it ask a moderator to delete it and move on.

Looking to hear from you on the settings, if they're yours.

Originally posted by GTS-R_MAN
too bad fine i can have all the settings to mysellf i was trying to share the settings but guess not so now there mine
Ummmm, considering GT Vault is no secret, and that YOU already gave a link in post #6 of this topic, I'd say they are everybody's!
Agreed, there was nothing that said they were his.
The question was asked if anyone wanted some settings for their car to be better. Plus the site he linked should have made everyone aware that they werent his own. :D
Its all good and enjoy the game.
Just check out the link on the first page and see if there is a listing for the car and track. It should be relatively easy if its there.
Good luck.