Shift 2 DFGT PS3 Settings

After searching various forums and testing loads of combinations I was just about to give up and shelve Shift2 when I thought I would boot up the original Shift and see what I had there, after a quick spin round the track and the smile returning to my face I wrote the settings down and tried them on Shift 2, there not perfect but they tightened it up a lot so its less like sailing a canal boat on the open ocean :dopey: , still doesn't handle as well as the original does ( same car and track ) but vastly improved for me.
I found lowering the FFB a touch made a big difference.


Steering DZ:_________0%

Steering SN:_________50%

Throttle DZ:_________0%

Throttle SN:_________50%

Brake DZ:___________0%

Brake SN:___________35%

Clutch DZ:___________0%

Clutch SN:___________50%

Speed SN:___________0%

Drift Speed SN:_______0%

Steering Lock:________360

Drift Steering Lock:____900
Yep, deafult setups are very soft which makes them react slowly.

Anyway, sensitivity at 50% and deadzone at 0% - isn`t it obvious?:)
I tried these and still a 0.5sec steering input delay.

Thanks anyway...

The delay vanished, more or less, after turning on steering assist. It sucks in terms of ego, I know, but it doesn't interfere at all and it's still a solution.
Disabled it for drifting. :) Then again, I can't drift with my wheel - not for my life. I have to use my DS3 in order to make it work. :(
My DFGT won't work with Shift 2 on PS3?!
Do I need a patch or something?

Shouldn't be a problem and don't need to do anything special. Ton of people using the DFGT on the PS3 - works great with S2U. S2U will switch between the DS3 or wheel automatically.
Note: It has to be assigned as the first controller - bet that is your problem. Look at your DS3 - what does the light indicate 1, 2 ... Must be two or higher when the wheel is connected.