Should the whole world vote for who Becomes the US President?

  • Thread starter m7ammed
Saudi Arabia
Dammam, Saudi Arabia
I read this post

And it says "No matter what your opinion is on Bush, saying that you'd like to see him dead is just not a good thing. You try his job for a day. Leading the world isn't easy."

Do you think its fair if Bush "is leading the world" and otehr people around the world don't have a say about who leads them?

I think thats the problem today , is for the US trying to fix everything wrong with this world , and I don't think it can be done really, as you can see I live in Saudi Arabia , the middleast has been just up and down for years , and we really don't what Bush has planned for the region which scares me to death....
Interestingly enough, I had thoughts along the lines of the OP's when I originally read that sentence now in bold.
I read this post

And it says "No matter what your opinion is on Bush, saying that you'd like to see him dead is just not a good thing. You try his job for a day. Leading the world isn't easy."

Do you think its fair if Bush "is leading the world" and otehr people around the world don't have a say about who leads them?

I think thats the problem today , is for the US trying to fix everything wrong with this world , and I don't think it can be done really, as you can see I live in Saudi Arabia , the middleast has been just up and down for years , and we really don't what Bush has planned for the region which scares me to death....
Dude, it doesn't matter what we do, we get crap for it.

We either don't help out the world enough, or help too much.

"Damned if we do, damned if we don't."
If you get "the crap for it" whatever you do, why don't you stop helping the rest of the world then? Will be much cheaper, and no more US soldiers will have to die.
If you get "the crap for it" whatever you do, why don't you stop helping the rest of the world then? Will be much cheaper, and no more US soldiers will have to die.

That's just it. If we stop helping, people keep b*tching.
"Why don't you help the rest of the world?"
Because you think we do it too much.
"Why do you help so much?"
Because you think we don't do it enough.

Again, damned if we do, damned if we don't.
Ok, the world can vote for who our president long as we can vote for every single other president/prime minister/etc in every other country...only to be fair.

So just because the US is a big super power, the whole world should vote for who rules OUR country when THEY ARE NOT in our nation?

Not to hi-jack the thread...but what are your guys thoughts on a one world nation? One world president to rule the earth?
Ok, the world can vote for who our president long as we can vote for every single other president/prime minister/etc in every other country...only to be fair.

So just because the US is a big super power, the whole world should vote for who rules OUR country when THEY ARE NOT in our nation?

Not to hi-jack the thread...but what are your guys thoughts on a one world nation? One world president to rule the earth?

Bad. Many countries' leaders can barely please everyone.

Having 1 president over the world would cause a giant seperation. Those who support the president, and those who don't.
That's just it. If we stop helping, people keep b*tching.
"Why don't you help the rest of the world?"
Because you think we do it too much.
"Why do you help so much?"
Because you think we don't do it enough.

Again, damned if we do, damned if we don't.
People will keep b*tching anyway, but if you don't help, at least you are better off.

Anyway, I'll try to keep my mouth shut in here (unless I'm adressed directly), cause I don't think this thread will lead anywhere, apart from people insulting each other because of things that have been done to death before.

EDIT: on topic: I do understand our point, BMW318ciC, and I do understand that you're scared, but I'm afraid this discussion won't go anywhere.

the Interceptor
Foreign policy is only one part of the President's job, domestic policies and economic policies have a much greater influence in the day-to-day lives of most Americans. There is no way anyone but citizens should vote in these issues.
Not to hi-jack the thread...but what are your guys thoughts on a one world nation? One world president to rule the earth?
Terrible. Absolutely terrible. It's hard enough to lead one country, let alone 150+ of them. And if you have some idiot in power, the world is screwed.
No, Bush doesn't lead the world and I don't live in the United States, so why should I get a vote?

The whole Iraq situation didn't have a damn thing to do with WMD's or terrorism, just oil. It really wasn't any of his business but he wanted to get free oil for his limo convoy.
Not to hi-jack the thread...but what are your guys thoughts on a one world nation? One world president to rule the earth?

I cannot see this working at this point in time. There are too many political and economic systems that will interfere with decision-making. Nations will struggle for dominance no one will want to compromise.

However, our world is getting smaller, and we are not as separated as we were in the past. Acceptance of different cultures, traditions, and beliefs is improving, and race is becoming less of a barrier. People, businesses, and governments are becoming more connected and the idea of a "one world nation" is not entirely impossible.

In theory, it would eliminate many problems; but in reality, it will take many years (and many mistakes) to perfect the system. I doubt we will see a one world nation in our lifetime, but it's certainly possible.
The whole Iraq situation didn't have a damn thing to do with WMD's or terrorism, just oil. It really wasn't any of his business but he wanted to get free oil for his limo convoy.


Delirious Adria
Not to hi-jack the thread...but what are your guys thoughts on a one world nation? One world president to rule the earth?

Very bad. It would never work.

And to answer the first post - no. Only Americans should vote the president of the USA. Only the British voted for Tony Blair and he's GWB's homie.
Integra Type R
Only the British voted for Tony Blair

Hey, don't you go blaming us for that. Only a quarter of British people voted for Smiler.
The whole Iraq situation didn't have a damn thing to do with WMD's or terrorism, just oil. It really wasn't any of his business but he wanted to get free oil for his limo convoy.
Damn Skippy! Amen Brother!
that's why are gas prices are so much cheaper now!Thanks for clearing that up, Einstein 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬
this is why I hate people, right here. because they think with pea-sized things they call brains
Damn Skippy! Amen Brother!
that's why are gas prices are so much cheaper now!Thanks for clearing that up, Einstein 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬
this is why I hate people, right here. because they think with pea-sized things they call brains
:lol: Brilliant 👍

No, the whole world should not vote for the U.S. president. If you can't figure out why, you need to hit yourself in the head, and try figuring it out again. (However, if the whole world got a vote, maybe we could finally get Mickey Mouse or Haywood Jablome into office :)).
Heh, I didn't think that post would spawn an entire thread! Glad so see I (inadvertently) got some people thinking.

And of course, only residents of the United States should vote. What I meant by "leading the world" is that, as *McLaren* stated, the USA is expected to help out the rest of the world with their problems. Nobody is making us, it's just that we seem to feel as a nation that we need to meddle in the affairs of other countries. Sometimes it ends well, and other times, we start the Iraqi War.
The whole Iraq situation didn't have a damn thing to do with WMD's or terrorism, just oil. It really wasn't any of his business but he wanted to get free oil for his limo convoy.
Please. Learn a little about politics before you make a fool of yourself any further.
No, only Americans should have the right to vote for an American president.

Although the United States is a "superpower," I don't feel as though that means it has to rush to another countries aid in a time of crisis. It's for the most part expected of the country and I don't like that a bit.

On a side note, I don't understand our countries rebuilding practices. We'll go to war with another country, blow up things from bridges to buildings and even to radio towers, then we rebuild it all. What?
Please. Learn a little about politics before you make a fool of yourself any further.

Duke, but you are so totally wrong!

Of course we didn't go to war directly after the 9/11 attacks because of terrorism or the threat of a nuclear disaster on our soil, no. It was because we wanted some damn oil!
^ :rolleyes:

The American people should vote on who their representative in office should be. The rest of the world should have no say in who America elects as their president. Opinions from other nations can be appreciated, but that's it.
Duke, but you are so totally wrong!

Of course we didn't go to war directly after the 9/11 attacks because of terrorism or the threat of a nuclear disaster on our soil, no. It was because we wanted some damn oil!

I hate Americans who always say we went to war for oil. 98% of the time, these people have no idea about what actually happens.

Tell me, do you believe the media's opinions when they present them as facts?
I hate Americans who always say we went to war for oil. 98% of the time, these people have no idea about what actually happens.

Tell me, do you believe the media's opinions when they present them as facts?

I was being sarcastic. Please don't hurt me :D.
Not to hi-jack the thread...but what are your guys thoughts on a one world nation? One world president to rule the earth?
On one hand, it would make it much easier when Plutonians, pissed about having their planethood removed, come to Earth and say "Take me to your leader." On the other, that is entirely too much power for one person to wield.
I knew the answer would be know lol but it was just a thought :) , since US foreign policy means death or life for some people , it effects alot of people around the world .

I think the US just needs to know when to step in when they don't need to
...Well if we wanted to become an overly breaucratic Socialist nation with fewer civil liberties and other freedoms, we certainly could let the world vote in our elected officals.

But untill Washinton starts spinning in his grave over what has happened to this country, I can't see that happening any time soon. Quite frankly, it is our decision as to how we want our country ran, and unfortunately it is the two-party system that has devolved American politics into what it is today; a bitter dispute of ideas and moral beliefs that not only seperates America itself, but the world as well. The election in 2004 came down to what I'd like to call a "lesser of two-evils" campaign, and GWB was obviously the best choise there.

That said, what do we do? Well, first things first, Americans need to screw their heads on and go to thinking school. What is important to THEM? Not what the minister says, or what McDonals says, etc... But what they feel is important to THEM.

If we are going to "fix" the situation we are all in, the simple answer is that there isn't a solution to the problems. We have to deal with it, day-to-day, but also keep the future in mind as well. I'm crossing my fingers a moderate Republican like John McCain can get elected in '08 (don't want that Neo-Commie Clinton in office...) or maybe an Indipendent like Joe Liberman as well to run together. That way we are getting level-headed leaders that can think more with their heads than their wallets, and whatever the Liberals are thinking with.

"Balance" is the key to the future, much like it was in the '60s. Unfortunately, there is a very long path to "balance" that could be very nasty...
And it says "No matter what your opinion is on Bush, saying that you'd like to see him dead is just not a good thing. You try his job for a day. Leading the world isn't easy."
In a very indirect way, I guess you could say that he does kind of somewhat leads the world, maybe. But not enough for rest of the world to have a say in who the next President of U.S. should be.

I hate Americans who always say we went to war for oil. 98% of the time, these people have no idea about what actually happens.
And you think the rest of us actually know what really goes on? Politics and the media reporting them are so full of it, I doubt 98% :D of the population have any idea of what really goes on. If you are not in on it, you probably don't have a clear picture.

I was being sarcastic. Please don't hurt me :D.
I thought that was pretty clear.

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