Short-Range Communication Radio Help

  • Thread starter Joey D

Joey D

United States
Lakes of the North, MI
GTP Joey
I'm going down south with some friends at the end of June to drive the Dragon and other mountain roads and we need a way to communicate with one another. Last year we had walkie-talkies and they were awful despite being pretty good radios so we ended up using a series of headlight flashes to communicate between was a huge hassle. And no mobile phones didn't work due to the lack of a signal up in the mountains.

This year we want to be able to communicate with one another easier and are looking for some some of short range radios. CB's are probably out because none of us want massive whips on our cars, so I'm trying to find other options. The best I've come up with so far is MURS radios, but I'm not real familiar with those.

I'd be happy to hear if anyone has any suggestions and I really don't want to spend more than $100-$150 on whatever communication device I go with.