Shift 2 or DiRT 3?

  • Thread starter Tom


Voice of Gran Turismo
United Kingdom
What do you think would be the best option? I know their completely different types of game but i've heard that Shift 2 isn't that great and I often find myself getting bored of racing games that are reptitive, so what does this have to keep you entertained or would it be a better investment to get DiRT 3?
If you like rally get Dirt3. I don't care for that so S2U for me is a no-contest winner. It has autolog, good AI, great track selection, nice cars, decent career and looks great on my PC. Definitely a lot of fun and should be even better after patches and mods.
If you're tight on money, just wait it out till Dirt 3. Personally, I'd say get both but the only thing you're seriously missing from this game would be customization, great damage, track list, and the cars. If you want to save yourself from the hassle and headache of trying to dial in multiple settings to fit your personal preference on the wheel and/or controller, wait for Dirt 3.
If they can see it in themselves to tighten the steering just a smidge, S2U will be my fav racer
If dirt 3 is like dirt 2 there really won't be that much rally. It's a little rally with a bunch of X games types thrown in.

I never managed to get around to getting a copy of DiRT2 so i've only played the demo and I really enjoyed that :)
I never managed to get around to getting a copy of DiRT2 so i've only played the demo and I really enjoyed that :)

I really liked it too, I just wish there was more rally. I didn't like the stadium truck racing and the other weird stuff. I really didn't like alot of the tracks either. I could do without driving through construction sites, and around an old factory.
I do love the high speed feel though of the rally tracks. I really wish they would just make 2 games, one for the X games crowd, and another for the rally fans.
If dirt 3 is like dirt 2 there really won't be that much rally. It's a little rally with a bunch of X games types thrown in.

Please dont assume Rally will be way up in dirt 3
SHift 2 is good buit dirt two looks wonderfull too i wold get shift 2 first save your money and get dirt 3 when you can afford it
dirt is perfect for kids and it's fun. It's in the same league as motorstorm e stuffs like that. Rally.. no. WRC by milestone is better.
If you look for a fun game go for dirt3.
dirt is perfect for kids and it's fun. It's in the same league as motorstorm e stuffs like that. Rally.. no. WRC by milestone is better.
If you look for a fun game go for dirt3.

I wouldn't quite put dirt in the same category as motorstorm.

I don't think you can use a wheel in motorstorm for a start. Also I don't think you can terminally damage your vehicle.
300 ft drops from a cliff edge on a motorbike and your still going strong.
im wondering about this two ..
its just i never understood if there is really lag in shift 2 [ console versions ] some say there is some say not ..
im wondering about this two ..
its just i never understood if there is really lag in shift 2 [ console versions ] some say there is some say not ..

I can feel and see it in the 360 version (can't comment on PS3), but have trouble seeing or feeling it in the PC version.
dirt is perfect for kids and it's fun. It's in the same league as motorstorm e stuffs like that. Rally.. no. WRC by milestone is better.
If you look for a fun game go for dirt3.

Dirt2 is way better than everything you listed (specially if you have a wheel) including Shift2, So you can wait for Dirt3 and you can get ready by getting/playing dirt2. Dirt2 should be dirt cheap by now :)..
Depends what you want, you dont find dirt stages and rally cars on Shift, and you dont find GT cars and race circuits in Dirt 3.