Should Butter come from a squeeze bottle?

  • Thread starter Der Alta

Der Alta

Official GTP Bouncer
Staff Emeritus
I figured that there needed to be a lighter discussion in here, but still with a bit of seriousness behind it.

So now, in all seriousness, should butter come from a squeeze bottle?

The thought behind this is that I recently picked up a bottle of said squeeze butter in the store. It tastes like butter, it looks like butter, but it doesn't act like butter. There are other things out there in the world that are similar. We've all seen them, we've all tried something similar.

How many of you have heard the urban legend that McDonald's cheese is really plastic formulated to taste and perform like cheese? How many have heard the rumor that KFC developed a chicken that had no head or brain, but was simply a stomach, a pair breasts, and it was stuck on a feeding tub? We've all known for years, that apples are sold with a coat of wax on them, so they stay shiny. How long has McDonald's sold "Thick Shakes" instead of "Milk Shakes"?

At what point does the food change from "food" to an amalgamation of humanly concocted chemicals that pass for it. Take a walk through your Local GNC or similar store. There are enough supplements in there, that you could theoretically survive with out eating anything grown naturally for the rest of your life.

Of course, someones going to come up with a line like "eating all that stuff will give you cancer". Hey, you can be a vegan, but if you live under a set of high tension lines, you're screwed anyways.

So the real question remains "Should butter come from a squeeze bottle?"

Butter from a squeeze bottle? :scared:
No self respecting human should ever use this product.

No real butter could ever come out of a squeeze bottle unless it was warm, so this must be some sort of margarine/ butter substitute.

As for GNC, bless their souls. I think that it's great that science has been able to extract the best things from certain foods and put them into a pill or powder form for you to ingest.
I drink a protien shake, usually at least twice daily. It's great. I get my required protien intake that contains all the essential BCAA (branch chain amino acids) without all the unnecessary carbs and fats that one doesn't need, in a easy to make and consume drink. Works well for me as I usually don't have enough time at work to sit down and eat a meal.

I do know that MacDonals has biologically engineered a chicken that has less cartiledge (sp?) and connective tissue than normal chickens. They did this to fit their technique of making McNuggets.

Butter should never come out of a squeeze bottle.
How do I come into a thread that is named "Should butter come out of a squeeze bottle" and end up sitting here scratching my head, hoping I can form an educated answer. Some how this question and a calculus word problem are connected I know it.

I can only think of one answer, but comes with conditions. If it tastes good to you, has no major effects on nature, and some how provides some nutritional value, I say god bless Science.

If technology is going to take us away from this planet, and nature as a provider is taken away from us, these things could be the begining of solving our cravings for food we used to harvest from mother earth.

Butter in Squeeze bottle? Sure, why the heck not!
certanly beer should not be in cans but it is. Butter must have some kind of additive in it to be squeezed out of a bottle..I like my curdled and churned solidified milk fat in a stick .
certanly beer should not be in cans but it is. Butter must have some kind of additive in it to be squeezed out of a bottle..I like my curdled and churned solidified milk fat in a stick .

I agree. :D (it's been a while, hasn't it? :P) Also a squeeze bottle seems rather inefficient. More plastic, more butter staying in the bottle near the end. The square packets of butter we have can just be opened and cut to exactly the size you want them for cooking, too. All in all, I don't see the point.
Its just pure lazy, bad for the enviroment and uses more fossil fuels- is it an american invention by any chance?

- sorry, just couldn't help turning it political :sly:
Actually, we use squeeze-bottle margarine as the shortening when we bake bread in the machine. It works the best because it does not spoil from a few hours on the counter during the day, and it is liquid so that it will mix in propoerly when the machine starts making the dough. And when we get home from work, voila! Fresh, warm bread waiting.

Other than that, we don't use it for anything else. In fact, I don't even use stick margarine for anything except certain types of cooking. Real, all-fat, squireted-out-of-a-cow butter tastes much better.
Ho would butte rin a squeeze bottlw work? It will go hard in the fridge and it wont squeeze out.
Awesome! That would be the best invention since frozen burgers or the revolutionary Cheez Whiz! (or the legal debate on the color of Margarine)


We'll never stop progress. I want a stir-o-matic bottle for ketchup, to avoid the water spill when you forget to shake the bottle first. :sly:
Lets get beer in a glass squeeze bottle..what an invention that would be waste ! Wonder if a glass squeeze bottle is even possible ? I guess a serrated laminated bottle would work..but it would have to be semi -ridgid. call famine,, let him figure it out instead of the game show crap..beers more important.
I don't think I've ever had margarine... and definitely not squeezy stuff.

A certain level of convenience is fine – I much prefer spraying some PAM than getting out the buttuh, and using canned whipped cream is a lot easier to make (and has a lot less fat) than the carton stuff. Some levels of convenience are rather silly though... I've never understood Cheez-Whiz for example (I like to actually bite into cheese, ya know?). Butter in a squeeze bottle would sound fine, but it probably looks like weak mustard, right?
Nestle released self heating coffee cans in Europe a few years back. There's this little tab you push and the chemicals in the outer casing of the can mix and instantly heat the coffee. Similarly, a few companies in China started selling tins with noodles and stuff in them and they have the chemical to self-heat as well.

Self-heating food is cool. I want some
I don't think I've ever had margarine... and definitely not squeezy stuff.

A certain level of convenience is fine – I much prefer spraying some PAM than getting out the buttuh, and using canned whipped cream is a lot easier to make (and has a lot less fat) than the carton stuff. Some levels of convenience are rather silly though... I've never understood Cheez-Whiz for example (I like to actually bite into cheese, ya know?). Butter in a squeeze bottle would sound fine, but it probably looks like weak mustard, right?
If you never had margarine before, then what do you use for preparing fried spaghetti? Butter scorches too much, and peanut oil leaves a bitter aftertaste.
fried spaggetti ? never tried that and I've had some SERIOUSE munchys..oh well learn something new every day.. :)
And you ain't lived till you had a cheese steak ...mmmmmmmmmmmmmm cheeeze wizzzzzzzzzzz.....
WHAT? WHAT? You've never heard of fried spaghetti? This is sad. I can't believe you guys have never heard of it! It has to be my most favorite food. Here's how you make it.

The next time you make spaghetti, do the following:

1. Mix the leftover sauce with the leftover noodles. Blend them well together, making sure you don't add too much sauce, if a lot is leftover. Adding too much sauce will cause it to pool up in the noodles, which will ruin fried spagetti.

2. Put it in a large bowl, and cover it up and put in the fridge at once. You need to build up condensation so the water can drip back down into the spaghetti. This helps the noodles to get big and fat, and helps the sauce incorporate into the noodles, which is needed.

3. Let it "age" in the fridge for at least 24 hours; 48 being best.

4. Preparation: Heat up a large frying pan. Add one stick of margarine, and margarine ONLY. Adjust if there is not a lot of spaghetti to be fried. Once the margarine is melted, add the spaghetti, which should be ice cold. Do not let it get to room temperature. With a large, flexiable spatula, slice off a layer of the spaghetti, and add it to the frying pan. Keep doing this util no more room is left in the pan. Allow the melted margarine to absorb into the bottom layer of the spaghetti, about two minutes time, and then flip it over like a pancake. Let it cook now for a few minutes, and then constantly flip the spaghetti over, and over, until it is well heated. It should take about ten minutes to heat the spaghetti. Towards the end of the heating process, add a little bit of romano cheese to the spaghetti.

5. Preparation notes: The spaghetti will steam like mad. This is what you want to happen. It also cracks, and pops, like mad too. This is the water in the noodle turning into steam. You are now carmelizing the spaghetti noodles like it was fried rice. It should take a similar color to fried rice too, but not exactly like it. You'll also notice the noodles are alot smaller, because you cooked most of the water out. You might, and really should, cut the spaghetti with the end of the spatula. Cutting it will make it easier to flip, and mix, the spaghetti during the heating process. It'll make it easier to eat, too.

I swear to God, this stuff is awesome! There really isn't anything like it! Enjoy!
Wow I guess I should have waited till you posted this..I put the gravy on it after I fried it in a frying pan and then put cheese on it..tasted like road kill..but FRESH road kill so its not too bad and anyway I still have half a case of beer left so its all good anyway.
Food does not cause acne. NO food does that.
Not condiments either.
Butter in a squeeze bottle? I've had my fair share of chemicals over time, and one that makes my insides liquidy doesn't sound attractive.
now, why would it be in a squeezable form? what benefits do you get from it being squeezable?
to tell you the truth, and after a lot of thinking, i came up with two answers. the first one, it's a very god product for very, very, super, undeniabley busy people who don't have time to even scratch theire head.
the other answer, is no benefits what so ever.................
in the case of the busy people, it's possible but unfeasible.
have you ever heard of squeezable youghurt!!!!!!!!!!!
it's not about the practicality or being beneficial, if your looking for practicality go and buy yourself a tub of butter, cheaper and more convenient to find in the fridge. it's all about making money, creating new gimmicks that people would buy.

have you ever heard of eadible make up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
do a search on yahoo or google and tell me what do you come up with?

again it's about the money, and coming up in new ways to lure the consumer to buy it. i'm pretty sure who ever sees such product will be tempted in buying it, thus making you a sucker. cause you where fooled into buying it, while in reality you where better of buying real butter.
so there, i gotta go............ damn that milk.............lactose intollerrent :dopey:
Food does not cause acne. NO food does that.

That's not true. Only yesterday we had a guest over who will get acne from eating something with milksugar in it (lactose). I will get it from eating a lot of chocolate - unlike the person mentioned above I get very little, but still.

In puberty it is usually hormones that cause acne, but food stuffs can certainly play a role as the increased hormone levels may increase your sensitivity for certain food stuffs, and if you're sensitive to something that might even be the primary cause.

The combination of hormones and other sensitivities are a bit like allergic responses - some people get allergic reactions to certain types of food noticeably only when certain pollen are also in the air, for instance.
ok, stop talking about acne and food in the same paragraphs! :yuck: j/k

BACK ON TOPIC: NO it shouldn't be but it is. Cheese shouldn't come out of an airesol can, but it does (and thank goodness, it comes in handy when deployed overseas, and you don't have a fridge to keep real cheese in, besides, CheezWhiz on Chicken'Biscuts or BaconBiscuts is awesome!) Yeah, butter should come in sticks. Margarine should come in those big plastic tubs, so you can eat it like ice cream, yummy! I heard the McDonalds cheese rumor too. I heard KFC had the 3 or 4 legged chicken, that headless thing is just gross. And wouldn't that be cruelty to animals? At what point to do we allow companies to genetically engineer our food? *oh, wait, should be seperate topic*