Having gone through this operation, over 5 years ago, plus, having the concil of my brother, and father (both of whom had the operation), I can offer a good amount of advice.
I'm going to move this into the Ask GTPlanet! forum, as it'd be better suited for in depth informational questions.
My operation was on a Thursday Afternoon. lasted 1/2 hour. I took Friday off from work, and recovered over the weekend. Monday I was back at work (Desk job) and moving. I wasn't back up to speed, and it standing up felt like I had weights suspended from the boys. By Wednesday I was moving fine, and Thursday (one week later) the machines were fully operational.
My brother and father both have metal clips. I had my 1/4" of each tube removed, and the 4 open ends cauterized. I have no scarring, or tissue issues.
The worst part, perhaps, of my operation, was the male doctor (during surgery) commenting on the nice shaving job I did. No man should ever compliment another man on how well shaved that area is, unless visiting that area for one distinct reason. The other joke he pulled, was giving me the batteries from the cauterizing tool. Telling me to give them to my wife, as she'll need them for about a week.
There was no change in any function, or characteristic in my abilities. My wife noticed no difference either.
My reasons for having the operation, were because I've never wanted children. I know that I don't have the patience for children, and accepted that. I'm glad that I have had the operation.
The cost, was $10. I only had to pay for the Co-pay off my insurance. The full cost of the operation, I believe was $700.
If you have questions, either ask here, or feel free via PM.