Shift2 on Win7 - often freezes for 5-15secs, then continues

Jena, Thuringia
Shift 2 often freezes in the middle of racing (qualification/time attack and full race; during full race more often) for 5 to 15secs, then continues. That wouldn't be that bad if not the game somehow manages to count the time it frooze to that time I actually drove, and so ruining my times. In general I have have good fps since my machine is quite new and fast.

I've got a Geforce GTX670 with an Intel i3770 (all cores + hyperthreading + hardware virtualisation turned on); OS Win7 with all Patches etc, 16Gbyte RAM, OS+Programs/Games on SSD Intel 520). Soundcard/Chip is part of motherboard (got annoyed of driver-bugs from discrete Soundcards).
Controller is Logitech G27

I already had this bug with an old GPU-driver (Geforce release 301.42; from 6-2012), even I updated to the newest WHQL-driver (Geforce release 327.23 WHQL) it appears as often as ever

Important: Shift 2 has the newest UnofficialCommunityPatch and Career Mod
also: Shift2 is the ONLY game where this happens (can't remember if Shift1 also had this bug (though it was installed on my old rig anyways))

according to Mainboard and BIOS/EFI:
Mainboard is running EFI in compatibility mode to a legacy BIOS. Windows7x64 SP1 wouldn't install no matter what when true/native EFI was activated despite it should (VistaX64 SP1 was 1st OS that supported true EFI). I installed the newest non-Beta EFI before I installed Windows in 6-2013 as well as I installed the newest Intel ChipsetDeviceSoftware (formally called Inf-Update). Normally when a OS is already installed I don't update drivers, let alone BIOS/EFI.
But anyways as Mainboard I have an Gigabyte Z77X-UD5H-WB with BIOS F14 installed Win7 in 6-2012 with EFI F8, updated EFI to F14 in 7-2013)
supposed bugfixes in EFIs:
F13 improved VGA-Compatibility F14 improved System Compatibility (maybe nowadays it will install in native EFI-Mode), F7 also was improved System compatibility (but EFI is already from 11.5.2012)
Default Summary of what I already tried + Computer-Components + Drivers

Detailed list of my computer-components (in 2nd half):

newest WHQL-GPU-Driver by Nvidia, newest non-Beta uEFI
remaining drivers (including chipset-drivers by intel) all from 6-2012
in uEFI all CPU-Cores + Hardware-Virtualisation + Hyperthreading enabled

Added DXdiag-Results as attachment (usually 1st or 2nd step troubleshooters asks for ;) )

Microsoft SecurityEssentials 4 (MSSE4)
buildin-Firewall (wf.msc)

unsuccesfull Troubleshooting-Steps:
-assigned Shift2.exe to one core
-reset ALL GPU-Driver-settings to default setting (use newest WHQL-driver)
-set ingame-details all to low (cars + track + shadow details)

successfull Troubleshooting-Steps:
-restarted whole PC (usually runs 24/7) - general Shift Performance went back to normal (60+FPS) though it still Freezes almost every lap during full/normal races against AI (on time-attacks much less often)
- thought Solved Problem, but not reproduceable) disable hardware-virtualisation (VT-x ("normal" one which I need) + VT-d (I/O-Virtualisation)) + completely disable Intel HD4000 (was full activated) in uEFI (couldn't find hyperthreading in uEFI) --> 1st time i drove a complete race without ANY Freezes (Spa in retro d Golf GTX; Spa previously made big problems (reduced FPS to diashow)
-in uEFI I set the HD4000 on auto with 512Mbyte G-RAM and enabled Intel VT-x (Intel V.-Tech) -> I still could drive a complete normal race against ai without any Freeze
-in uEFI i activated VT-D and still could do a normal race without any freeze (thought it was the culprit)
-in uEFI i set IGP HD4000 to automatic - still could do a normal race without any freeze
-checked RAM with memtest+ 5.01 and SSD with Intel SSD Toolbox - no
errors in both cases

Troubleshooting-Steps I will try: now I set the IGP HD4000 on active -> only thing left over which could be the culprit

Maybe this error is/was related to the following error I previously had (I/O-Load/Performance):
I can't activate CareerMod in JSGME

everytime I try to activate cmod I get after a few minutes an error-sound, and I must kill the jsgme-process cos it runs infinitely (I waited for hours). I tried to make as little as possible io-load and ended all processes/background programs but the essential ones

Besides that I also have an very fast SSD for my OS+Programs (Intel 520 240Gb)

I already tried a fresh install of Shift2 with the UCP v1.0.99f (before it was v1.0.99e) and cmod v1.1.7 Beta (before it was v1.1.6):

when I try to activate Career-Mod -> JSGME runs infinitely, often with (unreadable since error-window isn't rendered properly) error sound/message

Update (could activate cmod despite doing same thing):
I retried installing+activating cmod again doing the exact same thing (since I followed all instructions by the letter): this time it somehow managed to install properly. The warning was readable: it just was the warning that the cmod overwrites some files/directories which are/were owned by the community-patch with a yes/no-button to continue.


  • DxDiag (TheSeeker1982; from 8,10,2013).zip
    6 KB · Views: 11
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