Should I sell my PS3 to get a gaming PC?

  • Thread starter Tom


Voice of Gran Turismo
United Kingdom
Hi all, I'm considering selling my Playstation 3 and buying the parts to upgrade my current PC. Here's the specs:

AMD Sempron Processor 3400 2.01GHz
1.00GB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT Graphics Card

I'm aware it's not great. I reckon that I can realistically get £170 for my 120GB Slim. Plus I'm selling my DFGT for £40 (to a teacher), which bumps the final budget up to £210. So what's the best bang for my buck? Could anyone tell me the best possible upgrades are that I can get for £210?

Many Thanks,

for 210 you can´t really get the best stuff.
I think you better can invest in one thing, like a graphics card, than spending it on multiple (less good) things.

I would also suggest to keep your PS3, and save up some money to upgrade your PC later:)
I did sell my ps3 and get into pc gaming, though mainly racing sims. Didn't regret a single bit for my move though it might be different in my case as I've already quite a decent computer at hand.
As bigbembem said you cannot upgrade your PC by selling a second hand PS3. From what I see your PC needs to be replaced and not upgraded, none of the components you have are even close to nowadays technology, I would say it is 7-8 years old.

A good gaming PC would cost you 1000+ euros and that is the entry gaming level. But it is worth it as the PC gaming has more potential than the console gaming if you are more of a hardcore gamer, otherwise just stick with your PS3 and enjoy GT5 :)
Keep the PS3, with that PC and the available upgrade budget, you'll probably will take step back on the PC. The PS3 will still give the best driving experience.
i can't really see any of that stuff being usefull anymore, you'd be better off sticking them on ebay and adding that to your budget.

i've recently built a very capable (bf3 high @ 60fps 1080p) gaming pc for just over £250 and you've already got a few parts which you could probably make use of.

i'd recomend an
i3 duel core or amd fx-4 quad core (both around £80 new, £50 used)
radeon 5770 £60 (i'm using 2 which only cost £45 each)
4gb of ram £11 for a single stick here
(leaves room for an upgrade on most mobo )
any hdd over 250gb shouldn't cost any more then £25
550 watt psu will be more then enough, £10 here
then just get the cheapest motherboard you can find (don't spend more then £50) and stick it all in your exsiting case and that should run everything and most things at nearly max settings.

that comes in at just under £200.

the only diffrence to mine are an i5 quad core cpu (only cost me £80) and i added a second 5770 to nearly double the graphics performance.

edit: theres no way you'll get £170 or your ps3 unless your bundlling a huge games collection with it. a brand new 320gb's are only £150 now. and the only reason i'd recomend getting a pc over console is for battlefield 3 or racing games, which won't be enjoyable with anything less then a dfgt. although most games will look a little better on pc i'd rather play them on console since the graphics improvements are usally pretty small and its a much easier and more relaxing experince. however if you've already got an xbox and don't care about ps3 exclusives then i'd say go for it but keep the dfgt.
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As bigbembem said you cannot upgrade your PC by selling a second hand PS3. From what I see your PC needs to be replaced and not upgraded, none of the components you have are even close to nowadays technology, I would say it is 7-8 years old.

A good gaming PC would cost you 1000+ euros and that is the entry gaming level. But it is worth it as the PC gaming has more potential than the console gaming if you are more of a hardcore gamer, otherwise just stick with your PS3 and enjoy GT5 :)

Not even close, it cost 700$ (about 400 euros) for a decent computer build.
If I were you I'd save up some money before you sell your PS3, because I don't think you'll be able to get anything that'll play anything the PS3 can't play for that money. I'd definitely recommend getting a PC, but I wouldn't spend so little on one simply because it'll likely be built from futureless components so when you want to upgrade you have to buy everything all over again, so it's a lot more expensive in the long run. For example, you may end up buying a PSU that just fits the requirements of a £200 system which probably wouldn't power a GTX 580 just by itself, let alone running a computer with a couple of drives and a more powerful CPU, and then you'll have to buy it again.

As for your current computer, I don't know what you hope to play with it but I'm sorry to say that it pretty much all needs upgrading to run anything recent. The thing about PC gaming is that the games are far cheaper but the hardware is a lot more expensive, so if you play a lot of different games the PC is the better option. If you only want to play one or two games, you'd be better off sticking with the PS3. As an example, I worked out a while ago that my 150ish game Steam library cost me the same as my PS3 did, but those same 150 games on PS3 (assuming you could buy them all at an average of £30 each) would cost me twice what my PC cost, so the PC was the cheaper option.

Something else you could look into is OnLive, if you have a decent internet connection, you basically stream PC games to any device (PC, Mac, iPad even) and you don't need good hardware at all.
Hi all, I'm considering selling my Playstation 3 and buying the parts to upgrade my current PC. Here's the specs:

AMD Sempron Processor 3400 2.01GHz
1.00GB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT Graphics Card

I'm aware it's not great. I reckon that I can realistically get £170 for my 120GB Slim. Plus I'm selling my DFGT for £40 (to a teacher), which bumps the final budget up to £210. So what's the best bang for my buck? Could anyone tell me the best possible upgrades are that I can get for £210?

Many Thanks,


If you could scrape together £1000 quid, maybe, £210 though? Nah, waste of time, you could hardly get a decent MC for that, let alone a processor, ram, hdd, ect ect, don't waste you're time man, keep the PS3.
Something else you could look into is OnLive, if you have a decent internet connection, you basically stream PC games to any device (PC, Mac, iPad even) and you don't need good hardware at all.

I hadnt heard of that one. sweet, i'll just use that on my ipad to play Project C.A.R.S. on ultra high detail and full shaders, cant loose! ;)
I hadnt heard of that one. sweet, i'll just use that on my ipad to play Project C.A.R.S. on ultra high detail and full shaders, cant loose! ;)

Actually that's not an option at all. Project C.A.R.S particularly will not be available on OnLive as its not a retail game (its not even in a beta stage of development) but looking at the OnLive library the only available racing games that you might actually want to play are Dirt 2 and 3.

I came across this though recently and it seems like a decent starting point. Its not to far off your 210 lb (don't know how to make the GBP sign as I'm in the US) budget, but I must say, your asking price for that PS3 seems very optimistic.
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Yes if you have a lot of room on it. You can get endless mods for rFactor 2, GTR3, and pC.A.R.S. Also, don't forget iRacing and Sim raceway.
Something else you could look into is OnLive, if you have a decent internet connection, you basically stream PC games to any device (PC, Mac, iPad even) and you don't need good hardware at all.

With onlive you can only play online with other people who are using onlive. I remember reading someone saying they had dirt 3 and there was literally noone online to play with.
Well, we didn't know what he wanted it for until he mentioned pCARS. I was going to get Arkham City for £1 on OnLive a while ago but I couldn't get my account to log in so I gave up and haven't tried since, my computer is fine so Steam is still my personal service of choice. People with computers not up to the task of DX11 and not enough money to build a new one would probably get a lot more out of OnLive than people like me... Being unable to play online games is better than being unable to play games full stop, after all!

Edit: also, to the OP, I suggest saving up roughly £500 or so. Get an i5 as close to 3GHz as possible, a suitable motherboard, a PSU which would power a DX11 graphics card and a cheap 512MB-1GB graphics card, 4GB RAM then the biggest hard drive you can afford (don't even begin to consider an SSD!). Don't sell your wheel (I really don't understand why you want to do that and then buy a PC for pCARS) and play rFactor, Simbin titles, Richard Burns Rally and GP Legends until pCARS is released properly, then swap the graphics card and hope your processor is good enough, really... 3GHz should be fine, though, but a 2500K unlocked 3.3GHz CPU would be perfect, some say it's all you'll need for this generation of gaming and it's very popular for gaming rigs but you do get the occasional person telling you you need an i7, but you don't. An i3 is too little, though, and you'd definitely need to upgrade it soon.

£500 is a rough estimate based on my PC costing £1,100 with an i5 2500K, GTX 580, 850W PSU and a 128GB SSD, so if you save a lot on the graphics card, don't buy an SSD at all, go for something below an i5 2500K and get a 650-700W PSU instead I imagine you can still get something pretty good for £500.

Edit again:
Also, don't forget iRacing and Sim raceway.

No, absolutely do forget all about iRacing, it's incredibly expensive; the monthly subscription is the cheap part because cars and circuits beyond the handful they give you are £10 each (I think) and you're limited to what they give you to choose from. rFactor is completely the opposite because everything is free and there are some truly excellent mods; Touring Car Legends, AE86 Club, DRM Revival, Enduracers, Z Cars, Historic Rally Cars and Group B Rallycross are just a few that add a huge amount of cars, many of which you won't have seen in anything on the PS3 or indeed real life, quite possibly. I had no idea DRM machines ever existed, they're basically what Group B circuit machines would've been if the F40 and 959 weren't the only two in existence.

I write a lot, I'll stop now.
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Actually that's not an option at all. Project C.A.R.S particularly will not be available on OnLive as its not a retail game (its not even in a beta stage of development) but looking at the OnLive library the only available racing games that you might actually want to play are Dirt 2 and 3.

Yeah i was just being sarcastic anyway
There are quite a few good games that are console only.
I think you will regret selling the PS3, not to mention that it's a fine blu-ray player. ;)
Oh yeah. You could just be spending $120-$150 making your PC able to play blu-rays since you need to get the drive and the software to play it.
You will not regret a PC buy, but don't sel your PS3.

Save the money and if you have it togehter by end summer you're in for some good stuff.
Prices have come down (look at the 580 now that kepler is on the way) and the great car games will be out (well maybe).

save around 600- 800£ and you should have something of real value.

Upgrading your now Pc is a money hole
I wouldn't sell your PS3, you would need to spend around a grand to get a current gaming PC. If you only spent a couple of hundred on what you have I don't even think it would equal the graphics quality of what you see on your PS3 so I don't think its worth it.
You're already to the point where you're not going to get a ton for your ps3. Might as well keep it. If it was still new And you could get 500 for it then I would say do it
To a teacher, as in a college professor? If you live on campus try to get into some work study, so it wont interfere with your scholars. Then just pocket everything you get until you have enough to get what you want.
One thing you should think about, is do you like to tinker with PCs? If you don't then PC gaming probably isn't for you. It seems like to play anygame online you have to have the latest mads, which can be a pain to get to work, or even figure out which ones this or that server need. PC games blow away console games in every way, except ease of use. With the PS3 you just put the game in, and your on your way. With PC games it could take hours to get the settings right to even be able to play at all. I downloaded ARMA 2 from steam the other day, and it took me 2 days just to get everything working, and i still can't figure out how to get in any online games, because of all the mods some servers need.

PC gaming isn't for your average, gamer, or even average hardcore gamer. It's way more of a hobby then just putting in a disk and racing someone or shooting someone. Alot of times it means hours of trouble shooting to get something to work, and sometimes never getting it to work at all.
I'm only mainly going to use it for rFactor 2 and possibly iRacing, but I doubt I'll have enough as you all said.
iRacing is where it's at for real. Being able to feel every bump in my tracks is what I require for a sim!

That being said Pc is way to go since consoles are falling way behind

Bevo has a point tho, iracing is plug and play but rfactor may need hardcore setting up
iRacing is where it's at for real. Being able to feel every bump in my tracks is what I require for a sim!

That being said Pc is way to go since consoles are falling way behind

Bevo has a point tho, iracing is plug and play but rfactor may need hardcore setting up
Iracing is one of the exceptions I have had with PC games so far. I have had 0 problems with it so far. Iracing and star craft 2 have worked perfect, with no problems with either one. Games I have downloaded from Steam though are another story. I think I'm done with steam, unless it's just a super good deal for 5$ or something.
There are quite a few good games that are console only.
I think you will regret selling the PS3, not to mention that it's a fine blu-ray player. ;)
Well yes, but one can't play everything. There's always some good stuff we are missing. Even PC has some AAA exclusives. We would need 4 lifes to play everthing that's worth playing. If you like Sim racing games, PC has a lot to offer, you can sobstitute GT quite easily, expecially considering next gen sims, like pCars, GTR3, Assetto Corsa, but you need a good pc for them. Instead, if you wanna play Wipeout HD, MGS series, Killzone, Uncharted, Resistance series.. than no, don't sell the PS3. There are some quality stuff in here IF you are interested to.