Should I buy a Steering Wheel?

Hello all!

Well, Im sure there have been other threads like this, but what would a forum be without re-posts? Anyways, I've been playing my gt3 game a lot and realized how much I actually like playing. My birthday is comming up in March so i figured I would get Gt4. But should I get a wheel also? I dont mind playing with the controller but i would imagine the wheel would give you better steering. So does it? Does a wheel help your steering? Should I spend money on it? I could buy many other things, like for my real car. Besides the experience of the wheel, what else is good? Thanks in advance for the replies.
The wheel actually hinders your driving ability for the first few weeks - it does take quite a while before you feel 100% confident in your abilities with the wheel. when i first used the wheel i felt a lot of "is THAT all? what a waste of 300 bucks!" but then i moved back to the ds2 for a while and it just sucked big time. only buy it if you reckon youll be gaming lots. oh yeah, if you buy a wheel, you HAVE to build or at least buy a decent cockpit which is a further resource and time drain. but if you get your mileage out of it then thats ok. personally, i would do some stuff to the car because spending more time in front of the telly is a bit antisocial and i only realised this until quite recently when i wasted a solid 5 hours on a friday night. but i dont have a drivers licence yet anyway so no car, no other output for my hard-earned. the wheel is fun to use though. though i find im playing WRC Rally Evolved now much more than GT4, despite its less realistic force feedback and stuff. the WRC games are definitely 200% better with a wheel. GT4, maybe 50% in my humble opinion.

If i've been rambling, then just suffice to say that i dont regret getting the wheel and that it is fun to use. i just wanted to highlight the ramifications of getting one.

If you want, start cheap. I bought a Driving Force for $48 CDN and am enjoying it so far. A cheap folding TV tray and bean bag chair are serving as my "cockpit" right now and it's livable. I may upgrade to a DFP later down the road but only time will tell. It's going to need to get much cheaper for me to buy one (still $179 CDN).

Anyway, I have played the Gran Turismo series since #1 and always used the controller up until my purchase of the DF a little over a month ago. At first I sucked and contemplated taking the wheel back. Then I realized what was going on: the wheel made the game much more like real life and once I got used to the wheel, more immersive. I tried playing with the controller a couple nights back and just didn't find it as enjoyable. I'm still not quite as fast around some courses with the wheel, but wouldn't trade the more realistic feel for an extra 10th of a second anyday. I also know that I'll get better with the wheel with time.

As for a full blown cockpit I don't believe it's necessary, but I'm still toying around with that idea. I can get one built for free (except a seat) as my brother in law manages a steel fabrication shop. I just have to decide if I want to take up more space in the house with it.

So in closing if you have the money go and buy a wheel and give it a chance. I would say that the more you enjoy GT4, the more you will enjoy a wheel. If you're just a casual player, then it's probably not worth it.
Definitely worth it. Received a Driving Force as a gift 2 years ago and it took me about 1 day to beat my DS times with it, and I never looked back. The DF is "playable" with the included lap support, but it's much better hooked to something solid. Don't even think about using the DFP with a lap support, though.

As a bonus, both of them work for all PC sims, and even without buying one, you can have fun with Live for Speed, GTR, GT Legends or GPL demos.
^^^If you used the Lap Support on the DFP it'll probably rip your C**k off.
Anyway the Wheel adds realism to the Game as makes it more fun. And instead of sitting there using a controller, it realy take some effort and drains your energy.
I love my wheels! I can't even tell you the exact companies. One has a lap mount (something Cobra digitech) which I like the best and the other is compatible with X-box/Nintento cube/ and PS2. I have 2 because my in-laws bought me one to go with GT4 not knowing I had one already. I got the 1st one for 14.99 (the cobra) used in a used game store. The 2nd was 50$ US. 2 wheels make for arcade like action when friends come over. We had one family over that couldn't get enough, even the wife got my wife to play against her which is not easy I might add. They still come and play every time they visit.

As far as comparison's to the Duel Shock analog controller go, I think I may be better with the duel shock if I played it more, but I haven't because the Wheel and petals are just so much fun and feel realistic. It was difficult at first to get the hang of the wheel, but after just 30 minutes I was running fairly competitive times. I see that at racing, that a few of the best times were with a wheel. Obviously they have the potential to be competitive. I still play GT2 with the analog contoller as the wheel reacts very strangely to that game and is makes turning to touchy. Overall, it is really said well, by some of the above, that it would depend on how much you will play the game. The GT series is my favorite gaming series ever. That arcade feel is great and gives you an intensity:scared: that the Dual Shock can't. I find my self leaning into corners and whipping the wheel around. I probably need to strap my pedals down as every now and then I get so intense that I kick my pedals out of the way and then start scrambling for the pause button before I blow the race. :sly:
Wow thanks guys. So i guess im gonna hold out on the wheel for now unitl i get my hands on Gt4. So is the dfp worth it? Does it work for pc also? And if i do get a dfp do i have to mount it into a cockpit?
I just picked up a used Mad Catz MC2 at EB for 8 bucks last night. I was very dissapointed with the performance at first. But with a couple hours practice (GT3) I was getting decent times. I still have a hard time with tight tracks and I cannot come close to matching my times with the controller. But I believe with some more practice I'll get real better. The reason I am sticking with the wheel is because it is so much more fun than the controller.

I say get the wheel! 👍
Wow thanks guys. So i guess im gonna hold out on the wheel for now unitl i get my hands on Gt4. So is the dfp worth it? Does it work for pc also? And if i do get a dfp do i have to mount it into a cockpit?

I think it'll be worth it if you play driving games alot, it can be mounted to a desk , it doesnt have to be a cockpit, works for pc when you download the logitech wingman software 4.60, works great with pc driving sims
i actually suck when using the wheel, before i could driving the M3 with the tail hanging out so i can go through turns faster and also look more cool on the replay. i cant do that, the wheel requires very precise input to actually control the tail very good, and now im so disappointed with myself that i cant do my cool m3 driving anymore, i so sad :ouch: One thing the wheel did was lower my confidence. :indiff: