share play, how do you get it to workPS4 

Hello guys just wanted to ask how you get share play to work, me and a friend both have ps4 pro consoles, both have ps+, so i start share play, choose play with the visitor...I have wreckfest he dosn`t, when the game starts i get to the invite friends bit, i do that, and all he can do is view me playing, and can take control and play the game from his house, but it wont let us play two player, all he gets at his end after i invite him is the option to view me playing, or to go to ps store and buy the game...

Can anybody help, we tried for about 2 hours and wont let us play together...the 1 hour timer starts etc...I watched a couple of videos and did what they did, it just wont let us...I thought that was the idea???? or not?

Yes you both have to own the game to be able to play two player, the only exceptions I have found to this is where a game has a built in two player 'split screen' mode like Mega Drive Collection, Borderlands 3 etc.

If you don't own the game it will allow you to view the broadcast or play if the owner allows it but that is all.

From PlayStation site for info:

You can also invite your visitor to play a local multiplayer session over the Internet even if the game does not support online multiplayer.

What are Share Play’s Limitations?
  • The host and visitor have to be friends on PlayStation™Network.
  • The host and visitor have to be online.
  • The number of players who can use Share Play is 2.
  • Maximum length of one Share Play session is 60 minutes. When the session ends, you can restart Share Play immediately.
  • Only the host earns trophies.
  • Game saves will be saved only on the host’s PS4.
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