Should we have a points system?

Should we have a points system?

  • Yes, thats a good idea

    Votes: 33 75.0%
  • No, thats just dumb.

    Votes: 7 15.9%
  • I dont really care, im not even sure why im voting.

    Votes: 4 9.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Points System

Photomode competition points.

Win = 10 pts
2nd = 6 pts
3rd = 4 pts
Poll = 1 pts

Advanced competition points.

Win = 10 pts
2nd = 6 pts
3rd = 4 pts
Poll = 1 pts

Rally competition points.

Win = 10 pts
2nd = 6 pts
3rd = 4 pts
Poll = 1 pt

Photoshop competition points.

Win = 10 pts
2nd = 6 pts
3rd = 4 pts
Poll = 1 pt

Manufacturers competition points.

Win = 10pts
2nd in final poll = 6 pts
2nd in manufacturer poll = 2 pts
Poll = 1 pt
That sounds like a good idea! We could even include the Drift photo competitions if you want, would bring more people from the drift forum to the photomode forum and visa versa.

Pm me if you want to talk about it further
Great idea, just a few nit picks, though.
So there would have to be an official tallyer, too. Also, would we include past weeks or just the new ones. And why would you get less points for a first place in the APMC than the PMC?
Great idea, just a few nit picks, though.
So there would have to be an official tallyer, too. Also, would we include past weeks or just the new ones. And why would you get less points for a first place in the APMC than the PMC?
Yeah, we would probably have to vote on an official tallyer. I think we should include past weeks, but it depends on what everyone thinks about it. More points for the PMC because its the main comp and the one that everyone wants to win. These are all just ideas i've come up with, being bored lately. They are'nt set in stone, so some things can be changed if they need to be. I just wanted see what people thought about the idea and go from there.
i think it's a good Idea, but I think the photoSHOP competitions should be the ones getting 12 pionts for 1st place, because that sort of thing requires a lot of skill to do. Especially when they think of something like showing the interior of the cars.
sounds like a bit of fun, are you going to tally up the past comps?

/volunteers treefingers to manage the leaderboard! :P :D

btw it might be easier and fairer to award the same points for all comps.
i think it's a good Idea, but I think the photoSHOP competitions should be the ones getting 12 pionts for 1st place, because that sort of thing requires a lot of skill to do. Especially when they think of something like showing the interior of the cars.

That's actually a very valid point!
Points or no points Im in, either way my shots dont usually do too well in the comps so now Ill have the score to show it :)
Hmmm, I like this TF. Im just trying to make a poll these days. Trying to snap that 13 straight losing streak in PMC and 2.0
It certainly would be a nice addition to the competition area, but who want's to go back through nearly a hundred competions to add up points. Perhaps each event hoster could do their own competitions and then combine them.
[empty space]
for a casual comp which some people already take too seriously ... no.
You wouldnt have to be a part of it if you didnt want to.
i think it's a good Idea, but I think the photoSHOP competitions should be the ones getting 12 pionts for 1st place, because that sort of thing requires a lot of skill to do. Especially when they think of something like showing the interior of the cars.
sounds like a bit of fun, are you going to tally up the past comps?
/volunteers treefingers to manage the leaderboard! :P :D
btw it might be easier and fairer to award the same points for all comps.
Ok, ive changed the points a little, there may still be some problems, but thats what the "post reply" button is for. :)
As for tallying up the past comps(thx for volunteering me brock:lol:.) i would probably need to get some help with that. If nothing else i'll just have everyone who wants to be part of it, send me a PM so i'll know who wants to be in. It might take a couple of weeks to get all the points for everyone from the beginning, but after that it should be fine. I'll just have to wait to see more responses, see how the poll ends up, and get the points system to where it is agreeable to everyone.
Perhaps you should run a points comp which runs for 5 weeks. The people who want to partake could PM you or something, and then each member keeps a tally of their points for that 5 week period and the member with the most pointsat the end of 5 weeks is declared the winner!
I give it a no, since that would take even more away of the fun these comps. I thought the main idea of these comps was to keep GT-players entertained with the photomode, but if you make it to be a real competition with points and stuff, it's not as much fun anymore cause people are desperately trying to win. So I think it's not good.
The problem with having it as a selective thing, where only people who want to take part do, is that there could be some negativity towards people who don't enter, who don't see points as a positive. Points will cause comparisons between people and even higher competitiveness.
as for points, i think it would be a great idea, a winner per week like normal, but also a winner at the end of the season. It would be like nascar or f1. But that brings me to my next point, there would have to be a set time period that was not too long nor too short so that if you missed a comp. you wouldn't blow your whole chance of even contending. Maybe 8-10 weeks. Anywho, awesome idea.
I like the points idea.
It would definetly help in motivating people.

I do have my own opinion about the points system for the normal PMC and the Advanced PMC. It's as follows:

1st Place: 10
2nd Place: 8
3rd Place: 6
Top 20: 4
Honorable Mentions: 2

Advanced PMC
1st Place: 13
2nd Place: 10
3rd Place: 8
Top 10: 6
Honorable Mentions: 3
Originally Posted by [empty space]

for a casual comp which some people already take too seriously ... no.
You wouldnt have to be a part of it if you didnt want to.

that's not really what i meant. maybe its calmed down and ive not noticed since ive not paid attention to the past 2-3 weeks of comps. but, isnt there usually at least one person whose feelings get hurt because they didnt make the top whatever? wouldnt points just encourage that further?
I think that the more people that enter a comp the more points it is worth. I have a few point ideas:

1) Give the winner the number of points equal to the number of people that enter the comp, with runners up getting reduced points etc..

2) Give the winner the number of points equal to the number of people that are in the poll for that competition.

3) Give all poll competitors a nukmber of points equal to the number of votes that they get, with maybe the winner getting 5 bonus points (or a bonus equal to the difference between 1st and 2nd place).

Just my ideas, for the record i like #3 myself.
I think a points system would be cool.👍 And like rovens just said, I think the number of votes you get should have something to do with your points. Or just have a leaderboard of total number of votes. That would'nt be too terribly hard to count up. But if you wanted to get into a whole points system, that would be cool with me, as long as I have nothing to do with counting up the points for past comps and going through and making a list of all of the past competitors. And if you do end up doing a points thing, I don't think HM's should get any points. If you are'nt in the show, you should'nt get credit for not being there.
I hate points. School and science already piss me off enough with their dispicable quantifications. And especially comps like these. They're already soooooo subjective. I mean... weither this "voting" really represents the quality (and theme relevance!!!) of shots is already very dubious. And now we're gonna put numbers on it?
I am against the kind of quantification that pretends to represent a quality. Quantification should stay within it's limits of being strictly utilitary/practical.

I think we're going beyond the simple fun the comps are really about now.
I think it would enhance the fun! I am competitive by nature, so the more, the merrier!👍
I've given this a bit of thought and would like to offer a few suggestions. However first I would also like to address the concerns of those not in favour of the points idea.

I have played other online games which have been ruined by stats, or rather, those who play for stats, so I understand why some may see it as an unnecessary distraction. It can often result in unsportsmanlike behaviour, such as to deny other players rewards rather than strive for your own. In the context of the polls here, at worst it could ammount to people being influenced as to who they vote for or include in a poll. Petty stuff, but it does happen, even if most of the time it is unintentional.

That said, I don't think it would cause any problems that don't already exist. There's enough voters for most of the comps most of the time that such anomalies are unliked to have an effect on the outcome. And needless to say, the leaderboard(s) would be in a thread of their own that everyone has the choice of opening or not.

As for how the points system would work and what it should deliver, here's a few ideas.

It would be strongly advisable to have regular seasons, rather than an ongoing list (although that could and probably should be run as well). This would give everyone a fresh start at the beginning of each season and a chance to beat the reigning champion.
the length of the seasons is debatable, at a minimum I would say three months, though six would probably be best. A full year is too long, although the season standings could be tallied to determine an annual champ.

I really think that to be fair all comps should have the same points on offer. The degree of difficulty really shouldn't have a bearing on reward, as each comp has its own challenges. Equal points will also make it fairer to determine the leader across all comps, with none giving a bias to anyone.

As for the actual points on offer, again this should be kept as simple as possible and not degenerate into a feelgood exercise where everyone needs a pat on the back. First second and thrid should get all the honours, with an acknowledment to those who made the Top 20.

1st - 10
2nd - 6
3rd - 4
poll - 1

That may seem harsh, but I think it's fair and over the course of the season it will add up. No points for HMs as simply they did not make the poll, and the HM is reward in itself.
1st - 10
2nd - 6
3rd - 4
poll - 1

Ahh, yes... I agree that this would be the best to use, if a points system was to commence. And it should vary depending on each competition (eg. higher points in the Advanced comp).

And as Charger said; Points will just enhance the fun and the competition. 👍
i think that the online database is an awesome idea, have the list of people who have entered, then they are in the database, and alongside the names, their current points, their points last season, their points last year, etc. Well it only takes manpower to get somethin like that goin.
Ok Brock, maybe that is a good idea. We might as well start the points from now, instead of going all the way back. I think three months is enough for a season, but maybe we should make the first one two months, so we can start a new one at the beginning of next year.

As for the points, it seems that people think that they should vary by competition. So i tried to create a system based on things like quality of photos(amount of photoshop used), difficulty of getting in the poll, and difficulty of winning the poll. I updated the main post again. Im sure there will be disagreements, but maybe we're getting closer to agreeing on a system. What do you guys think about this one?

EDIT: I would also like to mention that there would be a rank list for each competition,(not just an overall rank) so that everyone can see where they rank in their favorite comp.