B Blackshirt1973 2 URASaltypirate Mar 30, 2011 #61 Hello everybody...new to the forum. psn: URASaltypirate
M masan10 2 masan10 Mar 30, 2011 #64 There were limited copies and i guess they haven't sold them all
reaperman 403 Reaper7411 Mar 30, 2011 #65 PSN ID / GTP Screen Name: Reaper7411 / Reaperman Region: USA
tyl0r_r 815 GTP_tyl0r_r Mar 30, 2011 #66 GTP_tyl0r_r It's a zero in my name, not an o. Let's get some autolog stuff going.
F freedomweasel 2,083 FreedomWeasel Mar 30, 2011 #67 freedomweasel I don't do much online racing at all, but having some people on the autolog to compete with would be great.
freedomweasel I don't do much online racing at all, but having some people on the autolog to compete with would be great.
N NismoNinja23 48 Maine PeacefulSamurai ........................... Mar 30, 2011 #72 PSN NismoNinja32 USA
DareDevyl 43 DareDevyl Mar 30, 2011 #73 Add me too - would love to find some GT-Shift players to race against. PSN - DareDevyl
URCwhiplash 3 Austin, TX AERO_Lithium URCwhiplash Mar 30, 2011 #74 Looking for clean racers PSN : AERO_Lithium / USA
L lowracin 81 Lowracin Mar 31, 2011 #77 Shift2 & GT5. Still want to get adjusted to shift2 before running online, should be good to go by the weekend. Psn: Lowracin
Shift2 & GT5. Still want to get adjusted to shift2 before running online, should be good to go by the weekend. Psn: Lowracin
Shigegaki I’m back!!! Premium 2,039 San Diego, Ca. LaughsUS Mar 31, 2011 #78 If someone wants to take control of this, please do. I returned my copy of Shift 2, that floatness of racing really bothers me.
If someone wants to take control of this, please do. I returned my copy of Shift 2, that floatness of racing really bothers me.
P pascalf1 24 pascalf1 Mar 31, 2011 #79 I don't race everyday, but when I do, I like clean races. I will probably like to play around with the autolog too. PSN : pascalf1
I don't race everyday, but when I do, I like clean races. I will probably like to play around with the autolog too. PSN : pascalf1