

Genre: Third Person Action
Developer: Overworks
Publisher: SEGA
ESRB: Mature

This review is of a much anticipated revival of the arcade classic "Shinobi." But this time you take the boots of Hotsuma--not the revered Joe Musashi. So... is it worth the entry price to go back to the early-90's and get sucked up in Nostalgia or will you get sucked into linear level design and bottomless pits?

A very fast-paced hack-n-slash; responsive controls but they take some getting used to. Might take a few tries of the first level to get used to everything but once you got the hang of it-- it's smooth sailing.

The background music is very arcade-y and fits the mood. Yet, it can't get annoying. But the in-game sounds and voice-acting are very well done. You can even play the game in Japenese with English subtitles!

Replay Value:
Considering all the swcrets you can unlock and the characters you can play as, there is a bit of replay value. But this is more-or-less a game for when you want to beat the hell out of everything you see.

The graphics in this game are nothing outstanding but they aren't terrible either. Thecharacter models look good while the backgrounds could use some work. But considering the fast-paced mood of it all, the suit the game very well.

A good game for a rainy day. This should keep anyone entertained over the weekend if they want a good hack-n-slash.


Audio: 7/10
Gameplay: 8/10
Graphics: 6/10

Overall: 7/10

-Ian Geiger
Hmmm, 7 out of 10. That's lower than I expected, but good to know. Perhaps I should rent it and see what I think of it first hand.
It's a good game but it still has that arcade feel. (i,e: Bottomless pits, linear level design, hordes of generic enemies, etc.)

Not a bad game, just not the best you'll ever play. If you're an old-skool gamer like me, you'll wanna pick this up.
I've tried it. Kind of dull. Sword slash gets annoying after a bit. Needs more variety early on.
I agree with Talentless. Too much wandering around, not enough killing. It had none of the urgency of the original game or its 2D sequels. :\